The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 19, Number 18                                                                                                             May 2, 1997


My dear chelas and co-servers, 

Last month my beloved chose to speak to you of change and its importance in your life. She explained how change often manifests in most seekers of God's Truth. It was Lady Miriam's hope that you would each take a few moments to be still and see these changes, not only in yourselves, but in the others with whom you serve the Light of God that is eternally victorious. At this time I would like to add, the beauty of your spiritual unfoldment is truly a miracle to behold and I bow before your dedication and perseverance as your light steadily continues to increase! Your desire to serve life reminds me of a time not so very long ago. In fact there may be a few of you who remember well my words then. 

Almost a quarter of a century ago I spoke of the magnificence of an activity taking place:

"We are engaged, the other ascended masters and myself in the building of a bridge - a bridge which will endure until every man and woman and child that belongs to this evolution has passed from the realm of imperfection and limitation over it into God's Freedom. Into and under that Bridge we are building a foundation made of strong and valiant hand-picked, hand-chosen lifestreams who can bear the weight and strength of the energies of the masses, when they too begin to cross from shadow into sunshine; from darkness into light, from limitation into freedom, from disease into health and perfection." 

"When first mankind came out from the Heart of God, a Bridge of Light was sustained, made up of the wide sweep of each one's own Silver Cord, and everyone was in full conscious communion with their God Self over the Bridge walked the masters and the angels! Over the Bridge walked the teachers, the gurus, the guides and the guardians of the race! " 

I then went on to say:

"As the ages passed, that Bridge disintegrated as each individual lifestream withdrew his attention and withdrew the separate span of his own life energy from the overall width and strength, until that Bridge became thin as a spider's web, maintained and sustained by the very few saints and sages of every age... 

We can tarry no longer in the personal self we go forth to build a world in which perfection shall be the lot of every man! The spiritual sound of the fire of my heart inspires those of you who wish to ride with me in this service... 

There is blood and sweat and tears in the service of those who choose to respond to the 'Ho!' of the spiritual caravan! For those who choose to wait, there will be a beautiful white span made up of the electronic light of those lifestreams who have lived and died in service. It will be soft to your feet. It will be safe. . . " 

Beloved ones, this bridge must be rebuilt now! It must be strong enough! It must be wide enough to stand the test of time as we move from this age into the new and permanent golden age of spiritual freedom! You chose a path that perhaps is not an easy one but you are making it easier for those who follow, as the Earth and all her evolutions steadily progress forward into ever higher realms of light. I love, bless and thank you dear chelas for your continued efforts on behalf of all life on your planet. 

Your friend and teacher of the ages, El Morya








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