By Mary, Mother of Jesus

(With Interpolated headings)

You are attaining great freedom and enjoying the one, eternal happiness that results from becoming Master of Circumstances rather than victims of fate. The lifestreams who begin to perceive the powers of the Sacred Fire and avail themselves of the opportunity of drawing the Sacred Fire into focus both for the purification of cosmic causes known and unknown and for the creation of new fundamental rates of vibration are passing through the door from the realm of three dimensions, which is a prison, into the realm of Cosmic Cause, which is the Fourth Dimensional Activity, or the Ascended Masters Octave. It is the fulfillment of the promise of Serapis Bey where he said you would consciously pass over the Bridge into the Realm of Divine Ideation and while yet wearing the garments of flesh you would no longer be at the mercy of your own misuse of the creative energy or that of others. 

There is something above Consciousness 

You are studying Consciousness and you have come to a realization that within the realm of consciousness is the cause of every effect, good and evil, that has appeared or will appear in the lifestream of the individual, but there is something ABOVE consciousness. 

Consciousness is the effect of the use of the God Principle by a self-conscious intelligence who has woven out of the universal light substance an invisible aura in which there rests the causes to which we refer. You cannot say for fact that man is his consciousness. Man experiences the results created by him through the use of energy and vibration, and his consciousness is the effect of his use of free will. 

Consciousness is the Instrument of Creation 

The consciousness is the instrument of creation. The Ascended Masters' Consciousness is their Instrument and they create in their Realm of Consciousness just as the artist creates within his workroom or studio. The brush and easel are the implements used within the studio, as are the thought and feeling faculties the implements by which consciousness is formed. 

How Consciousness is Created 

You have therefore a fourfold differentiation:

a)       The self-conscious intelligence, which is the individuality.

b)       The thought and feeling faculties, which are implements of the self-conscious intelligence.

c)       The Primal Life Energy - and

d)       The finished product, which is consciousness. This is all at inner levels. 

The Use of the Sacred Fire 

Then consciousness itself, evolved through thought and feeling and the use of the Sacred Fire, becomes an instrument through which passes every idea into the Third Dimensional World to become form. 

Consciousness is the conductor from the unseen to the manifest. The Ascended Master Consciousness is used by the Master within which he creates through the faculties of thought and feeling, but, in order to have his manifestation come forth into the physical appearance world, he must use the medium of some consciousness that still belongs in the vibratory action of the race on the planet which he is assisting. 

The Human Consciousness Must be Pure 

The cosmic consciousness flows through some highly evolved pure human consciousness. Such Lifestreams become Cosmic Conductors of Divinity and you have no greater example than is that of our Beloved Jesus. When the Cosmic Christ entered his very Pure Consciousness, the two become ONE. 

In my Discourse yesterday I spoke of the necessity of purifying the consciousness through which any Cosmic Powers may flow for the reason that the descent of cosmic ideation through that medium would energize and vivify any accumulation through which it passes, and in order to have selfless instruments who will allow their consciousness to be used by the Divine Beings, who are by law only permitted to serve through lifestreams belonging to our planet, we must be assured that these human consciousness are like crystal vials through which our life and light and powers might flow. 

Picturization and Habit 

Regarding the fundamental rates of vibration of picturization and habit, these are tremendous cores of concentrated energy that act independently of the personal self. The intense call for the purification of these rates of vibration, known and unknown, within the lifestream will continue your already rapid progress toward the development of a consciousness which cannot be impinged by any imperfect creation. 

Offer your Consciousness to the Ascended Masters 

Offering your consciousness to the Ascended Masters, as the Beloved Maha Chohan explained, will allow such glorious Divine ideas to be created within the scope of your intellectual acceptance and recognition as will amaze you… these, fed by your thought and feeling will come forth to create with greater and greater clarity, fed with your great creative experiments. 

Call the Beings of Purity 

Continue the purification of your consciousness through the use of the Sacred Fire Call to the Beings of Purity, and through self-conscious alertness entertain no picture which would be like a great cloud on the cosmic currents passing through you for the freedom of all.





(April 15th through May 14th)

April 17th - Easter Sunday

May 1st - Saint Germain's Ascension Day

May 8th - Day of Lord Gautama's Enlightenment

May 11th - Wesak Festival, 00:43 A.M. EST. 





(May 15th through June 14th, 1960)

Temple of Illumination, near Lake Titicaca, South America.

Hierarchs: God and Goddess Meru;

Color of Flame, Gold and Pink;

Musical Keynote, "Faith of Our Fathers", Hemy-Walton.












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