It is Time to See the Truth Fulfilled

And Made Perfect

January 1985

Welcome into the heart of the Great White Brotherhood, the light of countless perfected beings who live but to see the Earth return to the pristine vibration of the planetary Threefold Flame of Shamballa. Welcome into the love of Lord Maitreya, the master of masters, who aligns all efforts of the Great White Brotherhood with the divine will of the planetary logi. His luminous presence shall shine in the etheric realm over the Tetons this entire month to draw mankind's attention toward the Great White Brotherhood, their unseen protectors and guides, until a working cooperation through unity of consciousness is re-established.


The plan of God moves forward. In 1985, more of the higher realms are to be opened to the evolving God-Man. The Great White Brotherhood will offer the chelas opportunities in realizing higher aspects of the truth. All around you there is evidence of increased light in your realm. Paradoxically, in response to the confusion which ensues, the average man turns for security to the past truths that have been long accepted. Thus you see a return to so called fundamental beliefs of the various religions or cultures of the past age. But worry not, for this is expected by the Great White Brotherhood. It is temporary, for even as they retreat to the past truths, they invoke the culmination of that age, the fullness of which is contained in Maitreya, the Buddha and Cosmic Christ. He has been called forth and so he appears, first to those with spiritual vision, bringing them new hope and new vitality. But the pressure of light is such that this vision will now be revealed to more of humankind, as humanity is drawn in consciousness to the Tetons this month; drawn by their own prayers and faith, representing every religion and culture. Ascended sponsors have been well prepared to work with every one of these divergent types of man. And each will see their own version of the truth FULFILLED and MADE PERFECT. They will know on the inner that the past age is finished and it is time to progress into a new age. For assuredly, Lord Maitreya and the Great White Brotherhood embody all the hopes and desires of humankind already manifest in the fourth dimensional consciousness. It pulsates like crystal-violet light, almost bursting the borders of Heaven trying to find entrance into the Earth plane.


Through the years, we have attempted to bring our chelas into this reality. Now it is decreed that we begin with all humankind to reveal the finish of the past age and gradually, but very assuredly, draw the FORCE of the divine edict as you contemplate the Electronic Pattern this month, as you sojourn in consciousness with the Great White Brotherhood, the Karmic Board and your individual sponsors and as you learn of the plans unfolding on all the seven levels of consciousness associated with the development of humankind.


In this year, cosmic law has decreed that the Brotherhood will be allowed greater powers in assisting humankind's redemption in consciousness. This is reflection of the infinite grace of the Amida Buddha and the powers flowing through his great being into the Brotherhood, and thus to man. So as to enhance the reality in your understanding of the ONENESS of all life, I would like to refresh your understanding of the seven levels of consciousness in the development of the God-Man on Earth, so you may be more aligned with the plans of the Karmic Board and the Great White Brotherhood unfolding through this year. We desire the chelas' understanding and co-operation on every plane of developing consciousness. For we must fulfill the edict given to us: mankind is to be brought into the light of the New Age!


You realize that humanity has progressed through all the seven spheres or dimensions before entering embodiment, developing a God-Nature so that it could be embodied on Earth... fulfilling the divine plan. So it is also in the return of humankind to God, passing through the seven levels of developing consciousness, rebuilding a God-Nature in his return to I AM Consciousness. In his spiritual development, desiring to renounce the human ego, man passes first through the primary consciousness of pure intention or will. Here he is attempting to align his will with Universal Will, surrendering that premier Gift of God, free will, into God's Will. It is expressed as faith or 'inner direction' and will eventually lead man back to the voice of the Christ Self within, each one aligned with his own God Presence. This will be the nature of 'religion' in the New Age. Until then, it is expressed in outer terms and reveals itself as man aligning (sometimes blindly) with a cause. It can lead to fanaticism until it is controlled. But it must occur for it is man seeing the goal and attempting its pursuit. It is the start of the path home. The Great White Brotherhood will be very active in this sphere for here the masses yet struggle. Here the Power and grace of the Amida Buddha and the Violet Fire will be evermore active to set man free from the past.


The second sphere of developing man is the dimension of thinking, adding understanding to his faith. Here the mind is brought under control to eventually draw that plan from the universal mind. Much of this teaching proceeds in the retreats of the Golden Lodge under the direction of the World Teacher, in the formation of the new religion. The Brotherhood shall be active in this sphere including the councils held during the opening of our Royal Teton Retreat. More of the 'average man' will be included in this inner enlightenment, for the race must understand the simplicity of spiritual alchemy and all the gifts of the unfolding Seventh Ray.


So far, the spheres are the dimensions of the inner life of man. Now we enter the manifest form of the third dimensional plane of outer experience; a cause formulated into a plan with the addition of feeling. It is the conscious world of man manifesting through experience. It is the area of greatest schooling on Earth, the mastery of feelings. The Great White Brotherhood will be active in this sphere in every area of human endeavor along all the Seven Rays. This stage is as far as most men have yet proceeded in their return to God, but now mastery here will be more common because of the dawning of grace. With the greater force of Holy Spirit channeled through the Great White Brotherhood and their chelas, progress in the area of controlled feeling should be increasingly more evident. It must, for the Earth is mandated to soon graduate from the third dimensional consciousness. Here our chelas will fulfill their promise as spiritual leaders of the New Age, revealing to man his next level of 'being'.


Next is the fourth dimensional consciousness of love; love having conquered the will, the mind and the feelings. It is man becoming Christ-Man, form raised into divinity. Here we especially count on our chelas to guide humankind who are ready for this step, to be their worthy shepherds. This victory was proven available to man by the Master Jesus who cleared the way and allowed the third and fourth dimensions to merge through his own being. Now man must follow where the master has trod. For the master himself said it was intended for all. The Earth is destined to dwell in the fourth sphere having entered this higher realm through the Christ. The Great White Brotherhood is ever active on this plane of the Christ Self.


Onward from here are the fifth, sixth and seventh levels of consciousness, the unmanifest spiritual planes; the fire realm of Holy Spirit, the light of Buddhic Consciousness and all the Gifts of God awaiting those who enter the Kingdom through the Christus. These higher dimensions culminate in the Seventh Realms of the Amida Buddha, the heights of Buddhic Consciousness and the full harvest of Holy Spirit. These are the realms open to man by the Great Gautama in his journeys toward the Heart of God. They are also promised by the Master Jesus for those who find the Christ, as "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the minds of men, the Glory the Father has prepared for those who Love Him".


Feel how profound is the coming of the Amida Buddha; how grateful the entire Brotherhood is for his majestic presence. The way into these higher realms is made more available to the developing God-Man by the revelation of the Amida Buddha, with his forcefield unifying and synthesizing all the divergent aspects of spiritual teachings through the ages into the one truth of I AM Consciousness. There are endless archives of holy scriptures and teachings, from the original Vedas to the writings of this century, yet now the emphasis of the Spiritual Hierarchy is on the straight forward presentation of truth to the outer-mind of man. It is only now that the vibration of enough of the race is sufficient to receive it, accept it and constructively apply it. Coupling this with the divine gifts of the Seventh Ray now active on the inner life of man.


This month the light of Amida Buddha will radiate through the luminous presence of Lord Maitreya, for Maitreya bears the symbolic pitcher, containing all the gifts of the Aquarian Age to be dispensed when man can seal off the past age and move forward in the light. Lord Maitreya asked that the chelas attuning to this electronic pattern realize that their light and their love is an integral part of this Arc in the dawning sky, upon which he may now stand forth to the masses that call him. For you have become the Christ and have learned to love as the Father loves, as the Brotherhood loves, unconditionally and ceaselessly. From the age of the Christ-Man, can now come the age of Holy Spirit, Buddhic Consciousness and the light of the great I AM. And as you uphold the return of God-Man by blending your own light with that of the Brotherhood, Lord Maitreya shall blaze through each of you the substance of his fire bodies of supreme love.

Remaining ever in reverence for all life ... I AM

Dwjal Khul,

Hierarch of the Great Teton Retreat



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