On the Ascension 

The graduation of the lifestream from the necessity for embodiment is the ultimate achievement toward which all students upon the Spiritual Path aspire. At the solemn hour of the Ascension, the lifestream faces a great decision as to what its future service to life will be.

The Maha Chohan 

How to enter the Path 

At the moment when any man applies for instruction on the Law, he is placed under the scrutiny of his Spiritual Sponsor. The Sponsor is chosen, usually, by the Maha Chohan, and becomes in fact "God Father" to the aspirant. The seven bodies through which the individual's consciousness is endeavoring to develop some sort of life plan are carefully examined and under the new Dispensation the Teacher endeavors to develop those particular inner bodies that are most immature.

El Morya 

The Preparatory School 

Into the Heart of the Rocky Mountains comes every lifestream who has chosen to carry the Light into the world - if not in physical garments, through the Inner bodies - and into the Heart of Luxor passes every lifestream who has completed the cycle of his own evolution, and has won the right to rise on the Ascension Flame into the Heart of God. No matter in what physical point on the Earth's surface the Ascension is attained, the soul must pass through these currents at Luxor.


True Friendship 

The sharing of individual consciousness is the sweet communion of true Friendship and Brotherhood. Those who have become the Guardians and Teachers of the human race can only serve mankind as they can pour their Understanding and knowledge of Life and Truth into the receptive consciousness of attentive men. Those who serve us must make mankind aware of our Presence. We must be first accepted and acknowledged.

Paul, the Venetian 

The Law opens the Door 

When the student applies for more knowledge than the world can give, the Law opens the door by which he may enter into association with those who are Masters of the particular phase of spiritual endeavor which has drawn his interest. The Master will at all times turn the student back to the development of his own consciousness. He will share the understanding by which he attained, but he will never allow the student to lean upon him for accomplishment of his own individual development. Such a student loves reveres and honors his Teacher, but worships only and always the God that lives within them both (Guru and chela).

Serapis Bey 


Scientifically speaking, vibration is consciously created by thought, feeling, action and the spoken word. Vibrations that are inharmonious create clouds of impure substance in the aura of the individual sending them forth. Gratitude is a feeling which changes the quality of vibration and creates light and harmony in the aura. It is not enough to be grateful in the mind. One must consciously endeavor to be grateful in the feelings, where the greater portion of the personal energies of the individual is qualified. A grateful heart creates a happy mind, a healthy body and adds to the light of the world.


The Emotional Body 

The emotional body, being the storehouse of over three-fourths of the energy allotted the lifestream, can become a tremendous pressure of dynamic energy to bring into manifestation any constructive thought, desire or plan, but the qualities of the emotional body will determine the vibratory action of the resultant expression. 

To invite the direct Ray of any Ascended Master to play upon and establish pulsations of their qualities in the emotional nature is to change the very substance of that nature and, filling it with Light, make it a mighty storehouse that can be drawn upon at any moment as the requirement appears.

Lady Nada 

The Gifts of your Causal Body 

You must learn to think of your Causal Body, not just as bands of color, but as living, intelligent, God qualified energies and virtues which await expression through you NOW! It should be of encouragement to you to know that these virtues are already at your command. 

In the silence of your room turn your attention to the Holy Christ Self within your hearts and invoke it to magnetize and externalize the gifts of your Causal Body through your outer self NOW! I challenge you to do this earnestly! It is truly the requirement of this World Hour. 

In the name and by the Power of the victorious Presence of God, which "I AM" without limit, I invoke all the powers of the Sacred Fire to purify your outer consciousness and the substance and energy of your four lower bodies. They shall become and remain Grails for the Glory of God to flow into and manifest through you NOW! I invoke the Holy Christ Self within your heart to expand the manifest gifts of your own Causal Body to hasten the externalization of the Golden Age of Freedom NOW!

Saint Germain