The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME 19, Number 22                                                                                                                 May 30, 1997


Beloved chelas, 

This week let us turn our attention just a little bit and consider an example of one of the 'sins of omission' with regards to one of my previous letters dated May 16, 1997 concerning your relationships with others. What about those times you chose not to get involved when you observed inappropriate words being used or actions taking place between two people? The fact is I am sure some of you may have thought that what you were witnessing would simply go away if you ignored it long enough. 

If you can recall an incident in your life when this took place you may be thinking: "Well I did not harm anyone. I just listened, remained silent and kept my peace". Do you not realize that your silence was a silent response of agreement with the actions or words of another person, no matter how inappropriate the behavior was? You allowed and accepted this negativity and in a way became a part of the situation. Beloved ones do not allow things like this to happen, and this is but one example of the many sins of omission that are often committed but tend to be overlooked. When someone speaks unkindly to or about another person there are many courses of action you may take. 

Breaking your silence may be as simple as a gentle touch upon the shoulder or a quiet verbal reminder to the person speaking, that perhaps, they need to calm down and think further before they continue stating their thoughts. I know this type of intervention takes great deal of courage on your part beloved ones but please do not be afraid to disagree others, especially your friends and family members. At the least make an effort to change the subject or re-focus the attention of all concerned. Then if the choice is made to ignore your assistance and the conversation continues, by all means, remove yourself from the group immediately. This should be done quietly and gently but firmly refuse to participate further in this type of conversation, now and in the future. 

I do fully understand that this may be impossible to attempt especially with individuals you do not know for if you try to do anything outwardly they may turn their attention to you and the last thing we want is any harm to come to you beloved ones. In a case such as this you must keep your distance and stay out of harm's way, sending the sacred violet fire or any of the other sacred flames you believe are needed into the situation. 

To my chelas who continue to add to the discord of any situation, heavy is my heart. You above all have the ability to turn around the hurt, fear, anger and loneliness. You must look into your heart and find forgiveness and point this out to those who are struggling with these issues. You must choose to take the high road and not add to the problem. Beloved ones, do you not remember the words of our beloved Jesus, during the Sermon on the Mount, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy" and "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God”? 

And to those of you, who are the objects of this type of behavior, hold open the doors of mercy, compassion and forgiveness for your brothers and sisters for they know not what they do or choose to ignore their actions and words for some reason. Though your feelings may be hurt you must center yourself deep within your Holy Christ Flame, forgive and release all emotions that are not of the highest good into the Violet Flame and allow the angels of the Healing Flame to bring freedom, peace and comfort to all concerned. Remember; "Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the Earth" and "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God"! With these beautiful words of wisdom now firmly anchored deep within your heart I shall close my letter to you today. Until next week, know without a doubt that you are loved! 

Master Hilarion, Chohan of the Fifth Ray