To the Cosmic Spirit of Resurrection: 

We send gratitude, blessings and praise this Holy Season for the magnificent gift that lies within all life, to restore, resuscitate and resurrect the Divine Pattern through the seemingly lifeless or decadent form. 

To the Beloved Master Jesus: 

We send that same gratitude, blessing and praise for proving to mankind that such a power does exist within life. In his Ministry, he called forth boldly in the name of God, the perfect expression of life, from all who came to him in faith and asked for such resuscitation. 

We bless the Beloved Mother of Jesus for her tremendous assistance to him during his ministry. We thank the Brothers and Sisters of the Resurrection Temple who under the direction of the Archangel Gabriel assist in directing the life-giving, renewing resurrecting power into the lives of those who in faith ask for such assistance. 

We bless our Lord Maha Chohan who, through the Nature Kingdom, gives the proof of the power of resurrection in each recurrent Springtime. 

It is our decree that mankind accepting the resurrection in nature and rejoicing in each Springtime, shall take this lesson personally and apply it to the resurrection of their own Divine Natures here and now! 

Thus shall it be! A resurrected Earth with all its attendant evolutions, joining in the music of the spheres and emitting light, love, beauty, harmony, and praise into the Universe, of which the Earth is presently a part. Let this Easter be your Resurrection Day! 





The Homes and Retreats of The Masters of Wisdom



April 15th through May 14th, 1957 

The blazing focus of the Resurrection Temple radiates forth its resuscitating power from the Etheric Realm over the Holy Land, where the beloved Master Jesus lived and proved the power of resurrection at the beginning of the Christian Dispensation. 

This Temple is created of substance which resembles "Mother-of-Pearl". The presiding Beings who magnetize and radiate this Resurrection Power are Beloved Jesus and his mother, Beloved Mary. The purpose of this Focus is to continue to pour into the emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousnesses of all the evolutions belonging to the planet Earth, the reality of the actual power of resurrection that lies within life itself. 

To resurrect means to "bring to life again" that which is seemingly dead. Mankind are witness to this resurrection through the Nature Kingdom in each Springtime. It is the decree of the Holy Ones who guard the Resurrection Flame that mankind shall also "tune in" to this Resurrection Flame and consciously resurrect the perfection which lies dormant in most human beings. 

As the Spring sunshine stirs the dormant life within the Nature Kingdom, our Lord Maha Chohan sends forth the pulsation of the Resurrection Flame through the Earth and obedient life responds, literally "rising from the dead" in the miracle of Spring. 

The beloved Master Jesus endeavored to show mankind that what nature can do man also can do! He, therefore, submitted his holy, undefiled physical body to so-called "death" and then, through the invocation of this Resurrection Flame, he brought life back into that same body as an example to all mankind that what can be done by a flower, a shrub or a tree, can also be done by members of the human race. 

Mankind, for the most part, have accepted the resurrection of Jesus as a "miracle" only possible for him and have not availed themselves of the use of the Resurrection Flame to restore their own vehicles to perfection; rather submitting to disease, disintegration, decay and finally so-called "death". 

However, to keep alive the feeling of the power of Resurrection in the consciousness of unascended mankind, Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary now continuously send forth into the atmosphere of Earth that victorious radiation from this Temple which is the focus for the activities of the Great White Brotherhood during this thirty-day period. 

Individuals sincerely desiring to overcome disease, old age, disintegration and decay are drawn in consciousness toward the Resurrection Temple while their physical bodies sleep, by the magnetic power of their own desire to accomplish that which Jesus did. This Temple is particularly beautiful, for it is the focus of the Directors of the Forces of Nature and the lovely Elementals representing the Four Kingdoms - Fire, Air, Water and Earth play in the atmosphere and aura of this Temple at all times. The radiation of the Resurrection Temple is like a glorious rainbow of colors and the visitation to it by those God Beings interested in developing the capacity to resurrect the Divine Plan on this Earth add to its great beauty and light. 

The Resurrection Temple is circular in design. It is composed of seven circular corridors around the central altar where the Resurrection Flame rises. As this Resurrection Flame radiates its buoyant, uplifting, life-giving, resuscitating power through the seven corridors, beautiful Beings in each of these amplify its power and direct it to all life upon the particular Ray which they serve. Visitors to the Resurrection Temple enter the corridor where the radiation of its Flame has an affinity to their own and their potential expression of Divinity. Here they are charged with renewed hope and spiritual vitality and are made consciously aware of the truth of "life ever­lasting". 

Great Teachers from the Ascended Masters' Realm often discourse with unascended beings in these corridors (drawn to them there in consciousness while the physical body sleeps) helping them to accept in their feelings the power and practical use of the Resurrection Flame, in the hope that, when they return to the outer world, they will carry sufficient conviction of the power of resurrection into their own spheres of influence. 

Like all talents and virtues, there can be an inversion of the use of the power of resurrection. Man uses it often in resurrecting memories of an unpleasant nature and experiences long since past away, which should be completely forgiven and forgotten; thus causing distress to himself and others. In the Resurrection Temple, man is taught to use the power of Resurrection only to bring to life the Divine Plan for himself and those whom he is privileged to influence. 

Jesus' statement: "I Am the Resurrection and the Life" like many other statements of the Immortals repeated by mankind is not completed. "I Am the Resurrection and the Life of Perfection" is the completed statement. 

Enter into the Resurrection Temple at least once in every twenty-four hours; bathe in its Flame; practice the use of the resurrection power that is within your own life to restore to you the perfection of Being which you knew with the Father before the world was! This is the invitation of the Ascended Host to all mankind during this Holy Easter Season. Accept it! Use it! Feel the resurrecting power of Divinity (presently quiescent within you) stir into action and then allow it to flow through all your inner vehicles, your physical body, your aura and into the world in which you presently abide. Thus do you become a Resurrection Temple in yourself. 


(NOTE: For further description of the Resurrection Temple, please see Transmission Flame Book, pp. 52-54; "The Bridge to Freedom", Vol. 2, No. 2; Vol. 3, No. 12; Vol. 4, No. 12.)




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