An Address by the beloved Ascended Master Jesus, delivered at

The Ashram on Easter Sunday,

April 17, 1960

My beloved, on this the Anniversary of my Resurrection from the tomb, I bring to you the love of my Heart, for each and every one of you who have lived and loved in my name, and done good works in my name, and who have chosen through the Mercy of God which is alive within you to serve your fellowman and all living things upon this sweet Earth! Thus you glorify our Father which is in Heaven, that Heaven which is so beautiful that when you achieve the God-estate, you shall be grateful indeed that your Causal Bodies are filled enough with the good that you have done through the ages preceding your Association with me and other Divine Beings, of course, and succeeding such Divine Associations! You shall have that Mansion not made with hands and you shall enter into the Father's Kingdom, to go out no more. 

Some blessed and dear ones feel they are not worthy to enter into that Kingdom and kneel at the Throne of the Father of Love. Others feel the Earth ties are too strong within them; some have a sense of curiosity at what shall come after their Earth-course is run. Love will not allow you to interfere with my Mother's selection. 

The Spirits who present themselves at the Sacred Heart Temple of my mother next May 1961 shall be those God Spirits from other Solar Systems; those Divine Buddhas; those chosen from the First sub-race of the Seventh Root Race. THEN shall you see the planet Earth transformed quickly. Then will a child prodigy not be the unusual but the usual. Then will the parents receive illumination from the child. Then this Earth shall be Freedom's Holy Star! Then each and every one of you shall have the just reward of all your services, your rest if you choose it for six months, visitation with your loved ones, if you choose it. Most of you shall be so busy exploring the beauty of the green gardens and the glorious flame flowers of the Kingdom of Heaven that you might take twenty-four hours of rest but, methinks, you will then be off again as I was about our Father' Business. 

What is the Business of the Heavenly Father? The Business of the Heavenly Father is practical! It is the establishment of a Christ man, a Christ woman and a Christ child through every human being belonging to this planet Earth some three and a half billion who are in embodiment and the rest waiting for an opportunity of taking embodiment. That is why I came to the Earth; that is why in my humble way I endeavored to show mankind that the things that I had done, they, too, should do also!

Even my blessed disciples learned to lean on form and by leaning upon my personage, my own Ascension, forty days after Ascension morning, was essential, so that they might learn, through themselves, and through the beloved Paraclete (whom you know as the Holy Spirit) that those so-called miracles are part of the Father's Heritage anchored in each one of them and in each one of you. 

So often Peter and James and the others would go bravely forth to heal and come back and say 'Master' it did not work. Again and again I said unto them 'Go again and in the name of Jesus command the evil to cease to be'! But those greater than I saw that while they had in me, something physically tangible to hold onto, they would hold the hem of my garment and their own potential Divinity would lie buried within them whilst they held admiration for the Son of Man and the Son of God. 

You are all Sons and Daughters of God; sons of men and women too, yes, true but you have been sons and daughters of different men and women in embodiment after embodiment throughout ages of time. All the time since first you left the Heart of our Father you have been a temporary Son or Daughter of God, even though you have forgotten it. 

When Pilate said to me 'they say that you are reported to be the Son of God' I replied to him 'thou sayest this', letting come forth from his own lips the truth which could have as easily come from mine own', mine was the self chosen path of the crucifixion, the path to Golgotha, the path of the Resurrection, the path to the visit to Bethany, the path to the public Ascension. Think on it! If you loved someone as deeply as I loved my Mother and John and Peter and Paul and the other disciples who still maintained free will as unascended beings, even resuscitated, could you leave them sleeping and walk in the Springtime up that Hill of Bethany with the early Spring flowers and the sweet smell of Earth, and voluntarily say again, as I did in Gethsemane's garden 'Father, thy will not mine be done'. 

Later I waited for the coming of the noonday Sun, seeing the fear and the confusion in the consciousness of many of my followers and the deep love in the hearts of John and Mother, I allowed the gravity pull of Earth to be released from my feet and made the Ascension! Why? So that I might make a public Ascension before some five hundred people and meet my Father, leaving to his Wisdom, the care of my disciples and apostles and the Truth which a baby could read, some babies read well because they have not yet become cynical. 

People come again only to God, as a rule when their four lower vehicles are absolutely beyond repair and when medical science has confirmed that the vehicles which they use shall soon disintegrate. Then they think 'oh Lord, oh Lord, for all the misuse of thy Life I'm sorry; I am regretful indeed; please receive me into Heaven', after maybe eighty years of living according to the human will. Even that prayer is heard and it is answered and every such soul with a contrite heart who asks for the forgiveness of his sins or that of a loved one who is about to depart is absolved thereof and can see their loved ones and dwell in the Heavenly Realms, although not in the Realms of the Ascended Host of Light. 

To dwell in the Realm of the Ascended of Light, one must be willing to SERVE IN PRACTICAL ACTIVITY, which requires the utilization of all the senses of the outer and inner vehicles AT ALL TIMES. I had three years after my Baptism in the River Jordan, three years to perform my Ministry or three years to enjoy myself but when the Paraclete through the invocation of John the Baptist anointed me and the Spirit and Being of Maitreya and I blended into One, there was no thought, beloved ones, not one thought or feeling except that in those three years to get across to as many as I could through talking, through so-called miracles, through example, the way that God intended every man, woman and child to be at the end of that three years. 

You know the story well. I told my Mother, I said they have not learned; they have sat with me; they have seen the devils cast into the sea; they have seen the blind to be made to see and they have seen Lazarus raised from the tomb, yet they know not the fundamentals of Truth. What shall I do?' And she said. "Son, DO what your Heavenly Father requires of you, and do it NOW!" And I did. Never in the thirty-three years of my association with my Divine Mother did I disobey her, because I knew she was an Angel, embodied for the express purpose of giving me a physical body, and I knew that it was her strength and that of Saint Germain who was of course then Saint Joseph, my father, that helped me until I knew myself, my Mission. 

You see when you are born on this Earth, even without sin as I, and the little Buddhas who do come in, you take on the band of forgetfulness; it is bound around your eyes and your senses and your soul is sheathed more or less and it covers the entire vehicle and when you come into this world of form, that sheath still remains around you until you come to an age of awareness. Then you can begin to absorb understanding. That strong Lady of Heaven and that gentle Joseph protected me through those years. Mary protected Joseph, too. In fact I think she is busy protecting all the human race. I cannot speak too highly of the love of your Cosmic Mother Mary, who I was privileged to have as my personal Mother for thirty-three short years but whom I AM privileged now to serve with in Heaven's Realm throughout all eternity. Never does she pass by but I bow the knee before her Light. 

There are some that cannot bow the knee even before the Heavenly Father, yet who gave to you the magnificence of the capacity to have joints. Have you thought on this? Suppose you were made of board, all in one piece, that would have been of the human. Suppose that God in his Infinite Mercy had not given you the power and security of all of these joints and all of the various organs and cells of your body! When they say 'and adoring, bend the knee' I think often of the prideful ones; some of those that came out of the compound; what a job to bend that knee. Yet on this Earth today there are hundreds of people in institutions that would give their souls if they could bend the knee; some have left no knee; hands to heal and to bless life; these are the Gifts of the Father, fashioned by my mother in the Sacred Heart Temple. What for? To comb your hair? Ah, no to go forth and serve in the Heavenly Father's Cause and bring his Kingdom here on Earth. 

This very morning as hundreds and thousands repeat the 'Our Father' I can name maybe a hundred who get the efficacy within it. Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed that is holy be thy name, thy Kingdom come on Earth, that is through you; thy Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven. Beloved ones think on this! Forgive us our debts, AS we forgive our debtors. That little word 'as' is slurred over. Oh yes, we wish to be forgiven but we will be forgiven in like measure AS we forgive those who have trespassed against us. Then the magnificent surrender 'for thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory for ever'. Is it for you? 

Take that prayer this week Catholic or Protestant version as you wish and ask me to show you in feeling what is within it, and I will. That is my reason for being. 

As this Easter Class has come to a tremendous and God Victorious Jesus Christ Success, the Earth is enfolded in that magnificent Calla Lily which is as yet cup upward and at the close of the Communion Service, which I choose personally for specific reasons to give to you, the Lily will be turned the other way and the Blessing will flow through every lifestream, not only here, but the disembodied and down into the earth and that includes the worms and the alligators, the snakes and the crocodiles all of life, beloved ones, is God and as you have given so freely and beautifully of your energy and as Morya is already before the Karmic Board for the Summer Class, In the Name of God make some application as to WHERE and HOW it can be handled in dignity. 

My love, that of Saint Germain, and my Holy Mother abide with you now and always. Although I shall remove the microphone I shall myself give the Blessing.





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