Thanksgiving Class

Beloved Lady Vesta

Your Visits to Other Stars

November 27, 1965

Hail, thou Spirits of Blazing Light, I greet you today from the Heart of Shamballa, where I have come with my Court, and am presently directing my Love and Light to you from the Outer Flame Room! 

Can you surmise the specific reason for my so doing? 

You will remember my Beloved Helios apprised you at last Summer's Conference that you would be given the privilege of visiting other Planets in this System, in particular the one to which you had the greatest affinity, by reason of your having come to assist the Earth from that Planet, your Home Star. 

It is my extreme pleasure to tell you that our experiment has proven noteworthy, and that you all have done extremely well in absorbing the vibratory action from your Home Star and again making it the radiation of your beings. It was necessary that we institute some measure by and through which you could become radiating centers of specific vibratory actions to accelerate the vibratory action of the Earth, so important at this hour! 

Beloved Hilarion's Gift  

As a 'back-drop' on the dais on which I stand, is the Screen which Beloved Hilarion in his great genius had prepared for the Transmission of the Flame Ceremony, is emblazoned a Great Sun, whose Light has been stepped down to the intensity which your vehicles can stand. (You will all visit this Flame Room sometime within the twenty-four hour period in your etheric garments.) This Golden Orb is pulsating Light and the background, or screen, is scintillating with crystal electrons giving off a blue radiance, to emulate the Sun in the heavens. Exquisite indeed and I wish to take this opportunity to offer my gratitude to Beloved Hilarion and all who served under his direction to create this magnificent backdrop, as one would say in theater parlance. Truly it is a most artistic setting for my humble self and the Members of my court. Oh, the creative ability, the perfection, within the Heart of all Life is a reflection, or expression, of Divinity - realize that oh lovely children of the Creator. Each blessed life-stream on the Planet Earth, and everywhere throughout the Universe, has this same creative ability when they choose to turn away from outer expressions and give the authority to their own "I AM" Presence, where it rightfully belongs, knowing that God is all there is, everywhere! 

You will Rejoice 

Now I shall tell you what I feel sure your blessed hearts are waiting to hear: 

Yes, you have all deported yourselves well on your visits to your Home Stars, and the probationary days are completed. For this attunement, and attainment, I have come today to vest you with the honor of "Representative of the Sun". By reason of the fact that we have chelas all over this Globe who have qualified for this honor, "I AM" summoning groups of chelas at four different times, during the twenty-four hour period. The first Group has already been so vested, and if I may be permitted your indulgence, I shall give you a little of the activity which took place. 

The Processional 

In this magnificent semi-circular Flame Room it is my privilege to be enthroned upon the Altar, with my attendants standing around me in a semi-circle. As the organ sends forth its glorious strains, the Angelic Choir lends their voices in exquisite melody, and the procession takes place, down the center aisle. This procession is comprised of the chelas upon whom is to be conferred the honor of Representatives of the Sun. Oh, let me tell you another example of Love of the Hierarchy. Our Beloved Kuthumi asked for the privilege of playing the organ for these processionals and his renditions are of the most ethereal timbre. 

Kuthumi's Private Retreat 

You probably know that playing the organ is one of his many and varied accomplishments. He has a small private Retreat, high in the Himalayas, where he often goes for contemplation of the Perfection of the Supreme Source of all Life. There, seated at the organ, he enriches the Universe by pouring out the heavenly music which is the gift of his Being, a paean of praise to the Creator of all there is. 

Blessed Kuthumi's Heart is singing with happiness today as he witnesses some of the chelas under his direction having passed the initial tests which permitted them to come into my Presence for this vestment. I digressed a moment from the actual Ceremony, but I wished you to know how Beloved Kuthumi was expressing his great Love for you at this particular time. 

The Ceremony 

The chelas proceed down the center aisle to the accompaniment of the beautiful strains of the Organ, and as they approach the Altar, each bends the knee in what you term 'a genuflection.' As they rise from that position, the Representative of my Legion who has been accompanying them on their visits to their Home Stars, proceeds to their side, and taking the white Vestment upon which is embossed a beautiful Sun, from the hands of an Angelic Attendant places it upon their shoulders, as I have the great privilege of raising my Hands above their heads, conferring upon them the rank of 'Representative of the Sun', using the following worded declaration: 

I, Vesta, in the Name and by the Authority conferred upon me by the Creator of all there is, do hereby vest (chela's name) with the authority and dignity of Representative of the Sun. From this day on, you shall conduct yourself in a manner befitting this Office, carrying the Light of God wherever you move, as a Beacon and a Benediction to all life.


All honor to the Father of all Life, by whose Grace "I AM” permitted so to do.

So Be it! 

Your Sacred Trust and Responsibility 

Beloved Children of God, there is much, much more to the investment in a chela of certain authority, a portion of which I wish to bring to your attention, so that you may accept the authority and honor which has been conferred upon you as a Sacred Trust and Responsibility. 

I, Vesta, alone take the responsibility for investing souls - life, time, energy, intelligence in a Cause, and the resultant effect, the failures and successes, become my personal obligation to Life. 

Thus the Project, or Cause, is carefully studied; its possible beneficial result on the race; the nature of the Sponsor and the volunteers, before such an investment takes place. 

All those invested, then are in turn vested with my Authority and Power to draw out of life everything their intelligence prompts them to call forth, to perfect, protect, beautify and expand the Cause they serve. They carry more power, for they have been "Cosmically Ordained." 

Oh precious and so loved ones, prayerfully consider the opportunity which is now yours. Guard and dispense well every expenditure of your God-given energy. You are now responsible to me, as "I AM" to the Creator for your use of energy. As you have volunteered at Inner levels to release more Light and I have personally accepted the responsibility for this investment in you, please understand that we are now more closely aligned, one with the other, as we proceed to restore the Earth Planet to her original Beauty and Dignity, so that she will no longer hold up the Forward Push of the Planets in the System. The Fiat of the Cosmos must be obeyed, and you are taking an active and intelligent part in this necessary activity. 

Ponder what I have said, and in happy and loving gratitude wear well the garment which I have placed upon your shoulders! 

Further Trips to your Home Stars 

Hereafter, as you journey to your Home Star, in company with your Sponsor, you will find that this Mantle will gain you admission into Halls of Learning which previously had not been open to you. You will find in your daily living that many Truths will 'dawn' upon your outer consciousness, the result of having them impressed upon your etheric garment in your Cosmic Visitations. 

Better you let the instruction which I have given you become firmly impressed upon and a permanent part of your consciousness, so our worded Release comes to a close for the moment. 

Anticipating, and expecting, wholehearted cooperation from you, I now enfold you in the Radiation and Blessing of a Loving Mother and Father, that of mighty Helios and myself, "I AM" 

In Cosmic Service, Vesta




Great Helios and Vesta dear!

Sweet Father-Mother God!

We Hail Thy Name! We Hail Thy Flame!

Thy Light!   Thy Love!     Adore! 

We sing Thy Praise through all our days!

Thy Praise Forevermore!

Comes now our Love to Thee above

Just as it did of yore! 

Thy Sacred Name we now proclaim!

Our vows renew in Love!

We join our hands in Freedom's band

To live to Love Life Free! 

We honor now God's Will and bow

And sing all Hail to Thee! 


Great Helios and Vesta dear!

Sweet Father-Mother God!

Returning ones now march again;

Thy Light! Thy Love! Our Sword! 

Returning to our own Sweet Home

In Realms of Light and Love!

Now making all again on Earth

Just as it is above!





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