By the Ascended Master El Morya

Dearly beloved students, you are working to set Life free, no matter what the form in which it is bound! Life, the great beautiful pulsing Flame of God that is burning, no matter how deeply encased, in the bounds of flesh and matter. Shining, immortal, beautiful, potent Life that is indivisible beats within everything that knows breath and being. The sunny smile of your fellow-creature; the anguished pain that pours through another's eyes; the happy joy of a romping lamb or puppy that is Life, an indivisible part of yourself! 

If you would serve God and your fellowman, remember that your sole dealing is with Life, and look not for gratitude, nor love, nor cooperation from the masquerading garments that Life has drawn about its reality. Salute the God-life within every heart and bend every effort of mind and soul and will to the releasing and redemption of that God. Hear the mute appeal of Life encased in every breast, and set it free! Work and toil in that service, touching the wand of Freedom to the manifestations of Life wherever you meet them, and rest not until all Life is free! While any manifestation of Life is cased round in imperfection or pain or distortion, there is part of YOURSELF that is not free!



Monthly Letter to the Transmission of the Flame Class

June 18th, 1960

Beloved children determined to co-operate with the Cause of the Ascended Host:

On the occasion of the six-monthly Meeting of the Karmic Board, at the Precipitation Temple, at the Rocky Mountains, in Wyoming, U.S.A., which will be open to all earnest chelas between June 15th and July 14th, 1960 I would like to make a suggestion to all sincere students, individually and collectively. The suggestion is this: for a period of six months, beginning June 15th, 1960 to December 14th, 1960, consecrate yourselves, each one of you, to any one of my Seven Chohans, one of whom is the Lady Chohan Nada, in accordance with your affinity toward any one or more of them. 

Let me remind you how you can easily tune into the radiation of each of the different Chohans:

Ascended Master El Morya: Live in accordance with the Will of God, and cultivate decision to express his Divine Will on Earth.

Ascended Master Lanto: Show daily reverence for life, and develop Spiritual perception.

Ascended Master Paul, the Venetian: Be tolerant and practice being your brother's keeper, through Pure Divine Love.

Ascended Master Serapis Bey: Live in purity, and seek the perception and use of the Immaculate Concept for yourself and all mankind.

Ascended Master Hilarion: Cultivate consecration and try to develop the powers of healing.

Ascended Lady Master Nada: Purify your feelings, and be a comfort to others through ministration.

Ascended Master Saint Germain: Practice Invocation, and the use of the transmuting power of the Violet Fire. 

In everything you do, act as if you were the Chohan you have selected to serve. The coming six months will, therefore, be a probationary period for those who accept this suggestion and act on it in earnest. You will have the opportunity to show your co-operation, your loyalty and your constancy to the Cause of the Ascended Host. I entertain fondly the hope that at the next Conclave in December 1960, I shall shake your hands as accepted chelas. 

Your Ascended Master Sponsors for this thirty-day period will be great gentlemen from the Rocky Mountain Retreat, chosen by your Ascended Master Friends, Lord Lanto and Lord Confucius. 

My Luminous Presence shall enfold you, each one, each day, as an Encouraging and Comforting Presence. 

Love and Blessings,

Maha Chohan






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