May 1953

 I greet you today, Beloved Friends of Light and Life, in the name of the One God whom we all serve, in that endeavor to establish upon this earth the Perfection which is held within his Consciousness, his Heart, awaiting externalization through each of you, and every other lifestream belonging to this evolution. 

It is my privilege and honor to represent the Mind of God, and in endeavoring to bring the Divine Ideas which form the stimulus for World Movements, I have earned the title of the "fiercest" of the Sons of Heaven. You know, as we sit in council with our Superior, the Maha Chohan, it is not the most pleasant feeling to be called the "fiercest" of the Chohans of the Rays, and I have endeavored in my correspondence, to incorporate the word "friendly" for, I assure you, that is the feeling within my Heart, I am a forthright person and my enthusiasm and desire for accomplishment is such that it must be tempered with the wisdom of patience. 

Early in the last century, when we applied to the Law for the opportunity to bring the understanding of the Masters to the consciousness of the Western World, I presented our Plan to the Maha Chohan, and in one of those beautiful Councils where he sits with us, he acquiesced but he said among other things, "I suggest you take with you the balance of the gentleness of Kuthumi and let him temper your enthusiasm and interpret your words to the average man so that you do not frighten them unnecessarily and do more harm in that enthusiasm than good." So, we came together and Kuthumi wrote most of my letters and rendered a service which drew us closer and closer in those bonds of Spiritual Oneness which you can appreciate are stronger far than ties of blood, because they endure century after century, not only in the renewed association of souls wearing new earth bodies, but with the Inner remembrance of past cooperative endeavor. In such service there is happiness that is akin to the feeling within the heart of the lifestream at the completion of the rounds of evolution when the Presence calls that Spirit home. 

Looking upon the work and service and hope in the heart of our gentle Brother, Saint Germain, in all the years that he had put into the preparation of the student body to become a vehicle for the Cosmic Light and the Cosmic Christ, I again applied for the opportunity to assist him in resuscitating the feeling and impetus of the Spiritual Fire which, rather than glowing freely, was but a smoldering ember and again I was given the acquiescence of our Beloved Maha Chohan if I could secure the cooperation, the interest, the faith and the belief of some members of the human race. 

At that time, I was privileged to choose several lifestreams and through a Dispensation write them. If they responded, we could continue our endeavors to assist the Beloved Saint Germain. A few responded, and from that small beginning has grown a correspondence that is staggering even to my Consciousness, for I have never been one who enjoyed the confinement within the transference of thought to the written page. Thus, a Cause was set up and, whether by Ascended Being or an unascended being, the effect must be met by such a one. You, Beloved Hearts. reached forth your hands in friendship and proved to the Cosmic Law that there were among the unascended lifestreams incarnate, those who choose Freedom's Way, who were willing to throw off the shackles of oppression, superstition and fear, and were willing to stand for right and justice, for which I thank you. You have each followed your Star. 

Oh, how cognizant I am of the endeavor, the sacrifice, the investment which each of you, through your own heart's love, put into your spiritual pilgrimage and, as every man receives according to that which he has invested, so shall the God of Light and Life reward you in the expansion of your understanding and your consciousness, for responding to the magnetic pull of the Maha Chohan's own Spiritual vibration. 

I, too, followed a Star once long ago to the feet of an infant. I can assure you it was not as glamorous or romantic or beautiful as is described today, and that the Three Kings of the Orient did not ride easily in great caravans of power and wealth. We joined them, true, for travelers in those days seldom crossed those vast expanses of waste land alone, but we were within garments of flesh. We had studied the Heavens for many years, each in his own country. We had no communication one with the other and each, when the constellations pointed to the certain Cosmic moment, felt the time of a Visitation was at hand, and each at some sacrifice, suffering and much ridicule from our countrymen, left the comparative safety of our homes, following a Star. There were nights when the clouds covered the heavens and the stars did not shine just as there are times in your progress upon the Spiritual Path when your star seems to be obliterated from the sky, and even in your feelings you wonder if there ever were such a "guiding Light." 

I can understand this because I went every step of that way, following a Star, and I can assure you with the confidence and faith, built into my own energies, that it was worth the investment of every electron drawn forth from the Heart of the Presence and used in motivating the body toward that humble stall in Bethlehem. 

Oh, my Beloved Friends who have embodied in the West today, have no concept yet of the power within that Heart Flame to guide you right. I came into this magnificent building this morning from the Heart of India, where I have walked a bit of the way with the pilgrims coming down over the mountain passes from Lhasa, and those from China and Malaya. I have walked across the burning sands of the deserts of India. I have seen men and women and small children without food, without sufficient clothing to fully protect them from the icy winds of those high mountain passes following the Light in their hearts, for there is no map giving the location of the Wesak Valley. There is only a magnetic pull that cannot be denied, and when the soul is evolved to a certain point and that spiritual pull from the great Lord Maitreya and the Brothers who prepare the Wesak Festival is set into motion, involuntarily the lifestreams prepared begin to move toward that place. 

When Mr. Leadbeater presented the description of the Wesak Festival before the West, through his beautiful book, "The Masters and the Path," the intellectual consciousness became aware of the Mystic Ceremony. Prior to this, however, there was no written record, although it has been performed on the night of the full moon in the month of May every year since the glorious Gautama Buddha achieved the Ascension, and everyone within this room, in the course of at least one embodiment, has been privileged to attend. Do you know, Beloved Ones, that some people have spent forty incarnations, every year endeavoring to reach the Valley where that Festival is held, and have not done so and yet have not gone home with bitterness or disappointment in their hearts? Do you know how many pilgrimages you have accomplished before you were privileged to achieve the impetus necessary to bring you into this activity? Oh, Blessed Hearts of the West, may you know that nothing is happenstance, all is governed by Law, and in our great work with the mankind evolving upon this planet, we do not so much work with the intellect as with those magnetic currents that draw to us those lifestreams ready for certain instruction which we alone can give. 

The blessed chelas in the West shy away from the questionable privilege of being placed under my tutelage, and they are happier far if they are assigned to my golden-haired Brother, Kuthumi, or to the beautiful delicate perfectionist, Paul, the Venetian. Serapis gives me some comfort. I don't think he knows how much comfort his positive Nature has given me! Hilarion, too, is a power because he deals with the agnostics, those who pass out believing that there is no God and no life after death. The Master Jesus is going to be a very great surprise to the Christian World, for he is a positive Being and wields the Fire Element with a majesty and a mastery in positive force that is worthy of Hercules. 

When we were arranging for the words of greeting this morning, I said to the Maha Chohan, "It is fitting that our Brother Saint Germain bring the comfort of his Presence and I, myself, would be more at peace in the happiness of the chelas, but the Maha Sahib felt that as I had started this new endeavor, it was right that I speak to you and that you feel my Presence with you. 

Oh, blessed be your hearts, my children. Blessed be your hope and blessed be the Star that has guided you, for it is not an external manifestation. It is an emanation from your own unfolding Spiritual Self which guided you on the Path of Righteousness, and may you each know as you proceed along life's way, that I am your Obedient Servant, because I live only to serve Life, to set it Free. I live to give you the Fullness of God's Design as you choose to accept it, and I assure you I shall endeavor to temper my enthusiasm with the Love of the Christ, that you may not know me only as the "fierce" but as the "friendly" Sponsor of your Heart's Love. I thank you. 

* Beloved Morya was one of the Wise Men who followed the Star to Bethlehem and worshipped the newly born Infant, Jesus.








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