

Oh, make and keep me constant

Beloved I AM in me

So grateful for Thy Presence

Whose Light now sets all free

I feel Thy Cosmic Power

Thy Love to all impart

Expand now God’s Forgiveness

Into every relentless heart.



Beloved Presence of God I AM! With gratitude and love, from the innermost temple of our beings, the perfectly balanced threefold flame within our hearts, we greet you. As we are the luminous and all loving manifest flame, we accept the full power and authority of the beloved I AM Presence! And we offer and dedicate our energies in service to the Supreme Source of all life, now and forever!

In the name and authority of the One Universal Consciousness, we lovingly invite and invoke all great cosmic beings of Light to be at one with us now, as we consciously acknowledge the Crystalline Grail of Purified Consciousness. We enhance and expand the acceptance of the perfection of God’s Most Holy Will, freeing all humanity of the illusion that separates us from our own Divine perfection and our at-One-ment with the Supreme Source.

We lovingly fill our cups to overflowing and sustain these light rays until all are raised to the perfect Oneness we had in the beginning, before all was. We acknowledge and accept the shining presence of our true being and all Great Beings of Light, as we absorb and assimilate within our hearts and minds, the cosmic determination so we may always fulfill our divine plans with earnest joy and gratitude for the opportunity to serve all the people of Earth and in this love we are blessed, healed and ever enfolded in the rays of peace which continue for all eternity to bless us as we strive toward the ultimate Peace and Oneness of Life, Light and Love.

For I AM One with all Love, I AM One with all Light; I AM One with all Life! 

So be it, I AM that I AM!


Wherever I AM 

Wherever I AM, Universal Consciousness is present

Wherever I AM, infinite Peace presides

Wherever I AM, there is Divine Protection

Wherever I AM, humanity’s difficulties are eased


Wherever I AM, the Infinite Light is Present

Healing and raising, ever abiding

With sweet benedictions constantly enthralling

In rivulets of serenity and tranquility flowing


Wherever I AM, the Wings of Life

Breathe forth, in love, to all humanity

Wherever I AM, nature is compassionate

As into One Universal Consciousness all embark!







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