Masters of Wisdom Speak


When the chela finds the Master, whose aura corresponds with his own natural tone and keynote, he there takes up his abode. Then comes one of the most difficult periods for the neophyte because his own jangled and discordant personality may be very uncomfortable within the Presence of the Master whom he has chosen to emulate. Many cannot remain and put off their Day of Attainment by their own self-conscious choice, but those who do remain eventually find that the vibration of the Master channels their own energy and while they seem to be rather negative absorbers for a time, they then begin to consciously create through their own Presence, as the Master does, and they pass from the state of the neophyte to that of the adept. Here in the West, where the search for the Master is a mystic one, when the lifestream chooses the Master, he does not abide long enough within his vibration and hence we have not found the affinity which is requisite to embody his nature. I would therefore suggest that the contemplation of your Master become the backbone of your application for results of a permanent and lasting nature. 


You are working to set Life free, no matter what the form in which it is bound - Life, the Great Beautiful Pulsing Flame of God, that is alive within the heart, no matter how deeply encased in the bonds of flesh and matter.

If you would serve God and your fellowman, remember that your sole dealing is with Life, and look not for gratitude, nor love, nor cooperation from the masquerading garments that Life has drawn about its reality.

Salute the God life within every heart and bend every effort of mind and soul and will to the releasing and redemption of that God. Hear the mute appeal of Life encased in every breast and set it free. Work and toil in that Service, touching the wand of Freedom to the manifestations of Life wherever you meet them, and rest not until all Life is free.

While any manifestation of Life is cased round in imperfection or pain or distortion, there is part of yourself that is not free... any more than if any member of your body knows pain, is your body at perfect peace! 


The only REALITY without beginning and without end is the World of Cosmic Cause within which are points of consciousness known as Angels, Devas, Gods or men. Each point of consciousness interprets this great Universal world according to its particular abilities - writer, painter, artist, pianist, etc. The Master, or Enlightened One, has become ONE with the Great Universal I AM Presence and dwells completely in the World of the Real, projecting forth on the screen of maya a true representation of the Divine Image.

Unawakened mankind project forth, or externalize as their environment, their physical bodies and their varied experiences that which their consciousness believes to be true. 

Paul, The Venetian Master

(See his complete discovery in this issue.) 


Mankind is a slave to the artificial element which has been created as the measuring rod of growth, unfoldment and accomplishment and which was primarily established to be a guide to the intellect wherein it could measure the cooperative flow of nature's forces from season to season.

TIME has become the oppressor and the human body outpictures the disintegration and ultimate dissolution resulting from the belief in the subjection of the consciousness to this artificial mechanical measurement.

In the search for the development of the spiritual consciousness, however, the student must come to the realization that the entity of time must be reckoned with and dismissed from the consciousness as a limiting condition under which all development lies subjective, the eternal NOW must be contemplated and entertained as the ONLY quality of Being both with regard to spiritual illumination and with regard to financial freedom, health, eternal youth, etc. 


The individual soars to great heights when his attention is one-pointed on some constructive quality and he tunes in for a moment to the heights of happiness and bliss, but, through the power of free will, he can likewise tune in to any of the viciously qualified strata and suffers the reactions as they flow into his bodies.

Now, the Ascended Master Consciousness is CONSCIOUSLY SUSTAINED ATTENTION upon the constructive rates of vibration that never descend below Tolerance, Harmony, Peace, Faith, Love, Understanding and Desire for Service.

As these qualities are invited and as the individual HOLDS HIS CUP up above the seething flowing streams of human discord, he begins to experience a steady radiation of Light and Life and thus the Ascended Masters' Consciousness is attained and sustained by conscious endeavor.

You may go with you CUP (attention), where you will, you may fill it at whatever fount you choose you may drink of the muddy waters of mankind's swill or you may, through conscious effort, sip the nectar of the Gods.


All men choose consciously or unconsciously whatever state of consciousness within which they wish to live, but the awakened chela has the opportunity to tune into and dwell within the Ascended Jesus Christ Consciousness until it becomes as much a part of his nature as the human consciousness of the world which before his awakening affected his mannerisms, characteristics and reactions.

Having achieved the ultimate Glory of the Ascension through the sustained consciousness of GOOD, I refused to entertain evil, and that Consciousness which I AM can be a tremendous resurrecting power when drawn through your own consciousness, as a Great Flame enfolds the lesser and the two become ONE.

If the weight and pressure of the human consciousness finds your soul unable to aspire, the invocation of my Consciousness through your own can do much to disconnect the lifestream from the contemplation of imperfection and anchor it again into a sustained endeavor to live within the consciousness of GOOD alone, which is the mutual or shared consciousness of every Perfected Being, of Angels and of Solar Lords. 


After the personal self is shorn of all sense of importance and vanity; after it finds itself to be nothing, then the Spirit begins to raise the consciousness gently, but in a sustained manner, to greater and greater heights, from whence there is no returning to the snares of the senses. This is a voluntary, individual process in which no other lifestream can interfere. The soul loses all sense of personal responsibility and yet in losing that sense of personal responsibility for any particular part of life, it becomes aware of a universal responsibility for life everywhere. This freedom from the chains of serving the personal brings the Spirit to an understanding of the words of our Great Master "When I am lifted up so are all men," and the ascending consciousness climbing the Mount of Attainment becomes a quickening power of the entire consciousness of all peoples.

Whilst one still feels bound to any distinct and separate part of life he has not yet set foot upon the upper regions of the Holy Mount. When one stands naked, stripped of all individual attraction, and has replaced love of part for love of all, then the Great Cosmic Law, like the winged eagle, swoops downward and carries the individual consciousness on its broad back quickly to a point of union with Divinity.








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