Message From the President

My beloved co-servers,

We have almost completed the second year of the New Millennia and I’m sure that many of us including myself are wondering what in the world is going on? Our planet appears to be a very chaotic place. Many people are willing to kill and destroy in the name of God. The elemental kingdom is unquestionably reacting to this negativity, for the weather patterns throughout the world have run rampant this year, often creating difficult times for much of the life on this planet. Add the fact that for many of us our personal lives as we have known them are changing dramatically. No wonder we are sometimes confused! 

To counter this bewilderment it is more important than ever to create some balance in our lives. The question then becomes how do we do this? I believe that in spite of everything going on within and around us we must, I repeat must, maintain peace in our lives as we continue to understand, and reject or accept the changes, during this period of growth and  transformation currently taking place in us and in our earth’s evolution. 

For this reason, beloved ones, it is more important than ever to prepare yourselves by truly becoming one with our Mother/Father God. Transmute and purify yourselves. Protect your divinity and allow the Will of God to manifest at all levels of your expression. Clean out your closets. Get rid of the debris. Pack up what it is you still want to carry around with you on the next step of your spiritual journey. 

Most of all truly become a powerful peace giving presence. Work to create this first within yourself and then expand it out to share with all our sisters and brothers in the human family. Create a sacred and holy space in which the flames of purification, protection, wisdom and love may come together and heal our beloved planet Earth. 

Quite recently, those who chose to do so participated in or observed the many activities that marked the one year anniversary of the devastation and death of so many beautiful beings of Light. I woke up early on that beautiful Wednesday morning, a morning much like the early morning hours of September 11 of last year except that the winds of change were blowing. Dressed in white, I went into the Angel Room, turned on appropriate music, lit a candle, and listened, as the names of those who gave their lives at Ground Zero were read.  

The presence of the Angelic Kingdom was so tangible it quickly filled the room and poured out into the hallway. As I looked out the window, I saw the first tiny leaves of the coming season gently falling to the ground. It was as if the entire Elemental Kingdom was grieving over the tremendous loss our planet experienced but after awhile there was a very subtle change in their energy.  

With every name spoken, the giant trees around the building began to more easily and effortlessly release the pain of the past year and gently let it go. There was a moment when I connected with all the chelas on the planet when I truly saw and felt the complete Oneness of the Angelic, Elemental and Human Kingdoms. Not only will I be forever grateful to have been part of this inner ceremony, I thank God for the opportunity and know I will never forget this experience. I’m sure that most of you had your own special experiences and memories of that day and I truly believe that we are all moving forward into the next phase of God’s Great Divine Plan.  

Hopefully, the time is fast approaching when further enlightenment will be released concerning the events of September 11 2001. In the meantime we must hold fast to the divine order of all things and continue to offer our service to life on this planet at both the inner and outer level. As we affirmed during our service on September 8th  in the Angel Room.


May we all know peace! May we all rest in peace! May we all live in peace!

So be it, beloved I AM THAT I AM.

Your co-server in the Light of God

 that is Eternally Victorious,

Rebecca Ann Laycock





The Sacred Fire is qualified life energy! This energy that beats your heart is primal God Essence—unformed God Light. When it is qualified by you with healing, peace or any other constructive quality; it becomes the Sacred Fire emanating through your body, filling your aura, which can then be transferred at will to others in distress.”

                                                                         The Bulletin

                                                                   February 21, 1954


 “Self mastery comes when you, through your senses, cognize imperfection, and holding steady within your own God harmony and peace, draw forth the activities of the sacred fire through all appearance of discord until the quality of any and all energy is changed into a harmonious and happy state of being.”

                                                                         The Bulletin

                                                                         March 30, 1958