Excerpts from Instruction of


October 1948

Where mankind speaks of life, we speak of electronic energy. I Am a cosmic dispenser of life and therefore know the actual reality of that substance. Men consider life wasted, life boring, etc., because they have so little comprehension of the very nature of that glorious gift of life from God's own heart. 

From the Heart of the Universal First Cause, there are sent forth countless billions of little intelligent beings, all carrying gifts of health, illuminations, understanding, love and light. These beings are given into the heart of the I Am Presence of every unascended being and directed by that Presence into the heart of the human form. They are eagerly awaiting passage through the world of form qualified and directed to be a specific blessing to the race. The Presence blesses each one of these miniature beings and sends them forth to each human personality in a rhythmic pulsation, hoping that they will pass through the channel of the personal self to fulfill the Divine Plan of God. From the time they leave the aura of the Holy Christ Self, they are seized by the emotions, the thoughts and activities of the lower self and are catapulted into all sorts of destructive patterns and forms. Their little vials are broken and their gifts dispersed and they pass from the outer consciousness with little opportunity to fulfill their individual Divine destiny. 

The continual procession of these little beings goes on through every human being on the planet and if each one was a constant conductor of the electronic energy in its perfected state, soon the Kingdom of Heaven would be established on Earth. To be such an open door and to stop the crucifixion and imprisonment of elemental life in distorted form is to be blessed indeed. Where such an individual is found, the Father of life entrusts more and more of his tiny messengers (electrons) hoping in that way to balance the waste of the billions of electrons who have never reached their full perfection in the outer world because of the personality's discordant vibrations. 

Because of the present endeavors of the Master Saint Germain, I Am endeavoring to concentrate more of this electronic essence through the chelas. If they can put the personal ego aside and allow themselves to be such conductors of Freedom's Flame, we shall be so grateful.





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