Born out of the seed idea received by our Gracious Regent, Sanat Kumara (in his earnest and selfless desire to help the sweet Earth in her time of greatest darkness); nourished by the love of Sanat Kumara and the selfless renunciation of his Divine Complement, the Cosmic Being Venus, the Spirit of Shamballa was Earth-born in the very Presence of Sanat Kumara himself and his Spiritual Court, being practically made manifest in the substance of this physical appearance world by his willing helpers. 

The Spirit of Shamballa then became and remains today a living, pulsating, vibrant and radiating Center of Living Light, motivated by Divine LOVE; sustained by SERVICE; energized by PRACTICAL WORKS on behalf of the redemption of the evolutions using the planet Earth as a schoolroom. 

Each Being, including our new Lord of the World, Gautama (former Buddha) and our previous World Teacher, Lord Maitreya (now the Buddha), responded to the Divine feeling of that ineffable Love, entered into the Shining Presence of Shamballa, received there the impetus to go forth in impersonal service and, after each visit, left some of their own essence of Universal Brotherhood to further develop the Spirit of Shamballa. This Spirit is a real, living, vital, intelligent Being of Light! It is a Source of encouragement to all who seek more light upon their spiritual paths. It is also the impetus to the Teachers of the race to go forth and serve the Lord. 

As all Divine Beings enter into this Spirit at the beginning of this Holy Season, bringing in the sheaves of their accomplishments of the year, this Spirit glows with added light. By placing your attention upon this Spirit of Shamballa at least once in every twenty-four hour period, consciously enjoy its blessedness and let it energize in and through you the vital spiritual energies from your Holy Christ Self so that you, too, may engage in the delightful task of "widening the borders of God's Kingdom" here on Earth.




The Homes and Retreats of the Masters of Wisdom

Shamballa - November 15th through December 14th, 1957 

SHAMBALLA! How the heart stirs at the mere mention of that Holy Name! How nostalgic is the remembrance (buried ofttimes beneath the pressures of outer living) of the peace and light of Shamballa, Mystic Home of the Great White Brotherhood and, while on Earth, the dwelling place of Beloved Sanat Kumara, our "Lord of the World" for so long! 

SHAMBALLA! A truly Divine focus, faithfully designed and manifested upon the planet Earth by those voluntary lifestreams from Venus who accepted the idea and desire of their Lord to personally come to Earth to free her and her people by the tremendous radiation of the Divine Light and Love which they had become. These volunteers then preceded Sanat Kumara to Earth to prepare a place for him. 

Working for hundreds of years, suffering all the vicissitudes and resistances of the "Shadow Star", these lifestreams at last completed the City of White upon the White Island which was then located in the Gobi Sea (later this locality became the now known Gobi Desert). Their City shone like a jewel upon the breast of Earth, awaiting the moment of the coming of the Lords of the Flame from Venus. 

SHAMBALLA! Its glorious Temples duplicating the beauty of the architecture of the planet Venus; its streets wide and landscaped in glorious floral array; its many-colored fountains of pure water rising in loving gratitude toward the Sun; its central Temple with Dome of Gold; the Altars prepared with the fresh flowers gathered from the Earth's sweetest blooms, in silent awareness awaited the first and august descent of Sanat Kumara here! 

Upon Venus, at the Cosmic moment when all was finally in readiness, the people gathered together to witness an Event which even they did not cognize in its fullness at that time. It was an awe inspiring spectacle indeed, the rising of Sanat Kumara into the atmosphere above the planet Venus; the poignant farewell between their Lord and his Beloved Lady Venus (who had voluntarily agreed to assume the responsibility of guiding and protecting the planet Venus and its evolutions while Sanat Kumara would be gone on his mission of love); the hymn of praise rising from the lips and hearts of the people of Venus at gazing upon the Personage of their Solar Lord; then their amazement as he, together with the other Kumaras, disappeared into Cosmic space, leaving a trail of light, like a comet, behind them! 

The songs of the Cherubim and Seraphim, mingling with the Cosmic Music of the Spheres enfolded this August Company as they passed through interstellar space. On the Earth, the one hundred humble volunteer lifestreams who had come ahead and prepared Shamballa, awaited with bated breath the coming of their Lord; the songs of the birds were stilled for the moment; the seas themselves ceased their restless motion; the Nature Kingdom was silent for a season; the turbulent, restless and distraught souls of men were stilled for a short time as Sanat Kumara entered into the atmosphere of Earth and began his slow and majestic descent into the Temple so reverently and lovingly prepared for him. Then, as his feet touched the Earth; as the radiation of his vibrant Presence of Divine Love emanated through the four planes of Earth wherein the darkness lay heaviest (emotional, mental, etheric and physical) there was the renewal of spiritual life, more light, hope and beauty brought here again. 

As the Immortal Threefold Flame of Eternal Truth was drawn forth by Sanat Kumara upon the Altar in the Temple and as tiny threads of light from this Threefold Flame began to flow into every heart of the ten billion souls belonging to Earth's evolutions (in and out of physical embodiment at that time) , the crisis passed; the birds sang again; the souls of men were renewed in courage and strength; the seas again swept in rhythmic tide; the Nature Kingdom expressed itself in Hosannas according to Its kind. In the Temple at Shamballa, the smiling Presence of that glorious Being Sanat Kumara and the other Lords of the Flame from Venus were reflected in the hearts of all who had so faithfully prepared for his coming. 

SHAMBALLA! Once an idea, then a manifest and practical Focus of Light! Within it dwelt the great Sanat Kumara all through the ages, using his tremendous momentum of Divine Love to draw the souls of men toward him that they might absorb the radiation of his great Light and be free! At Shamballa, the souls who thus responded to the tremendous magnetic attraction of his Love were given new impetus to their desire to further assist in the redemption of the Earth. 

Here at Shamballa these souls were trained in the ways of Divine Love and went forth as conscious Messengers of that Love, carrying the Light of their King to all the world. Finally, when enough of these souls had absorbed into their consciousness the reason for the coming of Sanat Kumara and had proven through the efficacy of their Messengership practical works to mankind in his name, the great White Brotherhood was formed. 

The word "white" does not refer to the color of the physical skin of the individual but to the aura of Light which emanates from the physical form of those so developed in spiritual understanding. 

This Brotherhood has but one purpose in being, to reach the consciousness of all the people of Earth and raise them, individually and collectively, to a spiritual awareness of the Immortal Threefold Flame within their physical hearts, so that, by sufficient expansion of that Flame, they might also become, individually, a Lord of the Flame. 

Many are the descriptions of glorious Shamballa, given in previous issues of "The Bridge", to which our gentle readers are here and now referred. In this issue, we desire to emphasize the SPIRIT of Shamballa which like the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood is to joyously serve imprisoned life to set it eternally free! 

Every Messenger trained by Sanat Kumara returned rhythmically, once each year, to this Celestial Focus and the ever-expanding perfection of their consciousness each year became their gift of love to this Spirit so that It has expanded rhythmically in grace, beauty, wisdom and love. Nothing in the Divine world is ever static, all is ever-expanding beauty and grace. Thus the Divine Essence of Shamballa which was its endowment from the first by Sanat Kumara's love, has been greatly increased all through the ages. The beautiful Spirit of Shamballa ensouls this Divine Essence and guards it, directing it forth to and through all who enter Shamballa, giving them new spiritual life and vitality for further service. 

Recently, our Beloved Sanat Kumara was freed from his voluntary exile here and he returned to his Planet, his Divine Complement and his people. Into Shamballa came Lord Gautama to take up the activities of Sanat Kumara as the New Lord of the World. However, very frequently does this Great Lord of Love and Light, Sanat Kumara return to Shamballa for service to the Earth for love's sweet sake. 

Today, the beautiful Shamballa exists only in the Etheric Realm above the atmosphere of Earth and at this Holy Season when Cosmic Messengers, Ascended Masters, Seraphim, Cherubim and earnest chelas, too, (the chelas in their finer bodies while their physical bodies sleep) walk over the marble bridge on to the White Island where abides the lovely Temple of Light for the period of reunion with one another, Sanat Kumara and his Lady Venus will be waiting there, smiling their greetings to the visiting children of love. 

The Spirit of Shamballa opens its arms to all and awaits the coming of those who love life enough to desire to help to set the Earth and its people free. What brings you to Shamballa this Holy Season? Your hopes, of a certainty; your prayers; your harvest of the year. Will you enrich this Spirit by your Presence? Think on it! 

Anticipating our mutual happiness within the Spirit of Shamballa in the Presence of Sanat Kumara and his Beloved Venus, I Am always so sincerely, your fellow worker in the Cause of Freedom!

Thomas Printz


(Note: for further descriptions on Shamballa, please see The Transmission Flame Book, pages 16-19; The Bridge to Freedom, Vol. I, No. 7; Vol. 2, No. 8; Vol. 3, No. 8; Vol. 4, No. 8; Vol. 5, No. 8).






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