Message of the President


My beloved sisters and brothers,

May you and yours already be having a joyous and happy New Year! This year as we also celebrate the New Millennium, I believe we must set aside some time to ask ourselves what exactly it is that will make us joyous and happy. When I asked this question of myself the answer came very quickly and easily. It is to see our beloved Shamballa and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom expand, grow and flourish as we truly become a powerful force of good on this planet helping all people on Earth to understand that the Presence of God abides in all life!

For this to take place, all of us each and every chela of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, must assist in this process of unfoldment and expansion. A wonderful way to participate in this service is to submit a personal petition to the Karmic Board. By offering our energies to a specific planetary need, we not only serve life but also assist in our own personal spiritual growth and development as well.

In preparation for the 45th Anniversary of The Bridge this past September, I had the wonderful opportunity to pull my previous petitions to the Karmic Board. Among them, one from 1994 stood out. Not only was it a re-consecration of my energies, it was also an offering of gratitude to several of the Ascended Masters who have so often assisted me on my spiritual journey. This quarter, as we enter a new era, I would like to share portions of this petition with you.

"To the members of The Great White Brotherhood, especially beloved El Morya, Serapis Bey, and Saint Germain:

"I have come to the point in my life where I feel it is time to reverently come before the altar of the Most High Living God to fully accept and take responsibility for my part in God's Great Divine Plan, especially in my service to this Activity of Light. I ask that you now show me what it is I need to know and give me the strength, courage and love necessary to fulfill the tasks I vowed to complete so very long ago.

"Beloved El Morya, I will always remember your comforting protecting Presence in my life. When I did not even know your name, you always made me feel so safe and good. Help me always to understand the truth of divine government and perfect leadership. With the assistance of our beloved brother, Kuthumi, may I also be shown how to perfectly outpicture his gift of gentleness to temper my authority.  

"To you, mighty Serapis Bey, there are no words for the part you play and continue to play in my life. Thank you for the many initiations you have been instrumental in creating in my life. I pray constantly that I will always be able to live up to your high standards. As one of the many Guardians of the Ascension Focus, may I keep this sacred space pure and clean of all not of the Light. May its mighty doors be kept forever open to all true chelas of the Ascended Masters, offering in your name, welcome, hospitality and friendship. May all who cross the threshold truly be able to say I AM home!

"Dear Saint Germain, beloved friend of freedom, for your attention and radiation in my life over so many lifetimes, I AM so very grateful! Your love and mastery of the Violet Fire has given much to me over the years. May I forever be an example of your teachings and friendship in all situations and at all times. During those times when I fall short of what it is I AM to do, with your assistance, may I allow myself the time necessary to learn and grow from each and every experience. You have and will continue to be one of the greatest influences in my life. I thank you for your love and patience. May I constantly strive to bring freedom and perfection to this world, never forgetting the oneness of all and my service to Earth.

"I now offer myself totally and completely to this sacred work. There is no power in the universe that can keep me from fulfilling my divine destiny, except myself. I relinquish myself and human will to that of the Divine of our Father-Mother God. May I always have the love, wisdom and power, perfectly balanced in all its aspects, to outpicture your great peace, harmony and brotherhood. In loving gratitude I AM one of your many co-servers."  

If you happen to identify with these words or resonate with their energy, please feel free to use it during next series of Petition Classes. Dear chelas, it is time. As we enter a new and glorious year¾a new and glorious era¾on behalf of our beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain and the New Golden Age, stand and be counted as one of his many "Friends of Freedom"!  

Rebecca Ann Laycock
