By V. F. Angelday

Wise, indeed, and happy too, is the individual who puts his REAL SELF FIRST in his life. As your first thought on arising, greet that Inner Self with a loving smile and a deep feeling of intense gratitude for its willingness to stay with us another day, to sustain us by its Love, protect us by its Grace, guide and direct us by its Wisdom and supply us from its limitless abundance of every good thing. 

Do you like to be ignored? No, we love to be thought of, especially by those we really love. How long would you continue to give your very Life, Love, Understanding, Patience, Forgiveness, and Supply to one who had forgotten you completely, who never ever turned their attention in your direction? That is what this "monitor" in your heart has done for century after century for you, through many ages of time. 

Its constant daily endeavor has been to lead us in the paths of righteousness (the right use, or constructive use of life) that which will produce Health, Wealth, Beauty and Happiness. All that is of God is beautiful, think it through Love, Joy, Peace, Faith Confidence, Mercy, Opulence all are God created, God sustained and God expanded and all are beautiful, reproducing their kind. 

That "monitor", that "prompter" within, desires ONLY GOOD for you. Its sole purpose of existence is to take care of you. It knows just exactly what qualities will make you, personally, happy for, after all, YOU ARE ITSELF. IT HAS NEVER FORGOTTEN YOU, in all the thousands of bodies similar to the one in which you read these words, NEVER has that glorious life in your heart forgotten you! Is not that constancy a thing of beauty in itself. Do you know anyone else so devoted to you that their only interest in existence is to make YOU happy? 

Then do you think it is extremely foolish for you to longer deliberately push aside this Friend of Friends and persist in your own ways of thought and feeling, of limitation and distress, when right within your own physical heart is this TRUE FRIEND of Eternity of whom we have now become aware? At your slightest sincere call its Light and Love rushes to you if you will get still enough you can FEEL it and it brings you Peace. At your call, also, this can and will be sustained. "Ask, and ye SHALL RECEIVE". Angels of Thanksgiving surround you completely, now and all ways and keep you reminded of the Friend within your heart.







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