An Address by


July 2, 1956

Hail, Beloved Children of the One Eternal God! To you who are temporarily walking the ways of Earth, I come tonight to bring to you my conviction of the power of positively-qualified energy which is within true Divine Love. 

The expansion of this particular aspect of the nature of God has been my service in the Angelic Kingdom for many, many ages. With the help of the One Supreme Source of all life, I have developed the quality and feeling of God-confidence in positively-qualified energy. This I have developed within myself, in the Angelic Kingdom and in some few among mankind who have chosen, from time to time, to give their attention to me and have chosen to invoke my Presence and protective power in, through and around themselves, and their loved ones here embodied; as well as around their loved ones who have passed through so-called "death". 

Think you not that it takes a tremendous capacity of Divine Love for an entire evolution, for me to be willing to stay here for service in the Astral Realm twenty-hours out of every twenty-four by earthly count, which I have been doing for quite some time? 

Think you not that it must take a tremendous amount of Divine Love for imprisoned Angels, mankind and Elemental life for the Legions of Lord Michael to come and remain with me in such service? 

Think you not that there has to be a very great power of positively-qualified energy within that Love, for us to be able to focus it in, through and around a soul whose human creation (of course of its own making) is so heavy that the soul itself is practically inert and cannot even arise by itself to enter the Halls of Karma; there to receive its assignment from the Karmic Board to go to some specific schoolroom of instruction between embodiments? Sometimes too, a soul is so rebellious against God that it absolutely refuses to comply with the Divine Edict and Law of the Universal which governs those who have "passed on". 

Think you not that it must take a tremendous "drive" of energy, qualified with the full power of Divine Love and directed one-pointedly to set that soul free from as much as is possible of that discordant accumulation? 

Think you not that it must take a great deal of positive energy qualified with the power of Divine Love, for us to be able to assist those lifestreams for whom some of you have chosen to pray in specific "Liberation" services, after they have passed through the veil called "death"? Many, many times at Inner Levels, with my own hands of pure light, have I stripped from the inner bodies of your relatives and friends for whom you have called (those for whom I pledged to you my assistance because of your faithful service to our Cause for so long, promising you that these would never have to embody here again but could finish their course at Inner Levels and make the Ascension from there), "stripping" them emotionally, mentally and etherically of as much destructively qualified energy as the mercy of the Great Law would allow, so that they could make the best possible showing before the Karmic Board. Do you know that some of them I actually had to "push" into that River of Violet Fire (commonly known as the "River Styx") , persuading them to remain within it until that substance of humanly qualified energy around them was transmuted. 

Many such an one have I helped in this manner, radiating the faith, confidence and power of my conviction in the goodness of God, which later enabled that soul to walk down the long corridor in the Royal Teton, finding the Council Chamber which had been allotted to the country of their birth and where they waited in turn for invitation to appear before the Karmic Board. (I tell you, those Halls of Karma are a rather forbidding-looking place to those whose consciences know of wrongs done by them on Earth). Having given them the strength of my own faith in the merciful forgiveness of Almighty God, I accompanied them to the Halls of Karma and stood by their side as they appeared before that August Body. There I continued the positive radiation of my Love and my conviction of Self-confidence that feeling of "You CAN do it, for God is with you!" That is the vibratory action of faith which is representative of our Kingdom, particularly of those who serve with us on the First Ray. That is the vibratory action which is directed by my Legions into the feeling worlds of unascended beings who seem to be in great distress and, at least temporarily, have lost hope. Some of them seem to have lost all faith in God himself and to these I send my Legions, telling them to give such souls through the radiation of Divine Love, confidence in the power of God within them to do that which they know must be done. Then these Angelic Protectors, standing in the auras of such souls needing assistance, radiate the feeling of "YOU CAN DO IT - BY THE POWER OF GOD WHICH IS WITHIN YOU"! Can you think of a greater aspect of Divine Love in service? I think not! 

Divine Love ALWAYS Active on all Seven Rays

I want you to see and know that on each of the Seven Rays, the Divine Love aspect is behind every expression. It is tremendously active, of course, on the First Ray of Faith (Blue Flame) and the expression of God's Will as we have said. 

It is also very active in the radiation of Illumination, the Golden Flame of the Second Ray, where the interest of the student is magnetized and held by the radiation of pure Divine Love, until he or she comes to the point where they really want to know and ask for an explanation of the Law of Life. Then, again, by the radiation of that same Divine Love, is given the Ascended Master understanding of that Law and its correct application. 

Divine Love is primarily and most extensively evident, of course, in all the activities of the Third Ray (Pink Flame), where Tolerance and complete Understanding of all of life holds sway. 

It is certainly evident, too, on the Fourth Ray (Crystal Flame) where purity of emotions, thoughts, etheric substance and flesh are essential to the establishing of a close connection with the Godhead and the externalization of the God-design. 

Divine Love is expressed in Concentration, Fifth Ray (Green Flame), for that which you love to do you stay with and do. You know that, even in your outer world associations. If you love something or someone enough, you will give your life in service to it or to them, no matter what the personal discomfort or inconvenience to yourself may be. 

Again, Divine Love is most certainly active on the Sixth Ray (Ruby and Gold) in the desire to minister to imprisoned Angels, mankind and Elemental life. 

Also, this same Divine Love is one of the most important aspects of the Seventh Ray (Violet), for what greater love can there be than to invoke from Cosmic Heights, the Ascended Master Realm and Angelic Kingdom, help for an evolution in pain and torment of various kinds, especially that assistance which they can and do bring at your call, the Violet Transmuting Flame of Divine Compassion, Mercy and Forgiveness? 

Now, let us NEVER consider Divine Love as being a negative quality! It is always an extremely positive activity, although its expression at times may be that of a dynamic release of Faith, Confidence and Protection; or in Illumination and Understanding; or in the feeling of kindly Tolerance. Its expression may also be in the Purity of the feelings of the ascetic; it may be in the Concentration of your energies upon the producing of something which can be of benefit to the whole human race; it may be in the Ministering to men, women and children in distress in your hospitals and asylums or in the alleviation of the suffering of any part of life. Divine Love may also be expressed in the use of the power of Invocation, in calling forth the Divine Alchemy of the Violet Fire which, as it passes through any shadowed substance, raises the vibratory action of that substance into perfection instantly. There is no greater expression of Divine Love anywhere in the Universe, than for any man or woman to get the complete understanding of the absolute science behind the Divine Alchemy of the Violet Transmuting Flame and then, by Its use, become an example of Its reality and efficacy particularly revealing Its tremendous blessing and possibilities to his fellowman. What one can do - all can do! 

Luminous Presence of Any Ascended Being sustained by Rhythmic Calls

Beloved ones, I have loved you for a long time! I have often been with you at Inner Levels just before you took an embodiment and I have met you often at the close of an embodiment at that time helping you to get your world in some semblance of Divine Order before you went before the Karmic Board. Now, I meet you often in consciousness, as you either call in decrees or sing to me and I often come in my own Divine Presence at your call. I am here constantly in my Luminous Presence and anywhere else where I am rhythmically invited to be. 

Where there is a rhythm of invocation which is constant, there the Luminous Presence of any Ascended Master or Cosmic Being thus called for is established and sustained. Therefore, in the various Sanctuaries all over the world where certain Masters have been accorded the privilege of working with the group and where that group consciously gives attention to that Master in song and decree, those places have in and around them a Luminous Presence of that Master which remains a part of their "forcefield" and through which that Master pours his Divine Love and assisting energies at all times. 

However, in order to sustain such a blessing, such a Luminous Presence should be rhythmically acknowledged at least once in every twenty-four hours. If it is not possible to go personally this often into the Sanctuary or meeting place, because of the tremendous pressures of today's daily living, business interests, etc., which obligations arise mostly from the necessity of "making a living", then use the activity of "projected consciousness" which you have been shown how to do. This is done by consciously projecting your attention (for "Where your attention is THERE YOU ARE"!) into the seat usually occupied by you in the Sanctuary or on the platform if you are the Director of the Group, giving loving adoration and acknowledgment to that Luminous Presence of the Being or Beings, which Luminous Presences you desire to be sustained there. If you will conscientiously do this, approximately at the same time at least once in every twenty-four hours, such a Luminous Presence will be sustained there for you. Otherwise, the powerful radiation of that Luminous Presence tends to lessen if such rhythmic acknowledgment is not given it. Of course, such foci of Ascended Master Light or that of the Cosmic Beings always increases when there is an address given or when the regular group meetings or services are held. 

Rhythmic Application Most Essential!

The lack of sufficient rhythmic application was one of the reasons why the Temple of the Sacred Heart finally disappeared from visibility upon the Continent of Atlantis. The majority of the Priests and Priestesses of that Temple did not give rhythmic attention to the Sacred Fire established within that Temple. You see, to keep here the visible tangible presence of the Sacred Fire (which you yet have not drawn visible to the physical world) it had to be fed by the conscious ritual of the group of Priests and Priestesses who had volunteered to magnetize sustain, and expand that Flame, at least once in every twelve hours. Because of the steadily increasing shadows brought here by the "laggards" at that time, the energies of these Priests and Priestesses became enmeshed in the creations of the outer world and their attention began to wander from the sameness of their ritualistic pattern of invocation. 

Finally, on many of the Altars the Sacred Fire just disappeared because there was no one interested or faithful enough to hold It there. As you know, the nature of the Flame is to arise and return to the Octave from whence it was originally drawn. We cannot and shall not bring that Sacred Fire back here again, visible and tangible to the physical sight of all mankind, until we can have the loving, constant, rhythmic service of those upon whom we can depend to magnetize that Sacred Fire at least once every day. 

We know that you are calling for greater freedom from the demands of "making a living" so that you may be able to serve the light better and more. You see, you cannot work in the business world all day or give your energies to your homes and families and then, in the evening hours, when your energies are mostly spent, draw forth the type of energy which would be required to sustain a visible, tangible Flame. That is just common sense and it goes without saying that we would not demand such a service of you. However, we are calling with and for you and, during this Class, while the greater purification of your inner bodies and physical flesh structure is going on, we are asking for the removal from you of the causes and cores of your human creation which manifests in your world of experience as financial lack, ill health, disintegration, old age and every other human distress. 

Of course, "according to your faith be it unto you"! According to your faith in our actual reality and in the reality of that which we are endeavoring to do for you in other words just as much of us and our activities as YOU CAN AND WILL ACCEPT AS REAL - just that much we are able to do for you and your four lower bodies NOW; the rest will remain around you in your aura until some time later, some moment when you are very peaceful and spiritually attuned. Then, suddenly, the realization and feeling of acceptance of our gift will come into your consciousness and manifest for you in your outer experience. 

I have seen individuals who have been "exposed" (shall we say) to the radiation of the Ascended Masters for an entire embodiment, with very little change of nature apparent in the outer self. Then, suddenly, in just a period of absolute relaxation, when the outer self and its anxious tensions just "let go", all of that accumulation of Ascended Master radiation of perfection rushed in to such an one's outer consciousness and purification took place on the instant! 

Call for Feeling of God-Acceptance!

Now, we can see very clearly why you do not experience the instantaneous manifestation of all your calls and of our release of radiation of perfection into your worlds. It is because of a "block" in the inner bodies (mostly in the emotional body and of these feelings the outer self is usually not aware) feelings of doubt, fear and a lack of the feeling of complete acceptance of the reality of that which we wish you to have and which you want, but which you cannot as yet see, hear or cognize with the five outer senses. However, everything comes from the invisible to the visible and a thing may be very tangible, although invisible to the physical sight. 

Your hearts are so sincere and your souls are calling for more and more light. You have come to this Class in the hope of procuring the blessings of that Light and the healing which goes with it, whether that healing be physical, financial or otherwise; especially a freedom from financial strain which you know should come with the steady expansion of your light. You also desire a greater feeling of unity with and closeness to your Holy Christ Self, which abides in your own hearts. Be sure that we shall assist you, all we possibly can! 

Since the beginning of this Class, once in every twenty-four hours I have gone personally into your homes and hotel rooms and, with my own hands of pure light, I have "stripped" your four lower bodies of a great deal of humanly qualified energies which, had I not done so, would have acted later to bring you some kind of distress. Dear God! If only you could and would accept the reality of this in your feelings! 

I would to God that for just one minute I could stand visible to your physical sight and, drawing aside the veil of maya, ask one of you in the audience to stand here before me. Then, passing my hands of pure light through the aura of that one, you would then be able to see something of the darkness of the shadowed substance which would disappear from the aura as I stripped it away. Then too you would realize more of what it means to have one of us "strip" the physical and inner vehicles of humanly qualified energies which have accumulated there. If daily you will so make the call to us (myself, the Elohim of Purity, Mighty Astraea or any of us who have to do primarily with the service of God - purification) we shall be glad to come, or perhaps send an Angel of our Presence, to render this service for you, once an hour, if you so desire. Try us out on this keep up your rhythmic calls foxy this to be done and see what we can and will do for you! Of course, always be sure to decree that all of the substance so removed be instantly and eternally replaced by the full perfection, command and eternal control of your own Holy Christ Self, so that no shadows of human creation can ever manifest in your world again. Do you see? This is a great safeguard for you. 

"Almighty God! Because of the service rendered by the student body in the purification of the Earth, which purification is now going on, I ask that the veil of maya be allowed to be removed at least from the students themselves, so that they may be able to see the magnificent results of some of these activities which we describe to them from time to time. This would give them greater faith in you; faith in us; faith in this work and faith in their own endeavors. Almighty God! I make this call in your Most Holy Name, 'I AM'!" 

Accept Archangel Michael as Your Loving and Close Heart-Friend

Beloved ones, with all the gathered momentums of dynamically and positively qualified energies which I carry in my world, still I am part of the expression of Divine Love which is being released through this Class. Like our Beloved Morya, I sometimes get somewhat carried away by my enthusiasm in service. Please try to forgive any tremendous releases of my energies while talking to you, which have seemed unusually powerful. You know, there are times when one is required to be quite powerful more powerful than at other times. You know that yourself. You know that there are certain destructive conditions which do not yield easily. In the past, I have wrestled with some of those who were in the "Compound" and I know! 

However, I have also held in my arms a very small child which had just been released from its Earth body. I have bathed it with my own hands, cupping the essence therefore from the River of Violet Fire and have then carried it to the "Sleepers' Realm". There, placing it on a small cot, I covered that little form with a blanket of roses. 

Once, long ago, when that blessed Mother Mary who was the One through whom our Beloved Master Jesus took his last embodiment, when she was a very small child and alone in that great Temple, I took upon myself the aspect of loving comfort to her. Sometimes I would visit her little room at night before she slept and entertain as well as instruct that little one by telling her stories of our Kingdom. Then I would sometimes bring to her tiny Angels, directing them in rhythmic "drills" and other manifestations of beauty and grace, right there on the counterpane of her bed. You know, she was only three when she entered that Temple and during the time of her stay there, I tried to banish some of her loneliness and make a little happiness for her. So, you know, there really is a very "sweet side" to me, as well as the more powerful protective one by which, perhaps, I am better known to the greater numbers of humanity. One day you will all be glad that I have been so powerful for the power I release is truly Divine Love! 

In the Name of God's own Love and Light, I am your Servant, Michael!





For many, many years, the date of September 29th has been set aside for the adoration to our Beloved Archangel Michael. It would be well for all of us particularly those of us in this New Activity of the Beloved Ascended Masters Saint Germain and El Morya, to consciously acknowledge this day, individually and in groups, in gratitude for the transcendent service Beloved Michael has given to us and all mankind; not only in this embodiment, but all through the ages. Blessed be his Most Holy Name!



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