A Messenger of God Meru

One of the Illustrious Messengers from this Retreat is our Beloved Lady Master Nada, who at the present time is also serving as Chohan of the Sixth Ray. We quote some important instruction which Beloved Nada has given us: 

"When a lifestream is awakening to the consciousness that he or she must lay aside the qualities that are offensive to life and that such a one must consciously become a harmonious expression of Gods Energy, there immediately ensues a sense of battle and struggle, self-abnegation and self-discipline that goes on through numerous embodiments and which expresses as the penances and self inflicted punishments that have been practiced in the churches and by the people of the East in the torture of their bodies and the denials of the flesh. 

I would like to express to you the Truth, which will enable the discerning individual to express his inherent Godliness in the natural manner which life intends. 

Separateness is not eternal and it is not Truth. The aspirant must not dignify nor recognize the personal self as an adversary to be overcome because in so doing he gives wrong recognition to a power which uses this shadow-self, and which then, by the very life of the aspirant released through this power lives to torture him. The constant struggle to maintain a separate identity rather than allowing the little self to flow gently into the One Universal whole is unnatural and is the cause of all stress, nervous tension and emotional distress and unrest."

Lady Nada





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