By the Beloved Maha Chohan

Unfoldment must come from Self-conscious Effort 

When an individual seeks entrance to the so-called Mysteries and the personal association with the Gods, he steps forward voluntarily into the Light, which will of necessity reveal both his strengths and his weaknesses. 

He then uses that portion of the Law of which he is aware to remove the weaknesses and to become a fit instrument for the Gods. According to his ability to consciously cooperate is consciousness widened. 

Remember - the Gods are not the Law of one's lifestream. They are merely friends who point the Way to spiritual unfoldment and eventual Freedom. 

Application and unfoldment must come always from self-conscious effort. The student unfolds and expands from within himself if he is alert to apply the instruction given. The Teacher does not apply the Law of mathematics for the student, but advises him of the method and then he must abide in the student's own ability to work out the intricacies of the mathematical law. So it is with you. 

Use the Resurrecting Power of Life, which is yours 

As the Holy Spirit to this Earth, "I AM" the Resurrection and the Life of the Vegetable Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and Mankind. 

Jesus availed himself of the resurrecting power within Life when he reanimated his physical body on that first Easter morning. He said - "What I have done, all men shall one day do". 

This same resurrecting power is yours and it may be utilized to quickly raise your lifestream into the state of pure Christ Consciousness. As you use those powerful words of Jesus, feel yourself and your affairs raised quickly into freedom. 

Your specific Desire should be to become the Hand of God 

Each man becomes aware that he is God through self-conscious unfoldment. When an individual recognizes his Divinity in his feelings he becomes self Luminous and passes from this school room into the next Octave, which is referred to in metaphysical parlance as the Ascended Masters Realm. Even in that Realm expansion, growth and unfoldment continues up the ladder of cosmic evolution. 

There is a spiritual law which allows a certain number of the Hierarchy after the Ascension to supervise the laboratories of Earth and, when conditions permit, to come into close association with those life-streams who are being prepared for graduation. 

This closer communion is twofold:

a)     it enables the evolving soul to progress more rapidly, and

b)     it enables the Spiritual Hierarchy to expand its plans of Divine work through self-conscious cooperation of members of humanity who volunteer their service. 

Such a close communication with the Gods is, of course, a tremendous privilege, but it is neither comfortable nor easy. 

a)     be honest with yourself;

b)     persevere;

c)     examine your motives, which are open to the Masters, and

d)     do not attempt chelaship unless you have but one desire - to become the Hand of God and ultimately to ascend. 

Your Goal: to hear God's Presence speak 

A tree is known by its fruit - a man is known by his actions - a God is recognized by his works. Wise is the man who has the intuition to pierce the veil and hear the "I AM Presence" speak. 

How to Regain your Divine Powers 

When man voluntarily left God's Kingdom through accepting a power opposed to God, he left on the threshold of that Kingdom all the Divine Powers of his being. When he swore allegiance to the physical appearance world he relinquished all claim to the Powers that belonged to the Godhead. 

When he chooses to return to God's Kingdom he must, in his own feelings, relinquish all claim to human powers and all belief in all powers opposed to God. 

He must step within the threshold of God's Kingdom gently and humbly, as a child, and in this state of humility the God Powers will leap forth to unfold him, for they are most eager for avenues of expansion. 

You may become one of my Channels 

The progress of every incarnate spirit and the unfoldment of his consciousness to a point where the personal self blends with the Divine, is my particular individual responsibility in this universe, for without Life there can be no evolution and all Life is the Breath of God. This Holy Breath passes through my body into the Earth plane, as I AM the Representative of the Holy Spirit.

As I AM, then the Dispenser of the Gifts of Life to the Planet, to the Kingdom of Nature and to man, it becomes my immediate concern to teach mankind the proper use of Life, that they might unfold according to the Divine Plan, for as you must render an account for your use of Life, so AM I responsible to the Father for all the energy that is used in this Planet and I must return it one day in the same purity with which the Father gave it forth to me. Therefore, you can see how very important the evolution of every individual soul is when they are consciously endeavoring to become a channel through which I may assist and reach the masses. Such a channel you may become and for this reason I AM willing to give you my personal attention. 

How to Become Truth 

To become Truth one must pierce the veil of words for the most beautiful expressed revelations are the coarser clothing of reality. 

Printed instruction is like a door, but one must pass through the "words “into the inner realization of the fact which the words so clumsily endeavor to portray. In the Octave of Perfection the Light Pictures and Colors express much more accurately the Truth of Life, man the most beautifully written or spoken essay, but even the Light and Color Patterns are but a door to Reality. One must experience through the flesh the Truth as presented by such expressions.