June 15th through July 14th, 1960

THE TEMPLE OF PRECIPITATION in the Rocky Mountains, Wyoming, USA

Hierarchs: Lord Lanto and Beloved Confucius;

Color of Precipitation Flame: Chinese Green with Golden Radiance;

Keynote: "O Thou Sublime Star", Tannhauser 

Breathing Statement for the Transmission of the Flame Class

June 18th, 1960

1        2        3                  4                  5            6            7        8

"I AM" inbreathing the precipitating power from beloved Confucius' Temple

"I AM" absorbing the precipitating power from beloved Confucius' Temple

"I AM" expanding the precipitating power from beloved Confucius' Temple

"I AM" projecting the precipitating power from beloved Confucius' Temple


Description of the Retreat: "The Bridge to Freedom Journal": Vol. I, Nos. 3 and 8;

and issues 3 and 9 of the remaining Volumes from II to VII and No. 3 of Volume VIII.

Addresses by Lord Lanto: Bridge Journal, Vol. II, No. 9; Vol. 3, No. 10; Vol. VII, No. 9.

Beloved Confucius: "The Bridge Journal", Vol. VII, No. 7.





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