December 31, 2018

Beloved of my Heart,

It is to you, each one that I speak on this sacred and holy night, the eve of the incoming new year of 2019. As we continue to stand firmly together on the threshold of the New Golden Age—my Era of Freedom—I wish to take a few moments and remind you of some of the activities, works and accomplishments that have taken place since its inception.

How well I remember my coronation in the spring of 1954 as a new ray struck the Earth and the Cosmic Wheel ever so gently turned, beginning its next 2000 year revolution. As the Crown of Authority was placed upon my head, I immediately received the love, wisdom and power of every great Being of Light who had preceded me. At that very moment the overwhelming gratitude and humility that filled my being was unlike anything I had ever known. Since that time I daily dedicate my life—mind, body, being and soul—to the people of Earth and constantly share the qualities and blessings of the Seventh Ray, especially God’s Sacred Violet Fire!

This Divine Gift has been used diligently by individuals like yourselves who resonate to my energy and respond to my call to support all manner of planetary activities such as the rebuilding of countries and their adjustment to a contemporary world after some of the most intense conflicts this world has ever known; the dissolution of certain governments, the uniting of many and the creation of new ones as the earth continues to rapidly change and evolve. Throughout this process there have been many attempts to bring planetary peace to a world which perhaps is not quite ready to receive it, shown by the many difficulties and challenging conflicts that have ensued over the years at all levels. Again, the gifts and blessings of the Violet Fire were called forth and continue to be called forth to assist in this transformation and make the necessary changes as effortless as possible.

Since the beginning of this era there have also been new and extraordinary inventions and gifts brought forth for the benefit of humanity in all areas of life but there are far too many to acknowledge each one tonight. Along with these limitless blessings, there has been a vast expansion of religion and the creation of many spiritual Activities of Light, both great and small, brought forth and working unceasingly, each doing their best to serve the needs of Earth’s people.

All of these things and so many more have truly been a godsend but I believe the gift that has blessed me the most are the generations of both old and new souls that I have been privileged to welcome into this exciting time since becoming Chohan of the Seventh Ray. Among them are the so-called baby boomers, millennials and most recently their children, an entire generation who will be born wholly within the 21st Century. Oh, the things that have been accomplished thus far and that will be accomplish in the future! I bless you each and every one for your service!

I could go on and on but I do not wish to be too verbose on this very special night as there is an important matter I would like to address. What a magnificent world this will be beloved ones when our united focus of attention—yours, mine, the other great Beings of Light and all humanity—can remain on high and serve as ONE body. And together we live, move, breathe and have our beings fully enfolded in God’s Mighty Sacred Violet Fire.

It is for this reason that my beloved brother El Morya and I, in consultation with several other powerful Beings, have taken the unprecedented step to not offer a new thoughtform and theme for the incoming new year. Instead you will continue using the magnificent thoughtform and theme for this year. As so many dedicated chelas around the world have applied these sacred words on a daily basis, all manner of things have changed, evolved and been transformed within and around this world. It is now my charge to you beloved ones, continue to blaze the Violet Fire of Freedom’s Love in, through and around yourselves and this blessed planet. Do not focus on the negative. Instead this incoming year observe the many wonderful changes taking place as the Permanent Golden Age continues to manifest. Then at the end of the year, the Earth’s progress will be assessed and we will determine if a new thoughtform and theme is required at that time or not.

To further assist in the strengthening of this sacred activity I ask that you breathe deeply, join your heartflames with mine and once again receive the magnificent Thoughtform, this time for the year 2019, into your mind and anchor it deep within your heart. Feel it intensify and expand as you visualize this glorious image of Light:  ONE with the Universal Divine Presence I AM we now fully activate our inherent essence to have reverence for all life and call upon our sisters and brothers in the human family to release any illusions of limitation, forgive one another and embrace your differences, further manifesting perfection throughout our beloved planet Earth.

Now it is time for your heartfelt response to those awe-inspiring words beloved ones, the beautiful Theme also for the year 2019: *I AM a powerful force of Divine Love and Light moving across this planet, bringing the full gathered cosmic momentum of God’s Sacred Violet Fire to all life. (3X) . . . . Right here, right now, and forever sustained!

Thank you blessed ones for your continued service and great gift to the people of Earth. Know to the very center of your being that I AM always with you—especially this year—every time you lovingly share these sacred words with all life on earth on behalf of our Mother-Father God.

For your continued service I now offer to you a magnificent royal purple Robe of Freedom, with beautiful bands of color made of the all-encompassing love and blessings from several Beings of Light who also serve on the Seventh Ray: my beloved Lady Portia. . . .Lady Kwan Yin. . . .Archangel Zadkiel.  . . . .Holy Amethyst. . . .Elohim Arcturus. . . . . Lady Diana . . . . . Lady Mercedes . . . . and the great Lord Saithrhu, my longtime teacher who has now chosen to personally instruct you as well. All you need do is ask. . . . .

Beloved ones in this new age of ceremonial invocation, transmutation, forgiveness and freedom it is time to consciously draw your sacred cloak tightly about you. 

Go Forth!



Sustain the many gifts and blessings of the Seventh Ray as you continue to serve and interact with all life each and every day!

Wear my mystic mantle proudly as you continue always to provide this sacred and holy service. With your assistance the blessed planet Earth shall continue to be transformed into Freedom’s Holy Star. . . .  So be it!


                                                                               I AM your Friend and Brother,

                                                                               Saint Germain 





  Thoughtform 2019


ONE with the Universal Divine Presence I AM we now fully activate our inherent essence to have reverence for all life and call upon our sisters and brothers in the human family to release any illusions of limitation, forgive one another and embrace your differences, further manifesting perfection throughout our beloved planet Earth.



Theme 2019


*I AM a powerful force of Divine Love and Light moving across this planet, bringing the full gathered cosmic momentum of God’s Sacred Violet Fire to all life. (3X) . . . . Right here, right now, and forever sustained!