Beloved Mother Mary

July 8, 1965

Good Morning, how well I know each of you, it having been my great privilege to have taken part in fashioning the Sacred Chalices of your hearts in which the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame was to dwell while you are in embodiment on this dear Earth! 

I remember so well the dedication ceremony in the Sacred Heart Temple, after supervising the selection of the purest elements which could be provided your lifestream, and breathing upon those Vessels a prayer that you would be constant in your Pledge to the Karmic Board, that you would eagerly do everything to assist our so loved Ascended Master Saint Germain to bring in the Permanent Golden Age upon this Planet. You are all pulsations in the One Great Chalice which is the Heart of the Cosmic Source of all Life! 

Blessed and beloved ones, you have lived up to your Vow and my heart is so filled with gratitude for your presence here that I may express my Love in feeling as well as worded expression. Constancy to a dedicated God-purpose is the Way back Home! 

I believe you will be interested to know that all of us, who serve on the Fifth Ray specifically, are in constant communication with the Holy Christ Selves of those 'explorers' in the Medical and Scientific Professions. Although I have long been identified with the Sixth Ray of Healing, my particular Ray is that of the Fifth. Of course you realize that all the Rays are Healing Avenues, for when the Virtues flow into the world of form on any Ray, they change imperfection into Perfection, if only to a small degree, depending upon the acceptance. The manner in which the Virtue is received and the fertility of the ground, the consciousness, through which it flows and to the specified recipient or recipients, determines how much of the Perfection can manifest. 

It is quite likely that we shall request that the following Message does not appear in THE BRIDGE, at least for the time being, and is given only for the Illumination of those who have set aside all else to attend this Conference. I pray you to listen well to what I have to say. 

You are surely aware of the mighty experiments which some of the Medical Specialists, dedicated to scientific exploration, are making in connection with the physical organ of the heart and the various repairs which have been made upon it. The thought has entered the consciousness of some of you as to what would happen to the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame should the time come when a 'man-made' heart is placed in the physical vehicle. A good and commendable question which I shall endeavor to clear up for you. 

First and foremost, no individual can extend the life of another human being beyond the allotted time given the lifestream by the Cosmic Law. There are a certain number of heartbeats which are permitted and the Breath of the Holy Spirit animates the physical for the time designated for that particular life-stream. Before you leave the Inner Realms your record is carefully studied, and the measure of your lifespan is determined by the highest potential of the good which you can do while in the physical garment. 

Now... the elements which make up the physical heart are not the entire heart complex. You have four lower vehicles, and each of these has a heart made of corresponding substance. You could not journey forth in the etheric garment unless there was a heartbeat. I will endeavor to put the following in as simplified language as possible so that all who hear my words will understand. 

If the Surgeons concerned particularly with heart experiments succeed, and notice I say 'if', they will have to devise a means where there is an uninterrupted flow of blood through the physical vehicle, that is, the natural heart would have to continue beating during that fraction of time when the transplant is made. The physical vehicle could not be completely severed from the other three, else life would cease to be. 

Prior to the time of the removal of the physical heart, unseen to the physical eyes of the Surgeon, while the contemplated operation was being studied, the Beings of the Elements would have to create a heart to slip within the man-made mechanical heart in which the Immortal Flame would abide. 

This would require the complete co-operation of the other three vehicles, because they would have to be in a harmonious state for this transplant to be made. Let us take for instance the emotional vehicles which might think "I've had enough of this and would like to return to the Inner Spheres" the same could be true with the mental and the etheric. If they were uncooperative, the operation could not be a success. There are many more phases of this delicate transplant, but I wish to definitely imprint your consciousness with the fact that no individual can remain on the Earth one more instant than that which is according to the Divine Plan. 

Only individuals who for some unseen reason appear to be leaving the Earth plane before their allotted time could have this experiment made on them, and only those who have sufficient purity of purpose would be permitted this venture. I do not wish to complicate the explanation too much for you, but I would like to add the following: 

This process, the so-called extension of time on the Earth plane for any individual, would be similar to what takes place when there is an individual who the Spiritual Hierarchy believe can continue to serve, without a rest in the Inner Realms, where they receive further instruction for the completion of their Mission on the Earth, although this is the exception rather than the rule. There are some individuals who have entered more than one body without a sojourn in the Inner Spheres between embodiments. The body elemental animated the physical vehicles of the first, shall we say embodiment, until the time of withdrawal of the Immortal Flame from another lifestream. 

At that time there was a very delicate and intricate transmission of the Flame from the remaining individual, which takes place between the outgoing and remaining lifestream. Let me see, perhaps this will make the process more easily understandable for you. Mr. Green and Mr. White are both in embodiment. Mr. Green has served to the maximum his consciousness and vehicles will allow at a specific time. Mr. White's vehicle, that is the physical, is about worn out medically speaking, but his potential of service to the Spiritual Hierarchy at this time is great. Arrangements are made between the Karmic Law and the two individuals, and at a time when the physical vehicles are both in the state designated as sleep, so that at the moment when the Individualized Flame for Mr. Green is withdrawn, together with the other three vehicles, the physical remaining inert, so to speak, there is a fractional blending of the Immortal Flames so that the vehicles of Mr. White can be transplanted or fused with the physical garment of Mr. Green. 

Understand, there is no 'warring' which could take place between the Individualized Three-fold Flames, and that is why this special transition could take place. This happens on very rare occasions, and when it is permitted by the Karmic Board, it is only after very careful study of the two individuals as to the compatibility of the elements which have composed their respective vehicles. 

I shall not proceed any further on this subject at this time, for we do not wish any individual who hears this to go on any trips of fancy, imagining they would like to take part in such an experiment, and thus stir up all manner of ideas which might not always be constructive. However, since there has been much questioning in the consciousness of some of the chelas, "I AM" permitted to release this information to you here assembled. 

You are, of course, cognizant of the fact that we do not usually turn the attention of the chelas to the physical garment, rather to the recognition of the Christ within each. We of the Spiritual Hierarchy hold the Immaculate Concept for all life and center our attention on the Light of God which emanates there from. We, naturally, know of the existing imperfection in the lifestreams inhabiting this Plane, but take that into consideration only for the study of what we release to the chelas so they can assist in the transmutation of the imperfection. 

"I AM" going to make a request of each of you, the acceptance of course is your free will prerogative. Will you every day take a little time, if only for a few minutes, to give recognition to the Fifth Ray and call for the dedicated men and women in the Medical and Scientific Professions. This will provide a channel for Beloved Hilarion, and those others of us who serve on this so important ray at this time. I say important for at the moment the Nations of this Planet are vying one with the other, trying to gain supremacy so they, in some cases, can outwardly conquer the world and mould it according to their concepts of rulership. 

While we in the Spiritual Hierarchy never impede progress that is an advance in scientific experiment when the purpose is for World Good. Need I say more! 

There will come a time when there is a true World University where the most advanced in each Profession will convene, there to study and put into practice, through the commingling of their accumulated knowledge, ways and means of further explorations in the scientific field, all for World Advancement. 

At the present time it is no small task to harness the energy of some of the destructive forces rampant on this Earth, waiting for the transmutation of this imperfection through the co-operation of the chelas who have been privileged to have been advised of the Activity of the Sacred Fire. 

Remember, energy is energy and the motivator of the force determines the manner in which it is used, be it on the constructive side or otherwise. Those who are behind various experiments are unleashing energy of the most volatile nature, and it is only the Light of God which can stem their progress when directed along a destructive line. 

I invite you to further join with all the Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy in the purifying process of the Planet Earth. Intensify, intensify your efforts. I would like to adjure you that nothing else is of similar magnitude in your world as the serving consciously with the Spiritual Hierarchy at this time so critical in the Earth's evolution! 

Before closing this Address, I would like to add a word about Shamballa here on Long Island. It was established on this Isle for a very specific and important reason and will be the Center in the not too distant future of tremendous activities, and only those individuals who are truly dedicated in their service will be allowed entrance on its Sacred Ground. 

I wish to thank all those who answered my appeal for funds to pay off the mortgage on this property, even though some thought it strange that I, Mary, would engage in this financial plea. Well, as you can see from the foregoing Release, I believe my development is quite well rounded in all fields. Some women are the greatest financiers there are, even though their accomplishment in this line has not generally been brought into the foreground. 

The feminine Ray, as you have been told, is coming into prominence and I have chosen to be one who will assist in the ushering in this tremendous activity. 

Oh, would that I were permitted to stay a little longer and chat with you, just for a heart-to-heart talk, my so dear friends, but we are obedient to the Cosmic Law, and because of the very important Message which I have brought, and the amount of energy "I AM" permitted to release has been used up, I will close saying that I hold for you the Love of a Mother for her children, and enfold you in my Blessing of Healing and my momentum of holding the Immaculate Concept for all mankind, "I AM" 

Your loving and ever-watchful, Mary




Dear Mary's name we love to hear;

Her Healing Pow'r is ever near;

We praise, with voices ever clear,

The Sacred Name of Mary. 


Mary! Oh, how sweet thy name!

Thou who, through Divine acclaim,

Mother of all men became;

Thy name we bless forever. 

The name of Mary forms a part

Of Love's great Pow'r in every heart;

And will God's Peace to all impart -

The Holy Name of Mary. 

The name of Mary is so sweet;

The Concept of the Christ complete

We see as each time we repeat

The blessed name of Mary.


Melody: The Name of Jesus





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