The Feast of Pentecost

Beloved Holy Ĉolus

Shamballa: Long Island, NY, USA

June 2, 1968

Beloved Children of the right, on this day set aside to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, or Whitsuntide, I come into the atmosphere of Earth to enrich the souls of men with all the Love of my Heart. Can you, dear chelas, realize the expectancy there is in my Being that you will actually accept and experience the ecstasy of knowing that your own Christ Presence is the Directing Intelligence in your world and affairs? 

You will notice that I have come bringing the Cosmic Flame of Expectancy, which is an integral part of my Being, hoping that you will learn to understand the tremendous power which is within that mighty Flame. Many years ago I made the statement that Expectancy and Hope, Expectancy and Faith, and Expectancy and Victory are akin." 

Consider what the word "expectancy" represents - it means to be receptive to, to unfold, to open, or to release. Receptive to what? That is your freewill choice! If you desire good to manifest for you, or for another, you would not contemplate negative aspects, but some form of Good through which you and others could benefit. That Good will manifest to the degree that you EXPECT! 

One might say, that much good comes to man unexpectedly. However, if the Good had been expected, it would have been multiplied tenfold in the life experience of the receivers. 

For example, when an individual has some produce or merchandise that he wishes to dispose of, and in so doing receive a monetary recompense, if he does not expect a fair return, he will not receive it, for his attitude and his feelings will convey to the recipient that he does not expect much. 

Everyone, at some time or another, has experienced the wonderful upliftment that comes with an expectant feeling which contains within itself a conviction that good is about to manifest, which is the result of good having been set into motion and is riding in on the Flame of Expectancy. That mighty Flame is alive within you at all times, and is active to the degree that your consciousness entertains God-Good! I shall gloss over the entertainment of negative or adverse thoughts, for the chelas under the direction of the Spiritual Hierarchy should have long since realized that the practice of nourishing thoughts of an imperfect nature has no place in their consciousness, or in the consciousness of anyone who is spiritually alert. 

The quality of Expectancy, when wielded by an unascended being and directed toward his own "I AM" Presence, or one of the Masters of wisdom, is a DEMAND upon the Higher Source to fulfill the vision held within the consciousness of the expectant one. Do you realize that when you make a call to or a demand upon your own Individualized Presence or any of the Great Ones, you are actually enriching that One's Good, for such an One must expand his or her Light in order to release the Gift to the one who has made the demand. Should you make a demand upon a specific Being and that One does not have a momentum of that Quality, then he or she must enter deeper within his Being and draw from the ever-present Good of the Cosmos to supply the demand. Even the Supreme Source of All Life cannot deny the currents set into motion through the Flame of Expectancy when it is set into motion in the feeling world of an Ascended or unascended being. As you ask for a Gift of Good, you not only energize the Good of the Universe, but you cause the Being or Beings in the Realms of Light to add to the Good of all life, everywhere, through delving into the Reservoir which is the Cosmic Heart of the Almighty! 

Therefore, you will see that here is a mighty magnet by which your vision can EXPECT more than ordinary assistance from your own Christ Presence, or any of the Spiritual Hierarchy. 

Most assuredly you can grasp the importance of being a receptive channel for the Gifts of the Almighty, and the expansion of the Flame of Expectancy will do much to bring into your world the Good which you desire, be it monetary supply, perfect health, or some Divine Virtue which you know should be manifesting in greater proportions through your being. 

When the Father-Mother God sends Light and the Gifts of Good into the atmosphere of Earth for distribution, these Gifts are poured into the consciousness most open to receive them. 

Where the consciousness is closed against the expectancy of Good, the outpouring, even from the individual's own "I AM" Presence and the Great Ones, loses much of its vital force and power in attempting to secure an inroad through which to pour the Blessing. 

Before coming into your midst today, I sat in contemplation in my study and prayed to the Father-Mother God to guide me into the avenue which would be of greatest help to the beloved chelas on the Planet Earth, those dear lifestreams who are serving the Cause of Good to expand the borders of God's Kingdom on Earth, and delving into the glorious Fount of Truth, I realized that the chelas have not learned the importance of the Flame of Expectancy. Following this Holy Communion with my maker, I brought this short discourse on the value of cultivating and expanding the feeling of EXPECTANCY. Through the Grace of God, I have placed within your grasp a Key which can unlock the Treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven, and it is my humble and earnest prayer that you will accept the Gift which "I AM" privileged to bring. 

On this Holy Day when millions throughout the Planet are turning their attention to the Descent of the Holy Spirit into the hearts of the disciples, Beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan and my humble self are expanding the Flame of Comfort and Peace through the hearts of all upon the Earth. I say unto you, dear chelas, if you will EXPECT the Mystic Union of your consciousness with that of your own Christ Presence, so shall it be unto you! 

God, the mighty "I AM" Presence cometh! Will you open the doors of your heart and give him entrance and welcome, expecting that he shall abide within and serve through the Temple of your being to expand the borders of his Kingdom for all Eternity? 

And now, I extend to you the Chalice of Comfort filled to the brim with the Sacred Elixir of the Essence of Spirit that Holy Nectar which is the air in your lungs, the breath in your nostrils, and your very life for it is of God, the Giver of All-Good. 

Anointing you with Spiritual Grace, 

"I AM"                 

Ĉolus, Cosmic Holy Spirit.




Come, Holy Spirit, come;

Grant us Thy Peace.

Keep us in holiness;

Thy Light release.

May Angels e'er attend

Each thought and deed;

That by our Love all life

On Earth may be freed. 

Hear Holy Spirit, hear

Our prayers to Thee,

That all Earth's children now

Thy Light may see.

Ascension is the Goal

Of all mankind;

May all know that in seeking

So shall they find.








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