I would like to speak to those who find themselves in the doorway of a marvelous opportunity to forward the Cause of Freedom, through understanding. I, myself, stood not too long ago upon the same threshold, having no more to work with than any one of you, merely the Principle of Life and a certain awareness of the mystic realms whose portals are closed to fleshly eyes. I had a great sense of integrity which made me hesitate to offer the limited talents in my possession to such an august Assembly as The Great White Brotherhood, knowing full well the limitations of my consciousness, mind, soul and spirit and desiring in no way to misrepresent the Perfection of those who must reach mankind through a vessel of brass, rather than one of burnished gold! 

The balance and measure of God's Justice is such that the progress of the lifestream who chooses to become a focus, both for our Purpose and Design, as well as for the groping hands and seeking hearts, is greatly accelerated by this mystic sacrifice, and such a one, though his knees be bloodied by many a fall and his eyes dimmed by the sweat of the brow upon the upward climb, will be there to meet the hermit and the cloistered soul who seeks release for self, - rather than the race. 

We, who are the Brotherhood of the Golden Robe, stand with those beloved lifestreams in every land and clime, who, while seeking God themselves, each according to his Light, choose to become the hand and heart of mercy, the Light upon the Path, the Missionary of the Word. And the very Cloth of God, which becomes the Ascension Garment, drawn lightly over the shoulders of the Immortal Christ, is woven from those energies - who looking upward choose to embody what they saw and felt, in words of Comfort, Hope, and Cheer - that the race sleeping under the blanket of lethargy at the base of the mountain, might find interest and impetus enough to raise the heart and consciousness, and begin at last the journey Home. 

Suffer not needlessly because the instrument through which the Light does shine, yet wears the marks of earthly dross, which needs might lead the earnest ones astray, but rejoice that through these garments we may reach the hearts and minds of those who love us, but have forfeited for the time being, the way and means to reach into our Presence, for in so doing there comes the acceleration of the Spirit, which will one day unite their consciousness and ours in genuine cooperative service.