Rays of Spiritual Illumination

Beloved Ascended Master Jesus


"When an individual thinks, feels, writes, or speaks the words "I AM", he immediately receives the attention of Life within him as well as around him. Why? Because the words "I AM" is the signal to intelligent life to CREATE. I learned this lesson at the feet of a Beloved Guru in India. I saw life come to attention when those words were used - silently or audibly. I then saw life immediately OBEY the fiat or decree that followed the use of that creative statement. It was at the feet of that Guru that I learned the power within the Creative Words "I AM" and began to utilize them myself - enjoying the buoyant, uplifting feeling of the CONSTRUCTIVE USE of any statement preceded by the words "I AM". I sincerely believe that the ultimate success of my ministry was due to the constant and deeply felt use of the simple statement: "I AM the Resurrection and the Life of my Divine Plan physically manifest here and now!" Life will obey you! IT ALWAYS HAS! Every creation that lives in your world - constructive or otherwise, is the result of the obedience of life to your command somewhere upon life's way. Turn to the constructive, positive, conscious use of the resurrecting power of the Creative Words "I AM" and prove to yourself that intelligent life will obey you and manifest ACCORDING TO YOUR DECREE! There is no greater teacher than one's own experience!" 


"Many individuals all through the ages learned of the obedience of life to the words "I AM", and they purposefully followed these words with imperfect decrees which life proceeded to manifest. Then the masses, used to following some leader, also began  use the words "I AM" to manifest imperfection. Later, they forgot both their teachers and the power within these words; subsequently falling into a loose and uncontrolled use of the Creative Words "I AM". It is now the opportunity of the Spiritual Brotherhood to show mankind how to use the words "I AM" ­ always followed by a positive and constructive statement. The difficulty lies in the fact that man tends to make any statement of power a mere repetition of words without feeling and conscious thought. Thus most invocations, prayers, and attempts at resurrection and redemption, are not as efficacious as they might be because the student does not truly ponder the Truth that the words "I AM" cause life to OBEY instantly and become that which the speaker indicates he wishes to manifest. Let us now endeavor to use the Creative Words "I AM" only in a constructive manner; then witness the resurrecting power of Perfection which will flow through the life energy of the student body and all the evolutions using Earth as a planetary home.” 


"Mankind has used life rather promiscuously through the ages. Because life is obedient and intelligent, it has obeyed the directions of mankind’s thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Life has taken on the forms which mankind themselves created; and these forms are not always pleasurable to the outer self. When mankind realize that life, in itself, is immortal, obedient and intelligent, and that they, themselves, have the power to direct it into constructive channels, they will come to a point where self-mastery is possible. Truly it is said that 'he is worthy to command who has first learned to obey!' The Earth is a schoolroom where mankind has been endeavoring to learn how to mould life substance into beautiful forms, beautiful colors, and beautiful radiations, for their own blessings as well as their fellowman. However, man has 'fumbled' a great deal in this process of learning, and as the apprentice-carpenter leaves many shavings from the beautiful wood upon which he practices, so have mankind left many similar 'shavings' in the atmosphere of the Earth where their experiments have taken place. Many of these 'shavings' are not of constructive expression and are called 'human creations'. It is to clean up the 'shop' (the Earth) of these imperfect expressions of the use of life, that the earnest student is dedicated. Even as the worthy apprentice must sweep clean the shavings of his crude endeavors, so must the student who wishes to use life constructively engage in the task of cleaning up the discordant creations and clumsy efforts of his ages of experimentation with the use of life. For this purpose, the Violet Flame of Mercy and Forgiveness has been created, and its use given to a few among the sons and daughters of men. If they willingly use it, as the apprentice-carpenter uses his broom to clean his room, then they are ready to be given the instructions which lead to conscious direction and channeling of their life energy into forms of Beauty, Harmony and Perfection of expression. We are in this period now!" 



"When using the phrase - "I AM" the Resurrection and the Life, it should ALWAYS be followed by a constructive and positive statement because it is a tremendous power. Unascended beings have resurrected many unpleasant experiences from the past -memories of discordant contacts with other human beings - and so on. Therefore, it is wise to complete the statement in a manner similar to this: "I AM" the Resurrection and the Life of all the Glory and the Good which I knew with the Father even before this world was!" That sets into motion the resurrecting of those Divine Powers and the remembrance of Good which lie within the etheric body rather than giving life, body, substance and power to unpleasantness of any kind." 



If a person is thirsty and offers you a cup, your first desire is to fill that cup with some liquid which will satisfy that desire within the individual's vehicles. 

From the time that you fill the cup and return it to him, your responsibility ceases. Whether he drinks it or whether he spills it away, or to whatever use his body forces put that drink, is not your responsibility; nor does it, for the most part, require further attention, thought or feeling on your part, except for making the call for his enlightenment. 

In a similar manner, when an individual professes an interest in the Higher Laws and holds out the cup of his consciousness to the Hierarchy, he cannot be denied a release of substance to fill that cup - which usually comes from a Master or a Messenger of the Angelic Kingdom. The cup is filled with the particular need or requirement of the moment. 

When you hold your cup up to your Presence and to the Masters through a prayer, an invocation, a decree, or a heartfelt desire, it is immediately filled because the Law of Life is that a blessing asked for can never be denied. There is no human being, no matter what the accumulation around the outer self may be, whoever is, or was, or ever will be denied a blessing when the cup is held up for it and the invocation goes forth for such an outpouring. 

The size of the cup, and not the nature of the supplicant determines the gift, just as when rain falls, the sinner and the saint receive the same amount of substance in the cistern, but the nature of the individual will determine how much good the blessing will do. 

When the heart signifies to the Higher Self and to the Hierarchy that the individual is desirous of uniting his individual lifestream with the God Design (whatever it may be ) designated for the planet and the race, and when the cup of such an one is lifted up that it might be filled to quench the thirst of other wayfarers on the Path, that person is immediately placed upon the rolls of those who are to be graced by superhuman assistance from the Members of the Celestial Hierarchy Whose one purpose is to manifest the God Idea with regard to this planet and its people. 

The voluntary offering from the heart of a lifestream to a Spiritual CAUSE is a source of great joy and encouragement to the Brotherhood, because it is the voluntary co-operation of the members of the human race that the Brotherhood waits for in order to translate its God-Good into form. As has been said many times, they are not permitted to intrude upon the affairs of men except through the consciousness of individuals yet belonging to unascended mankind who, as a freewill offering, desire to be the BRIDGE through which their Design is translated into form.

So, dear children, hesitate not to hold up your cups. Accept the outpouring from above and ask that the nourishment released at your calls, both for yourself and others, may be utilized to the very highest possible degree by the respective lifestreams, and that their own Holy Christ Selves may protect the gifts and hold them for the hour when the blessing can most readily unfold the growing spiritual soul-center.