By D. T. Marches

Let There Be Light

This was the command that went forth from the treat First Cause at the beginning of Creation, and now again this fiat is issued to our planet and her people by the great Cosmic Law, if we are to hold our place in the solar system to which we belong. 

Only a small minority of the mankind of earth is aware of the existence of our great friend and benefactor, Saint Kumara, let alone his tremendous personal sacrifice in coming to our planet and offering to supply from his own Cosmic Consciousness our deficit in Light which the Cosmic Law demands of any star or planet as a member of an evolutionary scheme. Our planet fell so far behind in its quota that she was condemned to dissolution by Cosmic Law. When the dread sentence was carried to our sister planets, Sanat Kumara, Supreme Lord of Venus, voluntarily appeared before the Karmic Lords and offered to generate enough Light from his own Cosmic Consciousness to make up our deficit until enough of our humanity had awakened to their Divine destiny and responsibility to the universal scheme. The Karmic Law accepted his offer of self-denial and love for our sakes, it being the law that he remain on the earth to represent its recalcitrant members, and here he has remained until the present day, a voluntary exile of love from his beautiful Star and her people. 

Both planets are due to undergo important initiations within the next twenty year period and the Karmic Lords have issued a fiat to the effect that a heedless and thankless people do not any longer warrant such a sacrifice on the part of this Great Being of Love. Therefore, the people of earth are faced with the unenviable position of finding themselves without a planetary home if enough light is not forthcoming to satisfy the Cosmic Law within the short period of years allotted to them, when Kumara returns to Venus. 

Awakening people now ask, "What is this Light and how may we generate it?" God and Love and Life are synonymous and Light is the radiation or emanation proceeding from this Central Core of Divine Intelligence which men call God. The spirit within man is one with God "Wow, are we the Sons of God." Therefore, it behooves every man to arise from the sleep of the senses and set about the cultivation of the Divine Nature which is his birthright. The human nature is a false premise; it is fundamentally self-centered, even in its highest expression. 

People say "Oh, I love God." John answered this assertion long ago when he said, " How can you love God whom you have not seen, when you do not love man whom you have seen?" The same words apply to all of us today. We must remember that where there is no love, there is no light. It is not required of us to love the personality we must raise our vision and see only the Christ within and in doing this we are enabled to overlook the shortcomings of the outer man. Love is the great Crucible. Let us raise our planet and each other through Love. 


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"I AM" the Flaming Essence of the Great God Presence ever blazing with full power within my heart. 

"I AM" The Flaming Essence of God's Love in God's name, which is the Liberating Flame of Life and by which my freedom comes. 

"I AM" The Light of God before which disease, sickness and death shall dissolve as shadows before the Light of the Divine Sun of my own being.






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