Addresses by Beloved Saint Germain and Lady Portia at

The Ashram on his Coronation and Ascension Anniversary,

May 1, 1960

Ladies and gentlemen of grace, it is always a pleasure as well as a privilege to visit those who love the Cause of Freedom; those who love to serve in grace to bring a Planet too long held in the throes of distress again into harmony, ah, that harmony that shall add to the Music of the Spheres and out into the Cosmos itself instead of being the one dissonant note in this Universe and in this Galaxy. 

How many of us love this earth; how many of us walked upon it; walked sometimes in troubled thought and sometimes in happy free expression! How many of you here have walked and talked with me all, I say, while yet unascended were you my friends tried and true, in periods of adversity where friendship, the truest and most perfect expression of Love Divine was required for even physical safety of the outer form. 

Now again we have joined together on this magnificent pathway where you and I and all of our Heavenly Brothers and Sisters and all of those who are being transmuted and transformed into Light will bring to Earth that Kingdom of Magnificence that I have so, longed to show you and to show all peoples; that Kingdom where the Angels perform the ceremonies and scatter the petals of the rose before the Sacred Mother; where the great Builders of Form right before your eyes can create a temple. Aye of diamonds, stones of any description and change it in the twinkling of an eye through the power of etherealization. Ah, that Age is coming again wherein there will be no distorted life, wherein there shall be no cry of pain, no distress of heart, of soul or Spirit; for this I have foresworn Nirvana; for this I remain presently the Chohan in charge of the Permanent Golden Age, wherein some say 'You speak of it often and yet the Angels are not yet manifest'. 

Who knows more there are in the world of form; more there are that walk among you than even ye who sit here this morning know about that great Serapis Bey, glory be to his name, (who has opened the Door to the Seventh Root Race) and the Great Karmic Board confirming the Petition of beloved Morya will allow dispensations when the blessed and beloved Mother this year creates again in this same month of May the bodies of those who are to come to Earth in 1961.  

Beloved ones, when you think how carefully and how beautifully are prepared the vehicles for each embodiment, no matter how much the soul has created in past embodiments of an imperfect nature, through the use of this Violet Fire Which I love so much, which is part of my Being and World, the soul is given the most perfect body possible for reembodiment and that Violet Fire surges through the Sacred Heart Temple as each and every blessed individual who is to be reborn on the Earth walks through the Elysian Fields, walks up the steps of that Temple, kneels before the Blessed Mary, Mother of Jesus, and before Kwan Yin and passes through that ceremony wherein their long golden hair is shorn. Where is that hair placed? It is placed in the Heart of the Resurrection Temple wherein those who are not again to embody may have a magnetizing power to bless those shorn of their glory to enter into Earth garments and shine through the Light of their own hearts, being sons and daughters of Freedom, wearing Freedom's Robes in dignity and in honor. 

Long since it was that my Master called me home; long before my Utopia was established on this Sweet Earth, so I had studied it well and endeavored through many, many people in authority to persuade them to allow it to come forth in Europe, but my Master said it was time for me to close the Book of my Life and enter into the Realms of the Ascended and so you have my little Utopia and the few memoirs that are therein and the deeper truths of Shakespeare for those who seek to delve and the memory of a man shorn not only of position but of name, traveling alone from the England that he loved, meeting trusted friends in France and finding peace in the most beautiful woods of Transylvania, where the birdsong was so sweet and there was no footfall for even the horses there were unshod and they as well as the mankind privileged to be among my close friends in the Transylvanian Forest moved silently and in that silence you could hear the voice of the bird, the more delicate voice of the flower and there I truly pressed my physical bosom against this Earth, kissing it a farewell, but promising I should return through those who love me first and then one day when the veil of maya was dissolved enough, in person. 

When you have a Project here on Earth, no matter how small it may be it becomes quite dear to you. I have that Project of a Planet free of disease and death, decay; free of every type of consciousness that could create war, wherein Angels, men and elementals might walk together in happiness on a shining Planet just as it was when it first came forth from the Heart of Immaculata with Amarilly's sweetest blooms; that dream has not been fulfilled, but it has become a Vision, a Vision held in my Consciousness with all of the tenacity of my centuries of embodiment on this Earth, as well as my experience on other Stars. That is the Vision that I impart to you when I receive the confidence of your presence. 

Oh how lovely to have our Earth again as she was then; how lovely for you to be a part of leaving her more beautiful and shining because you have passed by; how lovely indeed that generations yet unborn shall know Angels and Divine Being's as their Friends and no maya stands between; how lovely that the Throne of Freedom shall be occupied by a Heart Friend, simple and yet withal filled with the Consciousness and Conviction that a Vision of a World of Freedom can become FACT when men and women cease bickering amongst themselves and nations among nations then the Solar Highways can be opened and then can those above look down and say 'how lovely the garland of Light around the Freedom Star'. Instead of pinpoints of Light here and there scattered across the surface of the Earth wherein is the awakened consciousness of one or a handful of valued students; all of the Earth ablaze with Light. For this was invested Sanat Kumara's centuries, ages of service; to this end was created the Great White Brotherhood; to this end do we live but to educate you in the knowledge that the Powers that we used to set ourselves Free are within your own heart, only to be loosed by the acceptance of their Reality. 

Lovely ones, the Violet Flame is real; more real by far than externalized form on chart or picture. That Flame is your freedom as it blazes in, through and around you - LET GO, LET GO and Let go of emotional, mental, etheric and physical chaos and then accept from my Lady Portia the Divine Justice which is the heritage of your being to be a God and Goddess on this Earth and then achieve Ascended Master or Cosmic status at the close of this Earth life. 

Beloved Portia speaks: 

My beloved Saint Germain, you plead the Cause of Freedom well and men, women and children who listen to you, and they would love it for themselves and some few for others, but as a Member of the Karmic Board, Beloved, I know that that Vision which is yours to become fact must literally be riveted into the outer consciousness of the chelas who have pledged themselves to serve you so that that Freedom is the greatest and highest aspect of their thinking, feeling selves, else in the trials my trusting and beloved one, in the hours that are to come, you may not find anchored as many friends as your Heart believes. As a Member of the Karmic Board I pledge to you all of the energies of my Being to see that you are NOT disappointed again in ONE SOUL in which you have invested an electron of your Life and that those who have desecrated your Vision of Freedom SHALL ARISE and make things right, NOT ONLY FOR YOU but for the Cause You represent - THIS IS A FIAT OF THE KARMIC BOARD FOR YOU ON YOUR MAY DAY! 

Beloved Saint Germain speaks

Beloved Portia, I know well wherein you speak. "I AM" gentle, too, and trusting for in that trust I find a certain spark of response. It is not blind trust but it is the conviction that holding on to the Heart Flame which is within each beating heart with all the Love that is within me that Heart Flame shall respond and give of itself and in so giving make this Planet a Holy and God-Free place. 

To you, beloved, who think perhaps like the Karmic Board that “I AM" gentle I have on times been fiery - fiery just in the desire to see you in dignity proceed on Life's way and become that May Pole of Power around which others weaker than yourselves may stand and lean at times until they gain the power within themselves to stand alone with God and with us who are his Messengers. 

Thus this Sacred Month of May dedicated to the Festivals of so many of my Ascended Master Friends of Light, is a particularly blessed one to me and I wish you this morning the same joy I experienced when I left my Earthly Body and gained my Victory and met the Goddess of Liberty and the other great Teachers of Light in the Ascended Master Realm. No one can explain the feeling of relief and release and joy that there is in the Ascension even though one's service is not completed and that one shall return to serve through others. One day you will say to me 'Saint Germain, my friend, you spoke truly' as you expand your Light in the Cosmos and having done completed your little individual task join me to go out no more. 

A Happy and Most Blessed Month of May from your Friend, your Servant and One who believes you love me - as I DO LOVE YOU!








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