AM I, the Christ in Action?

April 24, 2000

My beloved friends and co-servers,


The past two thousand year period has been one of teaching and sharing information so all students seeking spiritual wisdom would have the knowledge and the opportunity to learn the lessons of 'unconditional love'. A few months ago, as you crossed the threshold and entered the New Millennium, the energies of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom became firmly anchored on this planet. For this reason, freedom has now truly become the dominant quality on Earth and one which humankind as a whole must learn to master.


Along with beloved Saint Germain's gift of freedom will also come its many aspects such as: independence, flexibility, liberation, opportunity, deliverance, emancipation, redemption, release and salvation. As you can see, beloved ones, it is time to learn new ideas and try new things for there can no longer be any barriers between people, nations or religious beliefs, if this planet and all life upon it is to move into its rightful position in God's Great Divine Plan.


Well I know from my own experience from previous ages, humanity has always fought its battles hard! Most of our responses were based on hatred, anger and fear, as we sought to seek out and destroy those whom we thought were going to destroy us; perhaps because they appeared not to think as we did, dress as we did, speak the same language, look the same or worship God in the same way. This can no longer be the case in beloved Saint Germain's New Age of Spiritual Freedom! The time has come when battles such as these must be fought from another realm-the realm in which the greatest power of God resides-the realm of pure, unconditional divine love!


Remember how, during the recent New Year Conference, beloved Lady Nada shared the wisdom of the blessed Maha Chohan Paul on the first day of that sacred gathering: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. Love never fails. "[1 Corinthians 13:4-8]


This, beloved ones, is how the final battle will be won, when all humanity comes to recognize and understand the truth and reality of these sacred words and put them into practice in the physical world of form. There is no other way to accomplish this task! This is not to say that there will no longer be boundaries, for boundaries are extremely important for they create the framework within which one can more easily live, move and breathe because you then know the rules. It is then up to you whether you want to follow them. If you doubt my words, you have but to take a look at the former Soviet Union.


Even though I AM often thought of as an unyielding taskmaster, recently hoping you would come to realize the error of your ways, I have chosen to remain silent as my chelas went about their daily business and attempted to get along with one another.


I do not believe any of you sitting in this room truly understand the importance of the point at which you now stand as a group. No longer can you ignore the needs of others. No longer can you make fun of other people because they are different or you do not understand their reason for saying or doing something. No longer can you call yourself a good chela and then by your actions show those around you that you choose to ignore the divine principles you have been taught.


No longer can you remain silent as others act out their need for love. However, you must learn to master your responses. They must be loving, they must be kind and they must be compassionate. YOU MUST ALWAYS ASK YOURSELF: "AM I THE CHRIST IN ACTION?" as you go about your business of daily living constantly aware that there is no separation between your spiritual and material sides.


Before I draw my message to a close this morning, let us review the gifts you have received during this conference through the wisdom of many of my ascended brothers and sisters. Blessed Mary opened the conference talking about the spiritual community she was privileged to be a part of two thousand years ago, noting the similarities of then and now. Additionally, she did request that before the conference was over each of you must either vow to hold the Immaculate Concept for this Activity of Light and each other, or you must go forth in love and light to serve God in another capacity. She then went on to say, "whatever your decision, be assured that I will be with you each time you think of me".


The next day Lord Maitreya began with: "You are here to become Masters of Love!" reminding you of what is really taking place within this organization at this time, which he said was the result of human will and the gift of free will choice. It is also nothing more than a perfect example of human creation being brought to the fore to be purified, transmuted and released by those willing and able to do so. "Finally, to explain the shift in focus between the two properties of Shamballa he stated: "In the natural progression of the movement of energy through unified, dedicated, synchronized service, when the Threefold Flame was balanced, it became the Ascension Flame."


Saint Germain was quite clear when he asked: "What do you want your legacy to be beloved ones?" and "What do you want the legacy of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom to be?" He went on to remind you that "you, individually and collectively, stand at a fork in the road of your spiritual evolution... You may either take the very long and gently meandering road, with its many stops for rest and relaxation and many side trips along the way. Or you can take the much shorter, straighter route. And as always he told you once again to use, use and use the Violet Transmuting Flame!"


At sunrise on Easter morning, Micah said: "My words this morning will be short, they will be sweet and they will be simple"; and they were! He reminded you that "there is a very big difference between being human and being humane." To be human means little more than having human form. However, to be humane means you have chosen to rise to a higher level of consciousness. He closed his message with "I came to Earth a long time ago to show humanity the way, the truth and the life. Now, I have come again but this time, you are the way, beloved ones."


Later, my beloved brother Kuthumi, with his quick wit and loving humor, followed, by saying:" There is a very big difference between receiving knowledge just to have the information, and putting into practice what you have learned. Once you receive our knowledge you must, I repeat, must do something with it and he was quite specific what you should not do with it!" He also announced that The Shamballa Letters would resume, which made many of you very happy. Throughout this conference you have each been given many things to think about and perhaps faced a few situations you have not experienced before. Thoughts and feelings within you may have, at times, run rampant and perhaps it has been very apparent to others that you were less than happy or even angry at someone within your sphere of influence.


During this past week you have, individually and collectively as a group, had the wonderful opportunity to look at things within yourselves and this Activity of Light which previously you thought had been mastered but now here they were, raising their ugly heads again, waiting for you let them to take control of your life, daring you to put them back where they belong. I must say, as your loving friend and mentor, you have done well, each and every one of you!


I know you are aware that each and every conference is special but do your really know the reason why? Even though our messages are universal, first and foremost they are tailored to the chelas who attend the conference. The loss or gain of even one chela can and does change the message.


We, all of us, are so proud of you beloved ones. Almost without exception, you have passed the many initiations presented showing how well you are moving through your paths, individually and as a group. Well done my good and faithful chelas! You live to fight another battle and may you do it with courage, strength and above all love.

El Morya





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