Address by Beloved MAHA CHOHAN at

The Bridge Activity 1960 Summer Conference.

Harrisburg, Pa. July 2, 1960

Beloved friends, you have been and are a Comforting Presence to me. (audience rises) Please be seated. The Activity of Cosmic Christ Comfort, which "I AM" and which is my privilege to release to all the peoples of Earth and to all living things, in, through and around it, has given me a great scope of understanding of the requirement for Comfort from the tiniest elemental (such as the one the Beloved El Morya spoke of yesterday) as well as to each of the sons and daughters of God, whether they are in embodiment, in the sleepers Realm, or awaiting safe convoy to the New Star, prepared in Love Divine, by the Elohim, for the recalcitrant members of the human race who desire to accelerate their vehicles more slowly. 

Thus Beloved Saithrhu, the Manu of the Seventh Root Race shall bring forth more quickly the first Sub-race of his great Seventh Root Race upon the Planet Earth. My Comfort Flame flows forth to this newly created Star and into all who choose a more leisurely process of evolution. 

That Comfort, drawn forth from God Almighty by myself and my Predecessors, is yours now, to utilize in making your own worlds more comfortable and in setting all imprisoned life Free! I built into my Causal Body that Cosmic Christ Comfort by learning to feel and understand all life, imprisoned, as well as God-Free. To have become such an understanding individual is requisite for the position which I presently occupy as the over-Lord of the Seven Chohans, one of whom is the Beloved Lady Master Nada. I must understand fully the motive behind the activities of each of the Directors (Chohans) before I can give my assent to their individual projects and to authorize them to accept as chelas, unascended lifestreams, who can and will assist AT THIS TIME IN CREATING FOR MY BELOVED SON, THE ASCENDED MASTER SAINT GERMAIN, FREEDOM'S HOLY STAR. 

I must fully understand the motive behind illumined faith and enthusiasm and fire of Beloved Master El Morya. I must know full well the capacity of transmitting God's Wisdom through Beloved Lanto and Confucius. I must understand and know fully the capacity and desire of loving life free through Beloved Paul, the Venetian. I must understand and know fully the capacity of that mighty Son of Fire, Serapis, to purify the lower vehicles of mankind and to stand by those upon whose breast he has written the words, "Candidate for the Ascension", so that I can give my permission for him who consecrates a portion of his life for that aim. I must understand and know the full capacity and power of feeling of the great Hilarion in his attempt, so successful, to remove all agnostics and their feelings from the peoples of Earth; the peoples who have been removed from the compound as well as his tremendous service directed through the medical profession. 

I must know and understand the gracious Lady Nada, who has loved enough through the eons of time to have earned the place of Chohan of the Sixth Ray, administering to Life as she does and has done through the ages, selflessly loving life free. Under Charity, the Great Beloved Cosmic Being, Nada learned that lesson of selfless love. You have read about it and how that love blossoming forth through her being and world did give impetus to the hidden talents within her sisters and they became, on the world's screen, musicians and artists of note. 

I must love and know, as I do with every fiber of my being, the vision of your great Chohan, the Ascended Master Saint Germain; the vision of the Golden Age upon this Earth as she becomes Freedom's Holy Star and towards which we have given you the right to embody; toward which we have sustained the very breath in your vehicle. 

We have already experimented with the distribution of small grams of Prana through some elementals, four-footed creatures and those of the human kingdom. When there is Prana enough anchored in, through and around you, you will again experience the power of conscious levitation and precipitation and you will be able to say, as my Beloved Brother Jesus said long ago 'I have food to eat that ye know not of'. 

First secure through the controlled use of the rhythmic breath (as presented to you in the Transmission Flame Classes) absolute control of your four lower vehicles. Then you are ready to receive more and more pure Prana as sustaining power in your service to God and to ourselves. We are releasing to you, every twenty-four hours, 2 grams of Prana. (10 grams = 0.3527 oz) Let us see what you will do with that. 

But were you filled with Prana before you have that full mastered control, dear hearts, you would sail right over the capital of Harrisburg and land perhaps in another State! That would not be kindness upon our part, so we give to you each one, having tested your four lower vehicles for stability, a little Prana with your breath each day, and if you can accept that, well your breath you have seen on a cold day when it becomes steam-like and you know something of the natural breathing apparatus of your lungs, well Prana to breath is like fire is to water. That terrific DESCENT of the powerful currents of Prana through your physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles is an accelerating power. I know! For on that first Whitsuntide what brought I in the tongues of flame -THE GIFT OF PRANA- to those who had lost for a time their teacher Jesus and who had felt desolate without his Presence and required by the Paraclete in my humble self, to come to give to them the courage to perform his works or the Father's works in his name or that known as the Ascended Jesus Christ. No wonder it says in the few Biblical references that have not been incorrectly translated through the hands of all those scholars that embellished upon the original text, no wonder it says that the disciples blessed in the Upper Room reeled down the streets and those looking upon them thought that they were drunken. They were filled with that Prana, Jesus had prepared for them a room until they could pull themselves together and he explained to them how to regulate the use of Prana with his own name, the Ascended Jesus Christ. 

Do you know that all during their ministry until the very last one of them were ascended or left the body, once every twenty-four hours either Jesus, Mary the Holy Mother, or John, the Beloved, had to gather in that Chamber of Consciousness with these disciples and later the Apostles to hold together that remembrance of the power of Prana and to project it. 

Now Saul became Paul and went into Greece and there he did great works in the name of the Ascended Jesus Christ, but he had the power of Prana alive within him and the projected radiation of those that remained at Bethany. That is why I have been so interested in the establishment and sustaining of the Transmission Flame Classes just using the breath. Why? Because as you learn to concentrate on the transmission of certain statements carrying a certain quality, color and tone on your breath from city to city, and state to state, and across the great Oceanic body to the other physically embodied chelas, you make a permanent track of living Light which does encircle the world around. It grows wider and wider and wider until at the end of each Transmission Flame Class, with the assistance of myself and the God Free Beings who take up the weaker energies on the seaboard and direct them forward, it encompasses the planet in the gift and radiation of the power of Precipitation, Illumination and permanent Peace. 

As you have learned, in thought, feeling, word and action how to consciously transmit your breath (in the Transmission Flame Classes) around the world, now you shall be prepared for your first lesson, which I give to you here... of Transmission of a PERFECT THOUGHT IMAGE. 

Please visualize me (The Maha Chohan). Upon your first endeavor, I see fourteen doves, of assorted size and wing spread, seven shafts of light, of different colors, varying from golden light to deep ruby in shade, three representations of myself, as presented in the David Anrias Pictures, and ONE PERFECT THOUGHT FORM of myself. Let us endeavor to repeat this lesson. I shall give you a hint “I Am" not wearing a turban today. Please place all your mental turbans out of your consciousness for this lesson. You are doing splendidly. 

Now, you PROJECT THAT THOUGHT IMAGE OF MYSELF (combined of all your dear energies) through the use of telepathy across the Atlantic Ocean to our Foci held so faithfully in Scotland, into the consciousness of my chela, Miss Agnes McLaughlin in Scotland. I shall tell you when it arrives. No, let us begin again. Face East and project that THOUGHT IMAGE OF MYSELF again across the Atlantic Ocean to Miss McLaughlin and let it expand until it enfolds the British Empire, all of Europe, Africa, Asia Minor, Asia (see all my chelas in Ceylon wondering why "I Am" passing by so often) Australia and the Pacific Islands, through Suva, into the Western Coastal Areas of South, Central and North America, Eastward through the Americas and Canada, blessing our beloved chelas in Cuba and through every Bridge Foci throughout the World. You have really done a magnificent piece of Thought Transference for which I congratulate you. Please repeat it daily, as energy becomes power through use. You feel these mighty currents passing through your own blessed vehicles as the Presence of the Holy Spirit expands on this Sweet Earth and through all her evolutions. 

That is really magnificent, beloved ones, magnificently accomplished! You are deserving and I think I shall give you two grams of Prana within the next twenty-four hour period, but as we are all given a test, I am not going to tell you when I am going to give it, but it will be any time between now and within the twenty-four hours, so be careful when you start jumping and ask your Holy Christ Flame every time you seize that, that you utilize it for the purification of yourselves and all those around you, in through and around you and ask for perfect harmony ask your Holy Christ Flame for balance at that particular time because each of you will receive it at a different time. 

The tiny elemental (carried to the Hall of Karma by the Seraphim) to which Beloved Morya referred on July 1st, did achieve audience with the Karmic Board. If such a tiny elemental can render this service for all the species of the Nature Kingdom, I ask you... 'What can you do for my beloved son, El Morya?' Make him the happiest man in Heaven by presenting your petitions in dignity on July 3, 1960. 

His love and enthusiasm for you is so great, as you know, that it is only by Cosmic Law that I can give anyone else an opportunity to speak with you during these classes. He endeavors constantly to reach you with that loving Light which is his, because he says, "Just give me one moment and I will tell them again about their requirements of holding that Bridge to Freedom by the tenacity of their spirit, their honor", and I say patiently: "Beloved son, we too can emphasize that - that Bridge is built of Light from the hearts of Helios and Vesta and all the Suns and Sun Goddesses of the System. It is built of the Light in the hearts of the earnest and worthy chelas in the unascended realm as well". Sometimes he says, "I tell them but they get off on another story". But you must have more than one chapter to a book and that is why we give you the chapters of our own experiences. They vary but they are all divine feelings with the exception of our Beloved Mary, the Mother of Jesus who has chosen to share with you some of her experiences in Jesus' Life whereas she had to use the power of the Immaculate Concept especially during the crucifixion, the time on Golgotha Hill. She did that on purpose to show you that she too once was a woman; that she once walked the ways of Earth; that she too once loved a boy, a boy who became magnificent and in the prime of his youth chose to give his body as a mass sacrifice so that mankind could know that there is no death; that there is only Life Eternal and that all mankind would say as He did -"I AM, I AM, I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE, and so shall it be for you, for you hearts have spoken. Thank you beloved. (audience rises.) 

When you so respond as Beloved Hercules pointed out yesterday, your hearts have spoken, the Flame within your heart expands and it says, "Yes, oh yes, for this day have I waited that I, too, may be a radiating center for all the powers which I once knew and had with the Father before this world was". And so it is with you, each and every one, as you advance and gain progress in the magnetizing and externalizing of these Spiritual gifts of the Most High Living God through you for your benefaction and that of all Life will you know yourself, greater and greater Comfort and greater and greater Freedom from distress of every kind and every description. 

I have served so long with the Nature Kingdom that I really do enjoy the wonderful obedience within that Kingdom to God's Holy Will. Do you realize how much energy and love is employed by the elementals in creating through the impure substance of the Earth, flowers, shrubs, food and foliage, to stimulate and keep alive the hope in the hearts of mankind? Create, as they do, using the Resurrection Flame which Jesus used, which I used before him, which every one of you will one day use to attain your own Victorious Ascension, coupled, of course with the Ascension Flame, BEAUTY in, through and around you. 

No longer remain embryonic Gods and Goddesses but BECOME manifest Gods and Goddesses -Sons and Daughters of Freedom - Sons and Daughters of Hercules - Sons and Daughters of El Morya and, if you should so desire, Sons and Daughters of the Holy Spirit who ALWAYS BRING LASTING COMFORT TO ALL LIFE. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU". (Response by congregation: We love you (3x).