The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 19, Number 20                                                                                                    May 16, 1997


My beloved brothers and sisters, 

For the next several weeks I wish to speak to you of healing especially by your words and actions, or lack of them. Many times I have silently watched as you created situations of grief and pain for other members of the Family of Man. This was often due to your refusal and inability to allow the Violet Fire to embrace your attitude and conduct between yourself and others and exemplify the teachings of this Activity of Light. You frequently took time to read our words, or sit in class decreeing loudly, listening to all the meditations, visualizations and discourses that were offered, this year especially from me and my beloved Fifth Ray brothers and sisters. Then feeling so much better, and perhaps even providing a great service to life, you put your book aside or exited the sanctuary and moments later you began to leave a trail of wounded feelings and emotions behind you. 

Ah, I can hear your immediate and loud response, "Hilarion, how can you say this to us? We have listened to your words, wielded the sacred fires, asked for and given forgiveness; what more is there left for us to do?" In theory you have done well beloved ones, but your ability to apply divine truth in your everyday life falls short, as you choose to continue to mistreat others due to some discomfort or perceived misunderstanding you may not even remember, that up to this moment, you are unwilling or unable to forgive and forget. 

You may also ask, "When, when beloved Master did we conduct ourselves in such a manner?" I shall tell you, but you must listen with your hearts as well as your mind and ears to hear the truth of my words. When you walked by a fellow human being and did not acknowledge their needs, even when you felt them reaching out to you. When you grudgingly greeted someone with less than joy and kindness emanating from your being. When you pretended not to see someone and went on your merry way, or even worse yet, spoke to the person who stood next to them instead. Perhaps you might have quickly glanced over at them but you did it with not even a nod or a smile of recognition in your eyes, no less in your heart. 

Beloved Jesus has told us over and over again in so many ways, above all else, we must love one another but the examples I present in this letter do not exemplify his request in any way whatsoever. It is time to ask yourselves why this happens so often in human relationships. Is it that you haven't learned yet how to unconditionally love yourself and others? Perhaps it may be that you believe you carry no responsibility to do anything with the knowledge you receive on a daily basis from the higher realms of light, other than receive it. 

Could it be that you simply do not want to exert the effort and try not to believe, that by your actions, you are hurting others? You may want to believe that things like this do not take place between students of the Light and you especially would never participate in that, but I assure you, there have been times when each and every one of you who receive my words have, consciously or unconsciously, acted in such a manner. 

With attitudes such as this how can peace prevail on Earth? How can unity and brotherhood manifest among you? During the next seven days I would like you to pay particular attention to your interactions, or lack of them, with others. Examine your memories for times when you allowed yourself to enter into activities such as these. Step back and look from outside yourself in every situation in your life. Be an objective observer and quite quickly I believe you will find ways in which you can become a more perfect Disciple of Holy Spirit. Until next week, as you walk this path, may you be enfolded in my love and truth. 

Master Hilarion








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