September 21, 1957


I bless you for the sincerity of your motive! I invoke the Presence and Power of the First Ray to anchor itself within your thoughts, feelings, spoken words and actions, henceforth and forever tempered always by the pure Divine Love which is my nature! 

Again we are privileged to enter the Sacred Temple of Lord Michael, the Archangel. Here we, in the Ascended consciousness, add all the Faith fulfilled of our lifestreams to Lord Michael's invoked and sustained flame of Faith in God and his goodness which he desires to express to and through every living thing. 

To you who seek renewal of enthusiasm, rededication of purpose, stimulus to your own Faith in God, I humbly extend the invitation to visit (in consciousness) the Great Archangel Michael's Retreat daily during this thirty-day period! Remember to invite from this Retreat the Sponsor assigned to you by Lord Michael and let this Sponsor who has been trained by Lord Michael help you in your service, your meditations, your work and your recreative endeavors! 

Anticipating a joyous reunion with all who desire to do God's Holy Will, I Am, lovingly and gratefully





Statement for Transmission Flame Class of September 21, 1957:

    1               2                  3                  4        5        6                  7                  8

"I AM" inbreathing the protection and power of Cosmic Christ Faith from beloved Michael

"I AM" absorbing                                                                                  

"I AM" expanding                                                                                 

"I AM" projecting                                                                                   


Hierarch of the Temple of Faith and Protection, Canadian Rocky Mountains: Lord Michael, Archangel of Faith and Protection;

Color of Flame: Crystal with radiance of sapphire blue;

Musical Keynote: "Soldiers' Chorus" from Faust.





September 21, 1957


God bless you! In the Name and Authority of my own Beloved "I AM" Presence and the Great Cosmic Being Faith herself (and remember! Her commands of Divine Love cannot ever be denied!) I call in, through and around each of you Gentle Readers today and all ways - OCEANS of her Heart-flame of the feeling of Cosmic Christ Faith in God and his ineffable Goodness, as well as his immortal desire to give all that he is and has to ALL his creations. 

To this end, we now call to Beloved Faith to place in the aura of each of you to remain there until your victory of the Ascension is complete, an Angel of Cosmic Christ Faith who will assist you to your victory in ways of which you cannot possibly know in the outer consciousness. Believe this! Accept this gift! Give this lovely Angel of the Blue Flame of Faith conscious recognition for just a moment at least once each day and prove the worthiness of this decree called forth for you. Prove it to yourself! No one else can prove anything for you! 

Do you think it possible for any unascended being to estimate the importance and the need of the God-quality of FAITH? Well, hardly! It is the very First Ray released from the Godhead itself and is a primary requisite to the carrying of any manifestation through to victorious accomplishment. 

Just what can you do without faith? If you do not believe in a person, place, condition or thing, as a rule you do not give them much of your life. Consciously or otherwise, you must have Faith in something or someone in order to be able to live at all! Think it through! If you did not have some kind of (unconscious?) faith in the power of your limbs to carry your body for you, would you even attempt to get out of bed in the morning? If you did not believe that the food you were about to eat would nourish your body so that it could continue to be of service to you, would you bother to eat your breakfast? If you did not believe that you had taken on certain responsibilities in a position which would give you opportunity to serve life in some constructive way and earn a living for yourself and those you love, would you go to work? Try to think about how much faith goes into everything you do in your daily experience life! 

Trust is Faith, is it not? Well, do you not confidently (and almost daily) entrust the safety of your person to the consciousness of an elevator operator and the mechanics of a "lift" many times during the day, especially if you work in high buildings? Do you not trust yourself to the skill and careful driving of a motorman, bus driver or railroad engineer while travelling to and fro? You may never even see the outer form of that engineer in the cab of your train and yet you trust him to be sober, efficient and alert carrying you safely over hundreds of miles. Thousands every night peacefully and trustfully go to sleep on those rolling giants of locomotive power, incidentally without even a "thank you" to the one in the cab up front, that lifestream carrying a tremendous responsibility! It is said of President McKinley that he always wore a white carnation in the buttonhole of his coat and ALWAYS took the time, at the close of a train trip, to walk up to the locomotive and there present his white carnation to the engineer in the cab, thanking him for safe convoy. Is not humble gratitude a beautiful God-quality? 

As you know, we have mentioned just a very few of the blessings which we experience because of the use of Faith. The Beloved Apostle Paul (now the Ascended Master Hilarion) gives us the most magnificent definition of Faith as "Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen". Faith is the natural feeling of God's light - BEFORE it becomes contaminated by human doubts and fears. Therefore, being light-essence IT REALLY IS THE SUBSTANCE of things hoped for! Literally, that statement is so true! The next part of the statement - "the EVIDENCE of things not seen" the FEELING of the presence of a thing IS THE THING ITSELF already in our worlds, just not yet lowered into the physical vibratory action enough to appear on this plane. However, that feeling constantly held will produce the manifestation in due time! 

Our Beloved Saint Germain has told us that, in mankind's forgetfulness of his Source, he has acquired many peculiar quirks in his thinking processes. We can all agree with that for, after reading the above, does it not seem strange to think that mankind have the most glorious trust and faith in so many people and things in this world and still cannot bring themselves to the place of trusting God to protect, heal and supply them with every good thing which he really wants them to have? 

Can you say with St. Paul "I KNOW in whom I have believed..."? If so, you are fortunate indeed! You are then anchored and grounded in Truth and in Faith. ,Then, when you sincerely call to your own Beloved "I AM" Presence and the Great Ones who are the Powers of Light, there is no question in your world of the quick and perfect answer to your prayer or decree for your Faith IS THE SUBSTANCE of that for which you have called! If you seem not to have such Faith, we offer the following decree for your daily use to build that God-quality in, through and around you, so that you may have God-accomplishment and God-success in all that you undertake! Then shall your Divine Plan be quickly fulfilled and the victory of your Ascension be an eternal reality to and for you! Masters of God-faith, walking the ways of Earth, gratefully, we salute you! 

Faithfully, Joyously, Victoriously in the light, "I AM"




In the Name and Authority of my own Beloved Victorious Presence of God "I AM" right within my beating heart, I decree:

I live, move and have my being in a gigantic, fiery focus of the Victorious Flame of Cosmic Christ Faith in the reality, protection and perfection of Almighty God, from the Heart of the Beloved Archangel Michael. Let that Flame blaze for a thousand feet around me in every direction, instantly and constantly transmuting into itself all that is not Faith in God, in everyone, everything, everywhere "I AM", today and forever. (After giving the above 3 times please say:)

"And I consciously accept this done RIGHT NOW with full power!" (3x)





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