Opportunity! Liberty! Freedom!

You and all your sisters and brothers in the Human Family now have, and always have had, a wonderful opportunity waiting for your recognition and acceptance. Just by closing your eyes, thinking of, and asking for, you can receive a wonderful gift and a powerful blessing that especially as a chela you must also give to others—the divine quality and virtue of liberation!

By constantly letting go of the many fears you carry with you be they rational or not; by consciously releasing all doubt you have concerning your own gifts and abilities; by examining all thoughts, ideas and feelings of inadequacy and hopelessness you can truly set yourself free beloved ones. Then in their place shall spring forth the divine gift of freedom. Along with this wonderful blessing you shall receive the ability to see and experience the limitless opportunities and chances to remember that, indeed, you truly are one with the Universal Presence of God I AM. It is in the very remembrance and acceptance of this divine truth that the divine Light of our Mother-Father God’s Love can fully exist within you that any remaining fear and negativity will quickly fade and have no further affect upon you or those around you!

As you fully accept the gift of freedom you will also receive the gift of liberty, the opportunity to consciously and constantly continue to fulfill your divine plan. Freedom’s great blessing also allows you the chance to become part of the unified pure and open chalice of divine consciousness from which all humanity may drink, which in turn allows each and every part of life to receive the full outpouring of the limitless virtues and blessings from God.

For this reason the time is now, beloved ones, to let go of all your doubts, all your uncertainties and all apprehension concerning your future and the future of your planet. You must also release your need to control situations and individuals as you now consciously and freely rise upward to meet the dawn of the new day rapidly opening up before you! Above all, you must not allow yourself to be disturbed or distracted by the illusions of outward appearances for from the apparent chaos currently surrounding you and humanity as a whole shall manifest the divine gifts and blessings of freedom, liberation and opportunity!

What happened on September 11, 2001 was the work of lesser human consciousness and free will choice. However, in the divine order of all things, the One Universal Consciousness seized that moment and used it as a divine opportunity to anchor a new and wonderful cosmic dispensation deep within the physical body of the Earth which will be used to awaken, unite and renew the oneness of all life, not only with life on this planet but with the Divine. Out of this seeming madness has come one of the greatest opportunities to move forward as a planet in spirit, knowledge and compassion the Earth has known for some time. As always, throughout this process humanity shall retain the gift of free will choice. Will humanity move forward in the Light or continue to create karma which casts a long shadow upon our ability to evolve and which must ultimately be mitigated?

Unhindered now from all you no longer need, go forth beloved ones and seize the ever-expanding opportunities awaiting you just beyond the horizon. It is truly time to allow yourself to become who you really are. Be aware blessed ones, the recent events that have taken place on your planet do have a divine purpose! Hidden in their ashes the magnificent Phoenix patiently waits--waits for the perfect time to spring forth and arise. Prepare yourselves, beloved ones, for just as surely as the Phoenix rises so too shall you!






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