The Future of China

The China of today is in the throes of a great new birth which cannot yet be perceived by the eyes of man. Within that nation a Great Spirit is unfolding in a remarkable way. He will render a great service to the people of the future, of which many awakened souls in the East are already aware. 

Never forget your calls for this nation and to ask that the strong spiritual lifestreams who have incarnated in China be protected, until they come to manhood and womanhood, from every demoralizing force that still swings over them in the atmosphere of that land. 

The beloved Astraea and Lord Michael and the purifying Hosts from God's Legions can well be called into action to remove the blanket of iniquity that holds inert the mighty Spirit of China.

The Maha Chohan 

When the Will of God is Welcomed 

Chelas and mankind generally profess to desire to know the Will of God. I smile at their temerity, knowing full well that the Will of God is only welcome when it fits into the narrow compass of their reason; the small measure of their judgment confirming Truth; and the feelings soothed by finding that Will pleasing to "self". Then the hapless conveyors of that Will are saved from the tremendous "blasts" of rebellion and resentment that arise from the "righteous" soul.

El Morya 

The Three-fold Discipline 

The discipline of the pilgrim, who has examined his motive and who has found within himself the reason for his entrance or application for membership in our Brotherhood, is to develop the three Flames centered within the heart, the throat and the head, the encircling of the body with light at the waist to cut off the animal nature and the releasing of balance through the inner vehicles. 

If you will choose to be, forgive me, I know it is a hard task, less interested in each other and more interested in the radiation, we can assist you in the deep breathing, in the contemplation of the Flame within your heart, and I am sure you will find in your hours of recollection before your sleep each night, that you have accomplished something; you will have developed in your consciousness a certain awareness and in your feelings a greater peace, faith and power.



Grace is the gift of the Third Ray particularly. How many expressions have grace! The monk and aspirant who loves to perform his adorations has grace but for each such one there are a thousand who perform their service in a dearth of happiness for duty's sake. The mother who loves to create a home is filled with grace as against the millions who serve for duty's sake. The chelas who love to hear our Will and manifest it through the talents, gifts and substance of their words are filled with grace as against the many who serve for fear or duty's sake. The man to whom self-denial and self-correction is an action of love is filled with grace. Filled with grace, each action becomes a joy and a lovely commission from the King!

Paul, the Venetian 

Be a part of the present activity of the Masters 

There have been written countless books regarding Truth. In our library at Luxor alone there are volumes that contain all of the approaches required to achieve the Ascension, but the endeavors in which our energies are presently engaged is to acquaint the consciousness of some unascended beings with what we are doing-while we are doing it. It is a lovely thing to know that the Masters are working for a planet and a nation - and it is beautiful to accept our Presence in the universe but to be a part in the activity currently engaging the energies of the Masters while that activity is in progress - is to become like ten thousand men in your efficacy and service to the Light.

Serapis Bey 

The failure of one Vestal Virgin 

In early Greece, during the time when the Oracles of Delphi were so active, the very first Vestal Virgins were completely dedicated to magnetizing pure Truth. They did draw forth, repeat and record the Truth from the lips of the beloved Vesta and beloved Pallas Athena, those records remaining today within the keeping of the Brotherhood of Crete. This Spiritual Order of Vestal Virgins endured for almost seven hundred years. At the close of this period, one Vestal Virgin was taken into the group who did not live up to the vow of purity of mind or of body. That contagion spread through the entire endeavor, because of this individual, and brought the Oracle of Delphi to ruin.


The feeling nature is the power-house 

The feeling or emotional nature of mankind has been referred to as the Activity of the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. The Ascended Masters have repeated that the feeling nature is the powerhouse, or the controlling activity of the personality's use and qualification of the life energy. A little study and contemplation will reveal to the student that the emotional nature is therefore the reservoir in which the motivating power of the lifestream is held until the requirement of the moment draws it forth to interpret thought in action.


It does not matter who accomplishes the service 

In our Service, the CAUSE and its EFFECT are the important issue, and not so much "who accomplishes the actual service", although of course the merit goes to the lifestreams who are the Open Door for such accomplishment. As this Onrushing Christ Power surges through the Channels prepared for its dispensation, lifestreams are stirred and respond to the vibration, and join such a Cause. You are among those who have so responded... Circumstances of which you are partially aware, having risen whereby the onrushing Christ Power was not given full Freedom to act through the lifestreams, We could not stop, but must needs proceed to take advantage of the momentum gained and through those able to grasp the Vision of imparting the knowledge and translating knowledge into fact, continue to serve our Cause - to set all Life Free... in every kingdom! Freedom is the Keynote of the New Day - not license to indulgence... but conscious, illumined free use of Life contributed voluntarily to a common cause!

Saint Germain 

Addendum: 1974 is the year 

Our beloved Kuthumi said in 1953:

"When the Cosmic Law issued the final fiat that there is but a twenty year period allowed during which the mankind of Earth must emit enough Light to sustain the place of this planet in the Solar System, the inhabitants of each one of the Seven Mighty Spheres began to devise ways and means by which they, the Cosmic Lords, the Angelic Host as well as the Seven Chohans with their chelas and pupils might best co-operate in this endeavor.” 

Note to the Students 

As our beloved Morya has said through the Contact of the Bridge Activity in his letter to loyal Bridge Students, published in the January 1963 issue: 

"1963 is to be a Year of Accomplishment", but not until 1973, that is 10 years from now, will the 20 year period fixed by the final fiat of the Cosmic Law, end. Therefore 1974 is the year of a greater Accomplishment.







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