
South America and the Seventh Root Race

Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in me and the Full Power of the Sacred Fire vested in us, 

We call to our beloved Archangel Michael, beloved Lady Master Astraea and all your Angels of the Cosmic Circle and Swords of Blue Flame and the Legions of the Cosmic Blue Lightning of Cosmic Purity from the Great Central Sun! 

Beloved Archangel Zadkiel, Lady Holy Amethyst and all your Legions of the Order of Zadkiel! 

Beloved Elohim of Creation, great Builders of all constructive Form, mighty Devas, Devic Lords and Devic evolutions: 

We, the Chelas of our beloved Saint Germain and by the Authority of the Seventh Root Race Manu Lord Saithrhu and the Guardians of the Incoming Race, invoke your mighty Help and Assistance and Presence... 

Come! Come! Come! Create manifest, expand sustain and fulfill through us today, the Grant of the Cosmic Law to make South America a beautiful habitation and home for Lord Saithrhu’s Seventh Root Race children and their parents. 

We as ONE, grateful for opportunity, offer ourselves as a Grail, a Sacred Cup, through which to pour your almighty Energies and Love to speedily purify! Purify! Purify! And raise the vibratory action of the South American Continent, especially that stretch across the Equator designated by Lord Saithrhu 

By the Great Command "I AM"

By the Cosmic Lords" Command!

"I AM" that "I AM" within this call, supplying, sustaining and fulfilling it!


So Be It!     In God's Most Holy Name "I AM"!




God Meru, on Titicaca's shore,

Thy Retreat stands there to bless mankind.

'Tis the Focus of Illumination's Flame ­

Gift of God to soul and mind.

Blazing there in the golden Andes, sacred height;

Ever waiting for man to seek its Power,

And the Love of the Ones who now guard its Holy Light -

Holding balance in this Cosmic Hour. 

At thy side, thy Complement Divine -

Lovely Goddess of this Sacred Flame,

Ever stands; and through her purifying Power,

Raises all in the "I AM" Name.

Now our Love ever flows from every earnest heart

To enfold all who serve to set life free;

Knowing well of thy Service that forms a mighty part

Of the building of the world to be. 

Blessed Flame - Illumination's Power

To the minds of all who seek Thy Light,

Ever send Thy Love from Titicaca's shore

That each one may feel thy might

Penetrating the hearts of those who stand for Truth

In a world ever-changing day by day;

E'er endeavoring to be steadfast beacons to our youth -

Symbols of the Life - the Truth - the Way. 

MELODY : Original






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