The Way of Truth

Beloved Pallas Athena

March 24, 1968

"I AM" the Presence of Truth come into the atmosphere of Earth today to counsel each and every chela who reads my words to think more deeply upon the God Aspects of Truth and not be so easily affected by every whisper from the nefarious forces that would seek to veer you off course and place your feet upon the path of doubt and fear. 

Thus it has been through the ages, particularly at those times when the Planet and all her evolutions were preparing to take a Cosmic Initiation. 

Why think you that the mighty Lady Astraea, Goddess of Purity, and Beloved Lord Michael are engaging in the intensified activity of Purification to clear away the debris of the centuries and make room for the Flame of God Illumination and Wisdom to enter and become a part of the consciousness of the peoples of this earth? 

The Armageddon of the soul is not going to take place at some future time! The conflict is at hand - on your very doorstep! 

As we in Heaven’s Realms are lending our every effort to assisting the peoples of this Earth, the chelas who know of our existence and ability and desire to bring about a renaissance for this star are required to join their energies in service toward this accomplishment. 

This is the hour of dynamic action and I come not to scold but wearing a Mantle of Love Divine through which I shall endeavor to impregnate your consciousness with the Spirit of Truth. 

Please believe me when I say that contemplation and meditation are necessary aspects in the unfoldment of the soul, shaking off the fetters of human thinking and leaving the spirit free expression to expand the Divine Virtues on the Earth. However, over and over, we have counseled you to follow the way of balance. Having garnered momentum on various rays, it is requisite that you plunge into the Heart of God and having access to your own glorious Causal Bodies, dispense those gifts for the benefit of all mankind. If the chela just desires to meditate upon the accumulation of Good which is in his possession, the activity is similar to a miser in the world of form who hoards his possessions and limits their expression for the benefaction of others. Now to clarify that statement – oh yes, I can see into the auras of all, and I know the consciousness of the human who seeks to find a loop-hole here and there. So when I refer to the acquisitive activity of one who hoards his gifts, I do not in any way infer that there is not a radiation of good flowing forth from a God momentum. There has to be a constant pulsation of Good to keep any Gift or Virtue alive, but if that gift is in a vault, it is limited. 

Now, when the chela will go into his own treasure house, or vault, and freely send forth the blessings therefrom, he is consciously cooperating with the Spiritual Hierarchy in the specific project of the expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Please do not permit your consciousness to dwell upon the Good which you may have accumulated through a closed-fist attitude, but freely enter into the reservoir of God’s Bounty and release some of the Perfection for the benefaction of all the evolutions of this Star. I have made mention of Star for the reason that one thinks of a star as something which is a pulsating center of Light! God speeds the day when the earth shall express as Freedom's Star, the sweet Earth which our beloved Lord and King Saint Germain constantly nurtures in his glorious Consciousness! 

When a store in the outer world offers a commodity which is pleasing or necessary, it will prosper and become a magnet for more and more business. You, the chelas, can offer mankind the greatest of commodities, the Blessings of the Father-Mother God, and when you devote your energies to this end, you will find that the peoples of this Planet will more avidly seek Truth. And when you enter into the One Consciousness of the Supreme Source, you will realize that the benefactor does not place himself in the foreground, but expends God's Gifts as an exquisite expression of Pure Divine Love. You do not find the beloved Maha Chohan reminding you, with every breath you take, that it was channeled through his Being. 

Now, as the importance of the hour is dynamic Purification, I come to admonish you to engage in the removing of the causes and cores which are pulsating centers of a negative nature, and while they are being tremendously energized by the sinister force, the army of God's Children dedicated to the redemption of the Planet must go into action, balanced always by Love, Wisdom and Power. You are aware, to a degree, of the momentums in your Causal Body, those Gifts and Activities of Light for which you have an affinity or compatible feeling. Like the Commandant of a corps in a military mission, I, Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth, send forth the Edict that the chelas combine their energies in the imperative activity of clearing the Earth of the nefarious activities the sinister force which is at all times endeavoring to hold back the expression of the Light of God on this Earth. Decrees for this purpose have been placed at your disposal – use them – now! 

Beloved ones there are many lifestreams awakening to the Christ Presence within, and that is as it should be. I speak specifically of this development for here is a place where the sinister force waits with a pulsating activity of greed and fear. It seeks to befuddle the consciousness of those who momentarily let down their guard while engrossed in prolonged flights of fancy. 

Ah, could you see, and thank God most do not, the cunning with which this nefarious force dons a pseudo cloak endeavoring to emulate Divinity and seek entrance into the consciousness of the chela and delude him into believing that their directives are God-given. 

I implore you DO NOT begin your daily activities without first donning your Mantle of Light and Lord Michael's Protecting Armor. To this end, you will see, following this specific instruction, that there is an expanded version of the Mantle of Light which we most lovingly ask you to use, Protection is of vital importance in every chela's activities toward Spiritual unfoldment. 

There is another matter which I shall mention, for your consideration, and that is the subject of various avenues of Truth. God's garden has manifold blossoms through which one may seek ultimate victory in the Light, but we are not permitted by Cosmic Law to say that you must do thus or so. We merely present to your consciousness various activities of Truth and then through your own free will, it is your responsibility as to which Path you wish to tread. 

There are many varieties of flowers – some lifestreams have a decided preference for the rose, some for the lily, some the violet, and so on. Each has their own definite fragrance and your choice is guided by the momentum you have gained, BUT, listen attentively, you will remember that the beloved El Morya counseled the chelas of THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM, INC. to make their own free will decision as to which Avenue of Truth they wished to follow, and in so doing remain true to that vibration. This advice is just as essential now as it was then and always shall be! 

Before concluding I most lovingly and humbly remind you that God’s garden on Earth is not yet free of "weeds" so be ever on your guard that the brambles of the insidious forces do not entangle you and impede your progress on Path of Victorious Accomplishment in the Light. 

I, Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth, most emphatically send forth the Edicts. 

Truth SHALL prevail!

Thank you.






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