Remember to Love God and all Life!

Please begin by acknowledging the life force that is constantly pouring through you, sustaining every part of your being. Now, make the call that it be allowed to pour through you unqualified and forever pure in every respect: 

“Beloved I AM Presence; I call upon your great wisdom to assist me and all humanity in guiding and directing our lives through the use of your magnificent energy, vibration and consciousness. I also call upon the Law of Forgiveness on behalf of each individual who has ever misused in any way, your great gifts to life. Assist each of us to receive the illumination and strength required to ascend above all levels of imperfection thus allowing us to forever express and eternally sustain the perfection of the Universal God Presence, I AM THAT I AM.”  

Beloved ones, this is the entire divine plan of  the Universe—to be allowed to be free in expanding the life which pours through you in wisdom, understanding and love! 

There are three things that the student on the pathway must quickly realize. First, of course, is love and respect for all life which naturally brings the second; tolerance for all life; and third, that we learn to accept perfection in all life no matter what may occur, whether it seems to be perfect or not.  

It seems that one of the most hindering forces existing in any chela’s world is accepting the energy we allow into our aura sent forth by other individuals; and after you are shown how to stop this activity, there is absolutely no reason to continue to do so. 

Take for example those times when you release imperfect energy. It is always subject to your direction and goes forth wherever you send it. If you do not protect yourselves, this energy can actually accumulate the similar energy of sometimes hundreds if not thousands or millions of lifestreams. Then when it does come back into your aura, it is automatically accepted into your world and absorbed into the four lower bodies of your being. 

You see, beloved ones, the only reason that the energy of another individual is allowed into your world is because the energy you release is similar and “as like attracts like”, it draws to itself and accumulates the energy of one or many other individuals. It is for this reason that it is important to make the calls for the wisdom of the  Universal Presence to prevail every time you release a thought or feeling, such as in the invocation given above. 

Once you are certain of your own protection, you can also make the call that any individual responsible for directing energy toward you, whether perfectly or imperfectly clothed, may they be illumined and that this energy be returned to him or her through the loving hands of your Presence. The only quality you really have the right to direct is pure, divine, unconditional love and the only way this may properly be done is through your Presence, to their Presence.

Additionally, the importance of having enough protection to keep everything in divine order within and around you is constantly stressed, because if you always protect yourself in an aura of Light, then any energy sent to you will be returned to its source charged only with the divine love of the Presence. 

You see it is not your concern what other people say or what they do. This is their concern and they will receive the impact of the energy sent forth if they are not cautious, for the more energy one releases charged with imperfection, the quicker it returns, charged with more imperfection. In many cases the energy returns to the individual before it even reaches its target. So remember to make the call that any energy released, whether you feel it or know about it, is sent back to its source through the loving hands of your Presence charged with divine love. This is truly one of the greatest ways in which to manifest a divine example of the way in which to live. 

No matter what happens in life, the only thing to do is to balance it with the blessings of our Mother/Father God’s Love. This was true in the beginning before this world was and it will always be true— remember beloved ones to love God and all life!  





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