To make yourself a Cosmic Center of Love is to draw from the Heart of the great Eternal Father, from the Heart of the Lord Gautama, myself, the Princely Jesus or the Lady Mary, the substance which begins to enter the inner bodies and the consciousness, and there to generate deep below the surface the Divine Vibration of Love. 

When one loves enough, all the supply, all the good of the Universe rushes toward the source of that Love for benediction and bathes in its essence as happy children bathe in a fountain on a hot summer day. When one loves enough, both animate and inanimate life draws toward the heart center of that Love because such is the Kingdom of Heaven; and from the plant, the mineral, the vegetable, the animal and the human kingdoms the heart cry is for the re-establishment of the soul and spirit in that Kingdom from whence all have strayed. 

Seeing your endeavors to establish and sustain a focus of the Ascended Masters in the Western World, I say to you if you were to fill your buildings from the foundation beneath the surface of the ground to the topmost spar with the substance of Love (which is the natural Pink Flame generated and drawn forth from the Threefold Flame in the Heart even as you draw water from a well), you would draw to yourselves both students and children that would tax the capacity of your present equipment and facilities and you would experience opulence of every kind and every form. 

True Love is not a sentiment it is not spasmodic but constant and can transform your activity into a Mountain of Pink Flame* as high as Mount Everest. 


*The Golden Flame corresponds to the Theosophical Society, the Blue Flame to the "I AM" Movement and the Pink Flame to the Bridge to Freedom Activity. - Maha Chohan, Nov, 8, 1953






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