As a special dispensation to the Bridge Students for this year, one of our Chelas has been permitted to share with them the private instruction received from the Master.


Freedom like Light is an abstract quantity and cannot be measured by any periphery or intensity of feeling. Yet Freedom is as essential to life and progress as breath itself. The Master known as Saint Germain is the most concentrated Focus and supply center of Freedom to the Planet, as Helios is the most concentrated Focus of Light. Through the attention, the Freedom Flame can merge with the Flame of your own lifestream and greatly assist your endeavors to throw off shackles of bondage, mental or physical. 


The Aspirant on the Path to Mastery is not limited by the consciousness of the outer self of any man, once he has come under the Wings of the Almighty and the conscious direction of the Godhead is presented to his intellectual self for assimilation. He may rise to cosmic heights according to the one-pointedness of his own being. The Activities of the Sacred Fire are limitless and their use assures Freedom. Meanwhile during the progress of the aspirant he becomes a greater and greater outpouring of good for the Master. Therefore, avail yourself of all your knowledge and become that I AM. 


Your greatest study at present is to disassociate yourself from a 'being of form' and substance and from the body consciousness. You are a CONCENTRATED STREAM OF ELECTRONS flowing from the Heart of God in such rapid succession that there is no outer measure which could give you an idea of their speed. These electrons are charged with the Divine imprint of your individuality and are constantly flowing around the Flame in your heart, which is your individual identity. 

These electrons are differentiated from the universal light substance in that they form a precipitated Ray which you are and will remain in this universe. You are not a body, nor a form, nor an accretion of intellectual knowledge, you are an electronic Stream of Energy from God's own Heart and the radiation from that energy in thought and feeling and spoken word forms what is known as your 'personality'. 

All of that radiation which is not an expression of harmony, peace, beauty and perfection and the selflessness of Divine Love is impure radiation and the distortion of the God Identity of you. 


The purpose of the Bridge Activity is to purify the radiation of each lifestream, to harmonize the outflow of energy and to qualify that radiation with the manifestation and expression of Godliness alone. When an individual becomes the complete master of every electron going forth from his lifestream and that radiation is ONLY expressing Perfection, he is then an Adept as Jesus was and is. That is why there is no substitute for application. Application is simply the transmutation of the energy rate of the self. 


People are merely radiating centers of energy constantly pouring forth certain colors, certain notes of harmony or discord and either purifying or polluting the atmosphere in which they live. The Violet Flame of Saint Germain has been offered to mankind to help the forces of the four elements in purifying the Earth from the pollution of mankind's discordantly qualified energy. 

The individual who will take the responsibility of keeping that Violet Flame SURGING through a nation to dissolve constantly the discordant effluvia of its people would render US a great service. 


If you will invoke your Holy Christ Self daily upon rising and charge your intellect, your feeling world and your etheric body and the brain cells themselves with the full power of the Divine Plan fulfilled for that day, you will avoid any mistakes that may arise by reason of misinterpretation by the outer vehicles. 

'I AM' THE PRESENCE THAT NEVER FAILS OR MAKES A MISTAKE, is a decree which would be of tremendous assistance to you. Sometimes the Divine promptings interpreted by one of the lower vehicles becomes slightly distorted, and if a mistake ensues, the student or chela is liable to become discouraged and doubts the veracity of all other promptings. 

Your Holy Christ Self is a real Being who can sit and converse with you and if you will allow it to give you counsel and guidance daily, and if you will offer it full authority over your lifestream, you will find no strain to do the perfect thing in the perfect way at the perfect time. 


In the average man the outer personality utilizing but a small portion of the lifestream's energy is the only commanding presence and the Individualized Presence goes through many embodiments without being allowed any expression through the lower vehicles except occasional involuntary acts of kindness or courage in times of crises or great inspiration in spasmodic flashes. 

The purpose of our intense training now is to awaken the chelas to this Inner Presence to a point where it becomes the Owner and Conductor of the personal self and a Conscious Partner in the activities of daily living. This means transferring one's consciousness from a belief in one's self as a separate entity born of a family and a race. 


Until the mystic union takes place between a man's outer self and his Holy Christ Self, the man is not fully identified with the fulfilling of the Divine Plan, for he is not yet pledged by the life in his physical body to service, and therefore his voluntary devotion to Godly principles is subject always to free will. 

After the Spirit is dedicated by solemn vow, the lifestream becomes a much greater channel for the outflow of the God Force and the chela's body can be taken up almost any moment by a Master who wishes to render a service in any locality. Sometimes the chela will be aware of this temporary tenant and sometimes not.






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