Curved Up Ribbon: Radiation of the Sun Temples
Fall 2002






October 24 through November 22

The radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period encompasses the quality of victorious accomplishment into every part of our beings, raising our spirits high to hold the concept of perfection for all times. As we receive this great momentum of power it helps us to sustain and express our highest ideals.


November 23 through December 22

The outpouring and radiation at this time brings us a great intensification of enthusiasm and the opportunity to greatly strengthen humanities work with the consecrated fire. We are filled with the passion and spirit of the sacred flames during this period of time. 

December 23 through January 20

During this period the radiation and outpouring which blazes into and through the beings of every person upon the Earth is one of pure, divine wisdom and illumination. This radiation brings to all spiritual discernment and perception though our intuitive faculties, helping us to use these gifts wisely and with discretion.




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