The following is an Excerpt from an Address given by Saint Germain at the Summer Conference at Harrisburg, Pa. The complete Address will appear in a later issue of THE BRIDGE.

Harrisburg, Pa.

July 5th, 1963


"Of utmost importance at this time, is the education of the youth along true Spiritual lines. Dear God abiding within the hearts of these sincere chelas, impress them with the ABSOLUTE NECESSITY of forming YOUTH GROUPS without further delay. In the Light one says, age does not count. Well, until each time as the mass entity of advanced age with all its limitations is removed from the consciousness of mankind, those who will transcend age are in the great minority. 

Beloved Jesus and Kuthumi, the World Teachers, have both requested that I bring you their special Love and as I do so they will direct a ray into your consciousness upon which will ride their feeling, and of course mine own, for the organization of Youth Groups! Do you love me? I expect you do, else you would not be here listening to my words. I AM going to give you each a project, wherein will be the testing of that love. If you BELIEVE my instruction, with true sincerity, when you bring in your sheaves this Thanksgiving you will have to your credit the fact that you have brought into this Teaching, at least ONE NEW STUDENT IN THE YOUTH GROUP CLASSIFICATION! Will you do this for me and the Cause of Freedom! Oh, dear friends and true, surely you feel the necessity for this - I DO, and so do all the Spiritual Hierarchy. 

Remember, within your hearts is the magnetic power of God - the I AM Presence, which knows no defeat and to which all constructive things are possible. Step out of your shell of human limitation of consciousness and KNOW you are EXPECTED TO BE THE WAYSHOWERS, and among those who shall follow are thousands of our magnificent youth, who are restless, restless, oh - so restless, knowing not the urge that is driving them, urging them on - but I DO. It is the expansion of the Flame within their hearts - the Christ saying, 'you are ready - seek those who can give you spiritual direction'! Do you wish to be among those who will give these beautiful Spirits the added impetus which will magnetically draw them into the Light. Oh, 'I shall look forward to seeing that blazing Golden Shaft in your sheaves, which will be the signal to all assembled that you HAVE proven your love for me, and that, of course, means the Cause of the Ascended Host of Light".







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