Why I Ascended

Beloved Jesus

On a day when the Ascension of Beloved Jesus is commemorated there is no better way to help the Student Body to tune in to the Flame and Ray of Beloved Jesus and that memorable event, and receive his Blessing in so doing, than by referring you to the wonderful Address he delivered in the Ashram on November 1952, especially as Truth never changes, as our beloved Maha Chohan has said. 

The following are excerpts from this Address which appeared in THE BRIDGE in its entirety, VOLUME II, Issue No. 9, page 7: 

Beloved Jesus Speaks: "I come to you today, oh, my beloved brothers and sisters, with all the love of my own heart and the blessed outpouring from my Master, Lord Maitreya, from whose side I have come as he stood in the fields of Kashmir this day and endeavored through the outpouring of his feeling of the Nature of God, to convey to the pilgrims assembled, that love which the Father of all Life has for his children.... a love that is unchanging, and intensified in its pressure and power with every beat of the Celestial Heart of that Great God, which never takes into consideration in that loving the worthiness or the merit of the one enfolded in that Presence. 

The love of the Father has been my Message since I was first vested with the glorious opportunity of bringing the joyous words to man, that their Father was not to be considered as a Being of wrath, but rather the loving, kindly and considerate one to whom all had equal access, according to the requirements of their individual hearts. 

Speaking to you, I speak to old Heart Friends. Some of you were with us in Egypt and proceeded across the great desert into the Promised Land; some walked with me around Jericho and your voice joined mine in that immortal shout of triumph before which the walls fell. (The Master was Joshua in a previous embodiment.) Some of you were with me in Persia when I, as Zoroaster, contemplated the Nature of the Father and embodied his Light; and some walked with me as Apollonius from Tyana, as we drew those great currents from the Inner Realms to prepare for the Shrines which have come to be such great powers in the Christian Dispensation, and some of which have not been revealed to the outer consciousness. 

Then before I entered incarnation for my final Mission, I would like to remind you that some of you sat with me around that glorious table when the Lord of the World himself revealed the plan by which an initiate was to incarnate and bring the fullness of the Nature of God through his Consciousness - his Word and his Works which would be the permanent record of Christ Incarnate for the entire race. 

Do you remember the solemn hush as the Lord of the World described that Mission, up to, through and including the Crucifixion, the Resurrection and the Ascension? Do you remember the White Robed Figures who rose as one to volunteer for that service? Thirty-six there were who qualified to come, and of that thirty-six My Teacher and Master, Lord Maitreya, chose myself, and he chose also my Beloved Mother, and your great Heart Friend Saint Germain, (Saint Joseph in that embodiment). We represented the Trinity through which the Mission of the Christ could be manifest. 

Then it was my opportunity to call forth my twelve disciples, and those other blessed ones who would assist me in a future day. Together we all knelt before the King of Kings, and he placed his thumb on our foreheads, his hand on top of our heads. He blessed us and Lord Maitreya anointed each one with the Spiritual Oil of the Cosmic Christ. Then we were each designated to go into a particular Temple until the Lords of Incarnation could prepare for us suitable vessels timed with the stars, so that all might attain their majority at the proper moment. The Beloved Joseph and Mary incarnated long before I did, and some of the disciples too, and Elizabeth and John the Baptist, and all of those who were to prepare for my coming. As each one left, we gathered together with that strong heart feeling and prayer that we might remember when the bonds of forgetfulness and the pull of the earth life had dimmed our Mission, our Vow, and our Promise. 

I love you, each one, with a Love that is deep and sincere, and it is not based on what you are, or on what you have been, but it is based on what you shall become, for I have seen you in the Heart of the Father and knowing the Glory you had with him before the world was, I but anticipate the hour of your full manifestation of that Glory while you yet walk the earth. Let us no longer be backward-looking through two thousand years of time for the miracles that can be accomplished today! The world groans with pain and agony, with sickness, disease, death, and corruption and you alone are the hope of the world! Were I to have incarnated again and again every hundred years up to the present hour, I would have denied YOU the OPPORTUNITY to become that which I AM, and there is no Christ Being who does not allow the development of his fellowmen into greater glory.

I IMPLORE YOU, in the Name of the Father of all Life, to set into action those calls by which every one of you may walk through those hospitals and asylums and restore man to his natural estate. If you love me, DO THAT WHICH I HAVE DONE, and this will be your answer to my Words spoken this hour. 

In the name of the Father, in the name of my own Lifestream, and in the name of the great Holy Spirit of Life, I give to you the Blessings of Love and the Love of every Brother and Sister who has become the Freedom which I AM".