The Rocky Mountain Retreat

The magnificent natural cathedral, rising from the plains of the green fields of Wyoming, is the most ancient focus of the Ascended Masters upon the planet Earth. Here, ages ago, Lord Michael, the Archangel and the Lord Manu of the First Root Race led the first members of the human race from Inner Levels into their first embodiment upon this sweet Earth. 

Here, the Seven-fold Flame of the great Elohim formed the glorious Lotus of Living Fire, signifying to this Universe that the Earth was ready for physical habitation. Here, Beloved Virgo, Beloved Aries, Neptune and Amaryllis (Goddess of Spring) met the descending spirits of the First Root Race, offering the pristine purity of a Planet to them in the greatest hospitality and generosity of Service ever known. 

Here, kneeling reverently around their Manu and Lord Michael, the members of the First Root Race thanked Almighty God for their Hostess (Earth) and all her attendant Servants of Ministration! Here, in the etheric substance, still pulsates the Pathway of Light upon which the Lord Manu, Lord Michael, the Guardian Spirits and the Holy Innocents descended for the experience of their self-chosen expression upon the sweet Earth. From here, Masters, Angels and new-born men went North, East, South and West to carry the Light of God to the four corners of the Earth. 

Thus, the Rocky Mountain Retreat is (by its very nature) the Focus of Precipitation, expansion of the Light, and manifestation in the world of form. 

Today the Brotherhood of the Rocky Mountain Retreat hold as their reason for being the sustained consciousness of Precipitation of the Divine Pattern through every member of the human race who chooses to return (in consciousness) to their own individualized "I AM" Presence and ask: "why was I born; sustained through countless ages; nourished by God and elemental life and given opportunity to this day to live upon the surface of the Planet Earth?" 

Because this Retreat was established as the Open Door into Earth-experience, twice each year it opens its doors to those men, women and children who desire to become part of the redemption of the Earth which, through the ages, has lost much of its pristine purity, happiness, peace, perfection and opulence. 

Let all earnest chelas turn their attention consciously toward the Rocky Mountain Retreat as often as possible during the waking hours, as well as before they retire, with an earnest desire and sincere spiritual motive to help in the great Cosmic Service of redemption of misqualified life. This is an opportune time to make a Petition, in which you are willing to consciously and constantly engage your energies, to assist your fellow-man and the evolutions of this Earth. Remember, the Members of the Karmic Board are in attendance at these twice-yearly Meetings and are willing and eager to hear the Petitions and grant Dispensations when, in their Wisdom, they are noteworthy and of benefit to the Planet and her evolutions.






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