By the Beloved Maha Chohan

Easter Saturday is cosmically celebrated as the Feast of Cosmic Expectancy. With the so-called death of the Master on the cross Good Friday we have the apparent victory of the human will over the Divine, but with the dawn of Saturday morning a new current begins to sweep through Nature, Mankind and the Angelic Host, and the God Kingdom, and on this current flows a feeling and consciousness that some New and Victorious Force is about to manifest, which is to be triumphant over death. Every blade of grass, every stone and rock, every flower and tree, every animal and every man feels the flow of that Universal Current which stirs in the Heart of the Great Central Sun, and vibrates through every electron and atom in the Universe. 

This expectancy has the effect of opening all consciousness, as a flower is unfolded to the Sun, and in this open consciousness the Resurrection Flame finds eager cups into which to pour its Essence. The Flame of Expectancy is the opening of the door, and the Resurrection Flame of Easter morning is the quickening power that through Life brings Freedom. As much expectancy as an individual can develop for Good will determine how open his feeling nature and inner bodies are to the particular outpouring of the Day from the Presence, from the Master and the Cosmic Law. 

To receive Good when one is not expectant is nine times more difficult, as the Flame of Good, whether it is Supply, or Health, or the Resurrection Flame, or any particular Cosmic Outpouring or individual Blessing from the Presence itself must force a channel through which to pour itself, but if the expectancy has preceded the existence of the Good, there is a wide open door for the Good to enter. 

I AM the Cosmic Expectancy anchored within the Nature of the Planet Earth, who is open to the Resurrecting Powers of Spring by which all manifestation occurs. I accept this Cosmic Expectancy into the feeling world of all sincere people who face the light. 


Our beloved readers will remember the magnificent use to which Beloved Amaryllis, Goddess of Springtime, puts the Resurrection Flame in awakening the quiescent Life in the Nature Kingdom... the OBEDIENCE of that Kingdom to the Resurrecting Power and the resultant beauty which manifests! The hearts of men thrill to the unfolding loveliness of the bush, tree, grass and shrub. 

Let us use, use and use the Resurrection Flame to bring forth the Beauty of the Christ within each of us to be an EXAMPLE to those seeking right-useness!






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