Summer Conference Address

Beloved Lord Saithrhu

Shamballa: Long Island, NY, USA

July 7, 1968

Beloved Friends of the Light, it is my great privilege to welcome you to the Conference of the Spiritual Hierarchy on Long Island. We anticipate a tremendous release of Light, through your cooperation, for the blessing of yourselves and of all the evolutions on this Planet. 

You have a slight comprehension of the mighty expansion of Light required at this hour, but God Almighty, the Supreme Source of all and we, the Spiritual Hierarchy, know the process of purification necessary, since all of us are part of the One Consciousness of Perfection. The Great Cosmic Plan of Creation must express and the Earth is part of that glorious Perfection. 

The hour has arrived when the thought and feeling processes of mankind must shake off the fetters of human thinking and acknowledge and accept the Divine Pattern which is imminent; much nearer than you yet cognize! 

As a Member of the Karmic Board, I sincerely thank the other Members for the decision to come into the atmosphere of Earth at this time and speak directly to the Children of Light. Not just one or two of us has come, but the entire Council, in an endeavor to infiltrate pure consciousness with the feeling that above all else the Cosmic Plan of Creation must not be further hindered in its Expression through the free will disobedience of mankind. 

You, beloved ones, have done exceedingly well in your application of the Spiritual Law, and I most heartily commend you for your splendid cooperation. But, we, the Spiritual Supreme Court, so to speak, come to admonish you that the hour is close at hand, exceedingly so, when you must put aside all personal feelings in regard to your own service or that of your fellow-traveler and expend every effort to be God-in-Action and thus expand the Light for the salvation of this Planet! 

Now, please understand me: "I AM" here to specifically impress you to accept in your feelings that the Instruction which we have come to give, not just during the time we are conducting this Class but henceforth, if you are going to directly and obediently serve with us in this gigantic redemptive process for the Planet Earth. Naturally, because of the use of free will, we cannot be mandatory in our Edicts so far as your acceptance and cooperation is concerned. However, the action of the Spiritual Law will not be further impeded by the chelas under our direction, or mankind en masse. We have waited, and waited most patiently, for the cooperation of those evolving in this schoolroom of Earth, but we can no longer pander to the philandering of the human consciousness. Those tendencies of the human must be set aside by the use of the Sacred Fire. I refer importantly to the decided opinions which some chelas have in regard to their own personal service, and as to what the other fellow should be doing. 

We have played upon your consciousness the well worn record of "Let go and let God!" We have permitted the release of the more advanced Holy Trinity Picture which shows you the emerging Christ - yet some still contemplate that picturization and then almost immediately go about their daily affairs and choose to cloud over the Expression of Divinity dwelling within their beings through the misuse of God's Holy Energy, instead of accepting the fact that they are the Christ in Action, sending forth the harmony of their beings in thought, word and deed to make this a living, breathing Reality alive within them! 

Do, or do you not, wish to be God-in-Action? I put this question to you very bluntly but in this forthright manner I give you that simple statement of fact for your consideration. Nothing whatsoever is impeding that God Expression here and now except the willful human consciousness to which so many cling with great tenacity! 

Do you truly desire to follow our Directives and be the Christ inaction, or would you rather, in this crucial hour in the Earth's evolution, have your own human way and continue to block the expression of Divinity for which we have trained you through the years? 

Dear Father-Mother God, help me to infiltrate the consciousness of those here assembled with the Truth of which I speak, so that they will not be found wanting at the close of this Earth-span when they come to the hallowed Halls of Karma for further assignment on the other side of the veil! 

Beloved chelas, never take for granted that a Dispensation which we release is of a permanent nature! Through the intercession of the great Lord Michael, you have been told that you would not be required to again embody on the Earth after the close of this sojourn. 

This was given specifically to encourage you to accelerate your own vibratory action and shake off the encumbrances of the human way of doing things. But, if it is felt that this Dispensation is being taken for granted, then any chela who believes he or she can rest on their past accomplishment and not make concerted effort in the purification of his vehicles and those of all mankind, may experience what you term "a rude awakening"! 

Perchance you think that I belong to the fierce category attributed to some Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Let me assure you, once and for all, that there are times when it is necessary to impregnate the consciousness of mankind with simple facts of the Cosmic Law in a dynamic manner! 

Now, lest you think that "I AM" directing or aiming these statements just to you here assembled, I assure you that this is not the case, for that which "I AM" saying is going forth with a Power which will go into the consciousness of all mankind - whether chelas or not! 

Beloved ones, this is a plea for the redemption of the Earth and all her evolutions and the hour has arrived when we can no longer tolerate the whims of the human. Those who wish to walk side by side with us in this gigantic process of reclamation of the Earth must realize that they have been trained and should be ready to unhesitatingly set all else aside and qualify the energy flowing through them with God Perfection! Do you know what I have clothed these statements with? Pure Divine Love - the Love which we who have advanced a little on the Ladder of Evolution now can be accepted by you, our dedicated followers, in its’ true sense and thus stir you into action unto your Victory in the Ascension at the close of this embodiment! Please believe me, dear ones, I know the Truth of which I speak and the day will come when, in Pure Love, you will realize the Mercy of that Divine Virtue! 

Beloved Friends, as Manu of the Seventh Root Race, it is imperative that the climate of the Earth be changed into God Perfection! When I say "climate" I obviously do not refer to weather conditions, although the control of the elements is an important factor, but to the radiation emanating from the evolutions of this Planet. 

It is necessary that we have a decided change into a harmonious state in order that the Seventh Root Race may take up abode on this Earth. In this regard, I must commend those of you who do make Calls for those forerunners who are already here. Soon they will be coming to the age of awareness, not by human standards, but by the God Virtues which they embody in their Causal Bodies and which are destined to express upon this Planet. So it is expedient that the conditions surrounding them be purified. It is taking a tremendous amount of our energy to accomplish this from our side of the veil and since it is my responsibility to have them mature in the manner ordained, I humbly bow in gratitude for the assistance rendered by the other Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, as well as by the blessed chelas abiding upon the Earth who are lending their assistance and energy through their calls! 

You are aware that a considerable number of the Fourth and Fifth Root Races should be home by now and this can be expedited by further calls in this regard. However, I have a most important point to bring to your consciousness. There are certain lifestreams yet abiding on Earth who belong to these races who are remaining voluntarily and who can, by their very presence on the Planet render great service in this manner. Just make your calls, without your attention upon any individual or individuals and realize that the Supreme Source, and the Spiritual Hierarchy, acting under Divine Guidance, know the wisdom of our Actions. Please do not personalize the Energy flowing through you in regard to those who should or should not be, in your opinion, upon the Earth. Any chelas upon this Earth at this hour have a purpose to fulfill and when they shall return Home is governed according to the Wisdom of the Almighty! 

Well, I presume I have given you sufficient of what is expected of you, and in a lighter vein, it is my joy to tell you that all of us who serve on the Karmic Board are in residence at Shamballa during this Class, and we shall do our utmost to assist you in your progress upon the Path and to make this an enjoyable and spiritually profitable Class for all. 

"I AM" privileged to tell you that the Thought Form for this Class is an Open Book signifying the Cosmic Ledger upon which you and all life do write! 

When the decision was made as to who would be your host or hostess at the brunch, we as one, decided this honor should go to Beloved El Morya and his beautiful Lady Miriam, whose Hearts are so filled with Love for you in that you have continued their specific service through the avenue of The Bridge to Freedom! 

The Members of the Karmic Council are to be the guests at a repast given by Beloved Gautama, Sanat Kumara and Lord Divino today in the Sacred Focus of Light here at Shamballa! 

Now, be alert to the instruction and proddings which we give you and be happy, for it is joyous harmonious Energy which we can use to fulfill our Purpose and yours, and as it emanates from the Presence of God "I AM" will bless you in an expanded manner. 

Truly the Span of the Rainbow Bridge of God's Holy Light is getting broader and stronger and you, beloved ones, and others, have accomplished this through your dedication in Service to the Light, and we prod you, in love, to make that Bridge wider and stronger to carry the evolutions of this Planet safely into the Father's Kingdom. 

Good Morning!







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