Rays of Spiritual Illumination


by Beloved Sanat Kumara

Beloved children, when the Presence of God does anything through you, you are expanding the Light of the World! When the Presence of God issues Decrees of Perfection through you, you are expanding the Light of the World! When you allow the human ego and intellect to accept the credit for whatever is accomplished (even silently within yourself), you are denying the Presence of God the courtesy of recognition as the ONLY POWER that can act! Then you are only adding to the shadows of personality. The man who cuts a cord of wood, acknowledging the Presence of God's Energy (Life) flowing through his arm as the power by which he works, expands that Power of the Presence of God within him - lighting his aura and lighting his world. The singer, who acknowledges God as singing through her, expands the Light of the World. The woman moving about in the daily household tasks, acknowledging that it is the Presence of God within her which enables her to make the beds, set the table, or cook the meals, is also filling her aura with and expanding the Light of the World. The Presence of God, when invoked and acknowledged, always fills the individual aura with Light! 

Now you, who wish to be the Light of the World, dedicate and consecrate your conscious mind and feeling to remembering that as you think, speak, and walk, the Presence of God within you is endeavoring to widen the borders of God's Kingdom. Then shall you be 'Light Bearers’ in fact! It is so simple a realization, and yet within it is your Freedom! 

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by Beloved Lady Master Meta 

Students on the Pathway of Life, sincerely seeking the Truth of Life, first understand that the Truth of Life is merely the harmonious expenditure of the energy of your lifestream in a manner that does not dishonor the Electronic Substance loaned to you by the Creator of all life. 

The Bridge to Freedom Activity endeavors to teach the Student that the misuse of the energy of his lifestream creates limitation and discord in his world. It shows him unmistakably that the harmonious control and expenditure of energy through his individual lifestream is the way of the Master. Mastery is what all lifestreams are seeking. SELF-MASTERY is the ONLY Mastery there is. 

No man, will advance beyond the threshold that leads to the Open Doorway of Truth until he acknowledges fully that no lifestream in the Universe - no set of circumstances - no appearances on the screen of maya - can possibly disturb the rhythmic expression of his own Divine Pattern unless he chooses to give the direction of his energy to that appearance. You are either the Master or CONTROLLING DIRECTING INTELLIGENCE of the energy of your lifestream or you are MASTERED by any expression that can change the quality of your energy into anger, condemnation, hatred, or depression. 

In the world of men where many lifestreams are 'rubbing shoulders' through karmic ties and the natural activities of daily living, man is prone to allow any passing force, spoken word or idiosyncrasy of another to completely change the pattern of his thought and feeling processes and destroy his Harmony and Peace. 

When man DETERMINES to BECOME the Ascended Presence, all this must give way, and he must become like the Sun and continue in his peaceful orbit - letting the waves of human emotion dash hither and thither as they will, not allowing them to touch his equanimity or disturb his tranquil heart.

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by Beloved Holy Æolus 

To treat a lifestream with a view to permanent unfoldment of his spiritual nature, we must change the CONSCIOUSNESS of that individual. 

Every thought and feeling the Student entertains, even for a fraction of a second, becomes part of his consciousness and will form the environment in which he must dwell. Therefore the Student must start to cleanse the consciousness of impurity and imperfection. 

Man's pure consciousness is polluted constantly by every appearance that he accepts and allows to enter his world consciously or unconsciously. These appearances, dwelling within him, form the CAUSE that reflects upon the screen of Life, and will continue to remain there until such an individual chooses to cleanse his inner world by the use of the Sacred Fire, and replace these tramp thoughts and feelings by consciously generated and carefully chosen constructive thought and feeling images which will, by the very Law of Life, manifest upon the screen of maya in the appearance world as Perfection. 

Whatever is most frightening to your inner nature attracts a host of malefic forms which present themselves to your inner vision with the firm conviction that your energy being thrown at them will give them almost immortal life. To root out fear and doubt is to render these creatures harmless, and thus stripped of the sustaining power of energy which keeps them alive, they will disintegrate into their native nothingness. 

On the other hand, the best idea in the Universe never became a manifestation until some unascended being took the energy of his own lifestream and voluntarily clothed that idea with the substance of the physical world - thus giving it form and outline.

One of the rules of the Great Spiritual Brotherhood is to never picturize an individual imperfectly. Every lifestream is endowed with the birthright of Perfection, and when any individual recognizes imperfection in any other lifestream in the Universe; he is dishonoring the Will of the Father who created man in his own Image and Likeness. Remember that when you recognize imperfection in any individual, you are dishonoring the Father himself who, having created man in his own Image and Likeness, always sees him as that Perfection. 

For any Student to energize thought-forms of imperfection is a SIN, and for any student to give these thought-forms the substance of his own lifestream is a responsibility which such a one must face before the Cosmic Law. The only activity that any conscious student of the Light should be engaged in is the creating of forms for the expression of Beauty and Perfection. 

The Student should constantly strive for the unfoldment of his intuitional faculties. When we can achieve the unfoldment of these to the point where the Student does co-operate with the Divine Plan, we have a more pliable vessel that can be used on a moment's notice when it is not always possible to contact the soul through the medium of the intellect. 

The mental and feeling worlds of mankind are one. An individual who aspires toward Spiritual Illumination and Freedom, must detach himself from the mass thoughts and emotions of the people by withdrawing the magnetic pull of the essence from the appearance world, and as those senses are focused upon the quality of the Spirit, the Spirit responds in drawing such a lifestream into a oneness with the Ascended Masters' Kingdom rather than the pull of the world without. Ask to be constantly enfolded in our luminous Presence; ask that the Flames of the Masters be placed upon your forehead; ask to be sealed against the intrusion of those externals which you shall, of necessity, pass through. 

It is not so much of an effort for the outer man to leap the chasm as it is for the outer man to LET GO the authority which he has claimed. Invoke the God Power to do that which seems impossible of accomplishment, and if you can LET GO enough, the God Power will do for you that which you can never accomplish by yourself. 

God can be addressed in simple terms, and will never fail to respond when given the opportunity to act. This opportunity comes when the personal self acknowledges that WITHOUT the Power of the God-Self, NOTHING can be done, and then if he addresses God as one would a good friend or Father, and CALL this God Power into action, he will PROVE that God IS an ever-present help at all times. 

Saint Germain has said: "Put God to work!" So every time your attention returns to a condition or a problem, INVITE GOD again and again to act! I would like you to get used to this activity in a small way such as in raising a window or closing a door. Put God to work! The momentum gained by such daily practice will manifest for you what would seen to be miracles to those who have not built up that momentum. 

PRACTICE THE PRESENCE! Practice the Presence in living; and then when you require the FULLNESS OF THE PRESENCE, you will find that 'practice has made perfect', and the Presence will answer your call in all its fullness!  


(Next month: Saint Germain talks about the next 2000 year Cycle: the Permanent Golden Age.)