Excerpts from an Address by


September 30, 1954

Candidates for the ascension! How like you the task of redemption? In this embodiment, you face the tasks for which you clamored so eagerly only a few short years ago, when you stood among those seeking embodiment and were chosen as likely Candidates for the Ascension. To me it seems but yesterday; to you I am sure it seems a little longer, for in that task of redeeming the energies of the lifestream through age after age, century after century, the constancy of endeavor is inclined to weary even the greatest of incarnate spirits. Those of you who asked for the opportunity to become Candidates for your own Ascension within one Earth life, volunteered to endeavor to draw back through the Law of the Circle all of the energies sent forth by your life from the very beginning of time. You offered to draw those energies through the fire of transmutation (the Violet Flame of Freedom's love) back into purity and perfection, for this was the way you received it first from the great Central Sun, through the physical Sun and your own electronic Presence. 

It is no small task on the part of the great Karmic Board to judge the worth of a soul and its capacity to assume the full return of karma in one Earth life. Those lifestreams who are given that great opportunity are strong and mature in spirit and capable of drawing back through the fires of purification, all of the energies of the mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies, before they are honored with the name of Candidate for the Ascension. 

In previous ages, there were only a few Candidates for the Ascension who passed through the gates of birth in the course of a year, because there was no conscious knowledge of the Sacred Fire on the planet Earth outside of the Retreats. Lifestreams whose vibratory action and spiritual natures were developed to a point where they could enter a Retreat, were few and far between. 

For instance, dear hearts, if you had requested the opportunity of becoming a Candidate for the Ascension and had to meet the minimum requirements which would make of your spirit, soul and outer bodies fit representatives to consciously enter a Retreat, (prior to the drawing forth of the Knowledge of the Sacred Fire of Saint Germain) , there are really none among you who could so qualify. In the ages that have been, individuals who were to become Ascended Beings in the course of an Earth life, had to be consciously able to enter Luxor, consciously able to enter the other Ascended Master Retreats of the world and receive there the secret, sacred knowledge of the Fires of Transmutation.

When the Master Saint Germain was given permission by the Cosmic Law to bring the knowledge of the Sacred Fire of purification (Violet Flame) to the mankind of Earth at large, then the qualification for Candidates for the Ascension was considerably lower, because any lifestream could, through proximity to the literature or the lectures, learn of the use of the Violet Fire. In that manner, even though they were not quite qualified to consciously enter a Retreat, they could learn how to purify and redeem their energy. Without this Fire of Transmutation, (this tremendous activity of the Violet Ray as presented by your Master Saint Germain), there is no lifestream on Earth still wearing karmic bonds, who could complete the course of evolution and ascend into the God-free Realm. 

Long before the outer activity of the "I AM" instruction came to the knowledge of mankind, Saint Germain had received the acquiescence of the Karmic Board to try to bring this knowledge forth. Long before the eldest of you was ready for Earth life, the Cosmic Law knew that the Sacred Fire would be available in the physical appearance world by the time you had attained your maturity; that you would be exposed to that knowledge and through your inner vow, your desire- to transmute and redeem the energies of your world, you would be attracted to this Law as presented and would experiment with the use of this Fire of Purification. 

Therefore, you are greatly indebted to your Beloved Master Saint Germain and to all who are connected with the bringing of the knowledge of the Sacred Fire of Purification into the outer world. You are now enabled, precious ones, to call back into the circle of your own governing powers, those energies that have flamed across the face of the Earth for millions of years and, lying in the astral realm surrounding the Earth, remains part of its generated discord and imperfection, carrying the stamp of your life (electronic pattern). This energy requires redemption before you can wipe the dust of Earth from your feet and ascend into your God-free estate. 

On: Birth and Death

At this time, I am requested to speak to you on the subject of birth and death. I am told by the Karmic Board that you are storming the very Gates of Heaven in a magnificent desire to assist mankind (once they are released from embodiment) , from the necessity of taking again an Earth body, giving them the tremendous freedom to complete their evolution at the Inner Level. It is desired by the Karmic Board that you might understand something of the intricacies of the act of mercy which you called forth, in order that you may intelligently, in your application, prepare for the granting of such a great petition and the blessing of freeing these souls from the necessity of re-embodiment. It is one thing to ask innocently for the release of mankind from re-embodiment and it is quite another to know the pressure that you will place upon yourselves and the pressure that you will place upon the Beings at Inner Levels, who must care for, guide, train, educate and redeem these ever increasing millions and millions of lifestreams. 

Let me now remind you that every individual has created a certain amount of what is referred to loosely as "destructive karma" in every Earth life, since the fall of man. This karma acts on many planes, determined by which body is the chief offender in the case. The physical body performing acts of violence, acts of physical assault, murder and the like releases tremendous vital energy into the elemental substance of the physical world. That substance remains part of the imprisoned elemental life of the physical plane until the individual soul who has created it, takes it back into his own physical body in some future life. Under the old Occult Law this was done through suffering and disease. Now through the action of the Sacred Fire it can be done through the use of the purifying Flame (Violet Fire) and this energy is thus redeemed and set free. 

Lifestreams perform great acts of discord on the mental plane, crimes of mental cruelty. The mental elements, charged with the vibratory action and the stamp of the individual, fill the mental atmosphere and must be redeemed through mental pressures returning into the mental vehicle of that same soul at some future time. 

Individuals that perform acts of emotional cruelty charge the substance of the emotional and feeling planes (the great mass strata I mean) with certain vibratory actions which will record primarily in the emotional body of that same lifestream in a later era. These various types of crimes, whether they are physical, mental or emotional, in their return circuit, are primarily the causes for the diseases of mind, feeling and flesh. Now, in order for a soul to receive its full freedom from any theater of evolutions, it must of necessity redeem the energies it has qualified imperfectly. For that reason, it is required of that soul that it have a body in each of these planes including elemental life. That was the Occult Law of the past, as you know. This was the reason why the Cosmic Law did not allow individuals to finish their progress at inner levels until they perfected and redeemed their physical energies on the physical plane. 

When the activity of the Sacred Fire came forth and the great group work under the Ascended Master Saint Germain began, there were, what you might call “Cosmic incinerators” established which, at Inner Levels, took into themselves the unpaid debts of the physical energy that had been imperfectly qualified by certain lifestreams. These individuals who had rendered great service in other eras, even though they had yet some unconsumed karma, were not required to return to Earth. They were the first individuals to enjoy the New Dispensation and were allowed to go to Venus and to other stars and systems to complete their evolution. In the mass decrees invoking the use of the Violet Fire of Freedom’s Love, the student body consumed for these few individuals (who were among those who received that dispensation) the necessity of returning again in an earth body to complete their personal redemption. 

Now, we come to your request that some three hundred million lifestreams yearly, in all stages of obligation to life, (absolutely without any knowledge of how to repay their debts to this planet Earth physically, mentally and emotionally) be released from further obligation to use the Violet Fire of Freedom’s Love in a future life, helping to bring this Earth back again to the purity and perfection which it had when mankind first came forth upon it. This will mean, beloved ones, that the student body, the conscious active groups who are making this petition and sending this mighty fiat forth in cooperation with the Archangel Lord Michael, will have to assume that debt at least so far as the physical world is concerned. I would like you to think and ponder upon this deeply, because it is a big task which you take upon yourselves and which the Karmic Board has asked to be explained to you. 

I do not mention this in any way to discourage you. It is magnificent for you to be interested in the freedom of mankind from the wheel of birth and death. It is magnificent of you to be interested in the progress of the evolution of the Earth. We are hoping that at least a partial grant may be given so that we can see what the group activities will do for even, say a hundred thousand souls in the course of a year. If even one hundred thousand lifestreams who are to pass from the Earth in this one year were to be free from the necessity of re-embodiment and the student body were to take upon themselves the karma of that number, successfully dissolving it, this Cause would receive greater consideration from the Karmic Board by next July. It does not mean, beloved ones, that you must take that karma into your flesh, but it means that in the application and the use of the knowledge of the Sacred Fire and the tremendous calls for purification of the souls concerned, that you render a consciously intelligent, illumined balance for the petition for which you asked in innocence. 

The petitions that are presented to the Karmic Board are always paid for by somebody's life. The great Archangels, the mighty Devas and the Masters of Wisdom who petition the Karmic Board for dispensations, always guarantee service through the use of their own life for the grants that they receive. In its great wisdom the Karmic Board always measures the capacity of the earnest and zealous who see a great plan and yet have not the full understanding of what is contained within the releasing of that benefit and blessing. The great Archangel Michael himself, as you know, has offered to accept the full karma of all these lifestreams; but as his service already employs the far greater part of his life, it is neither justice nor mercy to allow him to assume any further obligation in this regard. As for the mental and emotional crimes, these can be expiated on the "other side", because you retain your mental consciousness and feeling world, which functions within the etheric body. 

On: Appearing Before the Karmic Board

When souls pass from the Earth, they are in various states of consciousness. It may interest you to understand something of the detail connected with getting men through the necessary judgment of the Karmic Board and the assignment to their respective levels. Of course, conscious chelas are met immediately by their Master or some Member of the Angelic Host. They are almost always eager to present themselves at once to the Karmic Board with the harvest of their life's endeavor. These Beings, these chelas and their Sponsors go individually to the Karmic Board usually within twelve hours of the time of passing. This "haste" is not requisite, however. The mercy of the Law is such that, after the soul passes from the body, it is given what is called a spiritual "vacation"; a little release and relief from the pressures which usually rise to a climax as a lifestream comes closer and closer to the change called "death." The average individual, anticipating reunion with family and friends, is given every opportunity (if their loved ones are still at Inner Levels and have not reincarnated) to vacation with these loved ones for a certain period of time; to renew associations and to have the happiness which they had anticipated. However, the student usually dispenses as much as possible with anything that does not actually apply to the progress of the soul. For the most part, he wishes to quickly come before the Karmic Board and receive their judgment on his service to the light. 

Dear hearts, the Karmic Board are not Beings who are waiting to mete out punishment. Their one service in this Universe is to find a way and means by which each soul is given the greatest opportunity, (both in an Earth body and between embodiments) to balance his debt to life learning how to control energy and prepare to complete his evolution. The tremendous fear and dread which the orthodox world has inculcated in mankind concerning the Day of Judgment is unfortunate indeed. It is primarily built out of the fact that so few individuals live up to their light and they themselves are their own judgment. That which associates Cosmic Judgment with discomfort is the experience one has when he stands in the freedom of the etheric body and looks back, seeing what he might have done; it is that sense of individual remorse; that feeling that one has when he sees what he could have done while he had the opportunity and the means and while he was in proximity to certain individuals of merit. 

The Karmic Board at all times acts for the good of the individual, the unit and the entire evolution. The chela who stands before the Karmic Board in the greater freedom of the inner body, then looks upon the promises which he made before he took birth; looks upon his Causal Body as also does his sponsor and the Karmic Board. He sees the size, the color and development of the Causal Body at the time of birth and then (superimposed upon that) sees the harvest in the Causal Body of the good done in the life just lived. Sometimes the Causal Body expands very little in size and color in one Earth life. That is the judgment which the Karmic Board and the individual conscious chela make together, to see what store has been laid up in Heaven by conscious work according to the life, talent, capacity and vows of the individual. There are no two individuals who can be judged alike, because the talents, the consciousness, the development and the opportunities of each lifestream differ; but each is judged according to his own greatest light and whether or not he has lived up to that light in the course of his Earth life. 

The conscious chela, after receiving certain directions from the Karmic Board, immediately sets to work at Inner Levels to expiate as much of his karma as possible in the mental, emotional and etheric realms. This mental, emotional and etheric effluvium is in what you call the "Astral Realm." The chela consciously proceeding into this realm goes to work with the Violet Fire and renders the same service at Inner Levels that you are endeavoring to render while you are yet in your Earth body. The Church has called that experience "entering purgatory" or "limbo". Mankind feels it is a place of punishment, but it is not! It is a place of conscious expiation by individuals of the mental and emotional sins through the free will and desire of the chela. Thus, when he gets a new Earth body, much of his karma is already transmuted. The more service you render here along this line, the less you must do there. Even you who are Candidates for the Ascension, when you enter the Inner Levels and when you are preparing for the Ascension, must pass through that mental, emotional and etheric purification of those various strata where there yet stands unconsumed discordant creation of your own. That is why the period of adjustment preceding the Ascension, even of those who are given their freedom sometimes takes months and sometimes years. You are privileged among all mankind, for you are using your Fires of Purification here and not waiting until, in the freedom of the etheric body, you are sent by the Karmic Board to redeem that imperfection. 

When the average man passes through the change called "death", as I said, he usually takes a certain time to visit with his loved ones and friends. Then he is called gently, (often groups of such individuals are called together) to enter the Judgment Hall and stand before the Karmic Board. This grouping sometimes includes hundreds or thousands of individuals. The higher the soul, the more developed the consciousness, the more individual attention is received by the lifestream. In the case of the less developed, hundreds and thousands pass into the Karmic Halls together. This merciful Board assigns these lifestreams to a certain amount of expiation of their own destructively qualified energies in the Astral Realm and also assigns them to certain training in school rooms for which they are prepared, where they are taught as much of the Law as they can understand at the time. This period of actual application to expiate their sins takes place every twenty-four hours. They must look upon and dissolve the discordant thought and feeling forms, some of which have been created by them many, many hundreds of years ago. This is done by the use of the Violet Fire and as much of the knowledge of the Law as they can comprehend and apply. 

On: The Sleeper's Realm

Now we will refer to the Sleepers Realm. These individuals either do not believe in an existence after death or are the very tired and sluggish-minded who would prefer to pass into annihilation. The Law is so kind and merciful that these too are given consideration. They do not awaken immediately after they slip from their physical bodies. They lie, sometimes for many, many years, in a state of somnambulism. This greatly retards their progress, because they do not respond to the invitation of the Karmic Board to appear before them and receive their judgment; they do not engage actively in learning how to expiate their wrongs; thus, they deny themselves the opportunity for re-embodiment and progression upon the ladder of evolution. 

On: The Earth-bound

Then you have the lifestreams that are Earth-bound. You have heard a good deal about these in occult literature. They are individuals with strong love or strong hate for the things of Earth and the people of Earth. They fight death and, even after passing through it, refuse to accept that they are not a part of the physical appearance world. They cling to the things they loved or disliked the most, or the individuals they either loved or hated most and live upon the vitality and magnetism of the living organisms of embodied mankind. Of course, through the activities of the New Dispensation, a great many of these individuals have been cut free and, through your tremendous calls and applications, they have been drawn out of the atmosphere of Earth in spite of themselves. The reason why some individuals remain thousands of years in the astral realm is because they refuse to answer the call to appear before the Karmic Board... that is a voluntary action. Until they do appear before the Karmic Board; until they do accept the assignment of the expiation of at least a measure of their karma and are willing to take a bold and resolved stand within the sphere to which the Karmic Board feels they are fitted to dwell, they cannot have another Earth body. That is a very stubborn, a very unpleasant state of consciousness. Yet these individuals must personally ask for opportunity to be escorted to the Karmic Board and to put aside the rebellion against having to clean up their own worlds and learn the Law of Life. That is a call you could make with a great deal of efficacy that every lifestream who passes from the Earth, instead of seeking the escape of unconsciousness or seeking to live on Earth in the Astral Realm (Earth-bound) , might consciously and in dignity respond to the Cosmic Law of the circle and pass into the Halls of Karma, there to receive the use of the Sacred Fire and under the guidance of a competent teacher, begin to make things right. 

Beloved ones, referring to these millions who are passing through the change called "death" this year and every year, you have many thousands who fit into all of these categories which I have just described to you for a purpose. If you really want these people to have freedom from the necessity of re-embodiment on Earth, first of all make the call that they, within themselves, will make the decision to enter the Halls of Karma promptly in dignity and then, through freewill accept the opportunity to expiate the mental, emotional and etheric creations that fill the Astral Realm. If you will do this, we shall endeavor to create for them those Temples, homes, and those great spheres which they must have in which to abide while the long course of preparation goes on to make them ready to enter consciously into the activity of the Ascension Flame. 

I have spoken in detail this very night to the great Builders of Form and the Angel Devas who are directly concerned with building these magnificent Temples out of primal life. Some of these are already created and in them your loved ones are beautifully learning the law. Hundreds and thousands of these Devas and Angels have already volunteered to assist me. Many, many thousands of Beings from the Fourth Realm are also willing to go into action to create places of abode for these people passing from the Earth life. The great Legions of Lord Michael are willing to breathe their feeling of obedience to God's Plan upon those who leave the physical body desiring no conscious activity of the mind; to see if they can awaken them and bring them into the Halls of the Karmic Board. 

We are doing everything we can from our side. We want to present to you something of the pattern and picture which is before you that hereafter, each soul passing from the Earth this year shall be relieved of the necessity for re-embodiment. 

I do not like to burden you unduly; you are so kind, so good, so enthusiastic, so magnificent, beloved children. Your desire to serve is without parallel on this Earth, outside of the Retreats. The constancy of your endeavors is very pleasing to our hearts, particularly to my own, for I have stood your Sponsor when you said you wanted your Ascension... I have said "there is enough light, there is enough strength and vital fire within these souls by which they can achieve, if they will!" You have proven that by your endurance through the years. 

Now you are engaged in a great New Activity. Your mighty calls are going forth to change the course of Cosmic history. You are trying to invoke the power and mercy to change the laws of birth and death; to remove the necessity of re-embodiment for a whole planetary evolution. It is without a doubt one of the most ambitious and most meritorious ventures that either we (who work with mankind) or the Karmic Board has ever witnessed. If the chains fall away from even one lifestream, you will have done exceedingly well. 

Now, beloved ones, as you persevere and as I continue in my endeavor, I shall create those Temples of Light and you shall create those Cosmic bonfires of the Violet Flame. Together we shall give to Lord Michael whatever he asks, that he, in turn, may give proof of your interest and application to the Karmic Board and they, looking earthward, will say: "Yes! Earth's children, each one, shall be free"! Thank you for patience and love. Good Evening. 


NOTE: During the year of 1954, the "Sleepers' Realm" was cleared voluntarily by those who had remained there for many centuries. This was done at the call of the students and now those who enter the "Sleepers' Realm" for rest between embodiments are permitted to remain only one year.






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