The Christian Dispensation

For those Beloved Friends who have recently joined THE BRIDGE ACTIVITY, we quote from an Address of Beloved Jesus regarding the Celebration of Christmas: 

"Greetings, friends of my Heart and friends of old! Many of you were with me when it was my great privilege to walk upon the surface of this Earth, setting the Example for the Christian Dispensation. 

Just what IS a Dispensation? It is that which is bestowed on or appointed to one from a Higher Power, specifically the Divine Administration of the affairs of the Earth, the particular Sphere in question. 

You have learned through years of study that there are Seven Rays which have been set into motion for the Earth Planet, each Ray active for e Two Thousand Year period, during which its special Radiation is dispensed to the Earth, who has now passed into the Seventh Cycle of the Age of Freedom, superseding the Christian Dispensation, which in turn superseded the Mosaic. 

As has been previously pointed out to you, in the scheme of evolution it is of prime importance that chelas aware of the changes taking place, according to Divine Edict, accept and put into practice the instructions which are graciously placed at their disposal. But it is of equal import that they do not tenaciously hold in their consciousness the radiation to which they have been accustomed through many years of embodiment upon this Sphere. 

You, dear chelas, would not be searching far and stretching your Spiritual Wings, if you were not sufficiently illumined to accept the Truth which is being presented to you. Why then do you cradle round, holding close to your bosoms, the ways of the Christian Dispensation? I asked specifically for the privilege of talking with you in the hope that I, whose very Heartbeat carried the Radiation of the Christian Dispensation, could loosen the concepts that the Christian Dispensation is the Ultimate! I say to you - LET GO, LET GO, LET GO and follow the Path of SPIRITUAL FREEDOM upon which you have set your blessed feet! If I, who was the Exemplar of the Christian Dispensation, have been able to qualify for the Office of World Teacher in the New Age of Freedom, the Seventh Cycle, why do you still tarry along in the well-worn and perhaps easier Path? 

Now consider the capacity of the Beloved Saint Germain during the Christian Dispensation, and my Beloved Mother, Mary! Most assuredly they played an, important part in that Era, without whose assistance my Mission could not have been completed. The Seventh Cycle, as you know, is under the Direction of our Great and Gracious King, the Ascended Master Saint Germain. If he, whose vehicles were steeped in the Essence of the Christian Dispensation, can dispense the Radiation of the Seventh Ray, why cannot YOU who were minor factors during that time, let go? 

Even the Orthodox Church, whose Leaders are convening at their Seat of Spiritual Government, are contemplating removing some of the Power they once attributed to Mother Mary. Why is this? Because of the Leaders are illumined to the point where they know that Mother Mary's Mission, so far as their Church is concerned, is receding, but what most of them do not know is that Beloved Mary is now serving in a greatly accelerated capacity in the New Age, in co­operation specifically with the Angelic Kingdom and the New Age Children! Beloved Mary let go of her ties to the Christian Dispensation! Why don't you? 

The reason for this, in the main, is that there is too much lethargy in one or more of your lower vehicles. You are too comfortable in the Radiation which you love, to which you have been accustomed, and fear in some of your vehicles binds you and retards your progress! Do you have sufficient Faith in and Love for our Beloved Saint Germain to loosen those bonds and march along with him up the Mount of Attainment through the Spiritual Tenets which are now being presented to you. 

Children of the Father, "I AM" not here using God's glorious Energy just to give you a temporary feeling of what you should do! I most emphatically say to you, the time has long since passed when you can expound the Teachings of the Christian Dispensation and experience the comfortable feeling which they give you, to serve, as you have pledged at Inner Levels, in the Cause of Spiritual Freedom; you must be willing to throw off the cloak of Christianity. Worry not, the great Golden Band of the Christian Dispensation is blazing in your Causal Body, no one can take that away from you, but looking upon your auras, the glorious Seventh Band, or Violet Ray, requires considerably more energizing to indicate that you have wholeheartedly accepted the New Cycle. 

I call now in all the intensity of my Being and say: Beloved Lord Michael, Lady Astraea, Beloved Lord Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst CUT THESE CHILDREN FREE, CUT THEM FREE, CUT THEM FREE from all that binds them to the Sixth Dispensation which is now passed its Mission accomplished and the Book closed! COME INTO ACTION NOW and ceaselessly perform this Service until every last thread is loosened and they stand forth in the new-born Freedom of the Christ! I have called, and SO IT SHALL BE!"

 (From the December 1964 BRIDGE)





I love 'the Golden Man -

Lord of the Flame he stands!

Secrets we have together -

Always he understands. 

I love the Golden Man;

In my own heart he stands!

All of my Love is his Love;

All ways his Love commands! 

With every heart-beat,

His Love does expand.

With every breath I breathe,

He's in command! 

I love the Golden Man -

Lord of my Life he stands!

How we are ONE together,

He knows; he understands!

Melody: Original