September 15 through October 14, 1961

TEMPLE OF PEACE near Suva, Fiji, Islands 

Breathing Statement for the Transmission of the Flame Class,

September 16th, 1961


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"I AM" inbreathing Beloved Surya's Power and Peace of Love Divine

"I AM" absorbing Beloved Surya's Power and Peace of Love Divine

"I AM" expanding Beloved Surya's Power and Peace of Love Divine

"I AM" projecting Beloved Surya's Power and Peace of Love Divine




Letter to the Flame Class of September 16th, 1961

Beloved of My Heart: 

My Light bows before your Light. I have known the Peace that the whole world requires today for many ages. The Ascended Master, Surya, has built the cosmic momentum of Peace into his Aura so powerfully that he has been entrusted to hold that focus of God-Peace for all people and evolutions on this Earth, or who require for themselves or others, a LASTING WORLD PEACE! 

He has provided for you, each earnest chela, a Gentleman Sponsor who has taken the initiation of maintaining Peace during an entire planetary change (and there have been many). Now, to sustain in your feelings, thoughts, words and actions that Peace which you require, avail your dear hearts of the Presence of Lord Surya and also of the Sponsor who awaits your invitation to assist you. 

The many people of all nations, creeds, and races require a LASTING PEACE and when they actually FEEL THAT PEACE which emanates from Lord Surya and his Disciples, they will then become natural conductors of supply (not only of money) but of every God-Virtue to add to the Light of the World. 

I shall meet you during this 30 day period (September 15 through October 14, 1961) at Surya's Ascended Master Retreat and you and I shall bless him, his Mystic Island, his patient Brotherhood and you shall and will become such conductors of Peace and God-Virtues to the world. 

Love and Blessings,





Excerpts from an Address by Lord SURYA 

No lasting supply of any good or perfect gift can come to life without the establishment right within the heart of each individual on Earth of the Lasting Peace which we give to you and shall help you to sustain! On the very rhythm of our Life flows that Peace and over the life-line of such Peace flows supply of every God-Gift, including finances, health of mind, body, soul and liberation of Spirit to express the Divine Plan fulfilled through each individual. 

Therefore, stretch forth your dear hands and blessed hearts to us by sending us your life and love, and we SHALL send to you and sustain through you for the benefaction of all life, OUR GIFTS of love and light. Is this not a reasonable arrangement? I thank you and I know that you, too, in your way, can accept the reasonable Partnership between Divinity's Realm and the Realm of human consciousness! 

The planet Earth requires that Lasting Peace so much, among nations, nationalities, and through the illumined ones. You are our intermediaries for the bringing of a Lasting Peace to the people of Earth and all that live upon it now or are to live on the Earth in the future. Accept this honor and carry the Peace of our Hearts into your worlds and then in the entire human race: Enfold the Angelic Kingdom in that Peace and the Elemental Kingdom too. Great hall be your reward for such service for you, too, even as we, become Peace Commanding Presences wheresoever your dear physical vehicles, under God direction, place you: Remember I, and all the Ascended Brotherhood at Suva are yours to command and await your invitation to give to you all of the Lasting Peace you desire for yourselves and to disseminate to the world around you. According to the Peace you give, wi11 you receive more Peace, for that is the eternal Law of the Circle! Command, you, us! We are always your Obedient Servants. For this we have foresworn Nirvana and sustain to this crucial hour our Focus of Peace. Now, you shall share our responsibility as well as the joy of expanding God Peace.


(Courtesy of "Thomas Printz" Bulletin)







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