The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 19, Number 10                                                                                                    March 7, 1997


My beloved  chelas, 

This month, while the Resurrection Flame wields its magnificent power throughout the planet, I find it extremely appropriate to work with this momentum for the purifying, blessing and raising of our beloved Shamballa. To this end we shall use this sacred flame especially while the full attention of the entire Body of Light is focused upon the Heartcenter each Wednesday at noon. At that time, please visualize my crystalline, diamond heart as the focal point in which to direct your energies. I and other members of the Spiritual Hierarchy will then take this unified gift of great love and light to further transmute, purify, resurrect and raise the energies at Shamballa, preparing this great Focus of Light for the influx of people who, as many of you already know, will come according to a recent message from the great Archangel of Restoration. You may recall that this information was shared with the students who attended the New Year Conference dedicated to and honoring the powerful blending of the energy of both the outgoing and incoming new years. 

My beloved co-servers, during the ongoing process of restoration balance plays an extremely important role. The flames of love, wisdom and power must become and remain perfectly balanced so the Ascension Flame can assist the sacred City of Shamballa to fully manifest and then remain on the physical plane of Earth. Each and every chela must also use this same flame to raise their own vibratory level to the point where they too are able to consciously and physically cross the threshold and enter this sacred space between Heaven and Earth. We have come to the point in the evolution of this planet where all the sacred foci of great light are already visible to the physical sight of a few individuals. With our continued unified service to Earth it will not be long before this is possible for all people everywhere! 

The day will come, in the not too distant future, when it will be commonplace for people to easily come and go, to give and to receive, whatever is needed at the many temples most of you currently enter only during times of sleep and deep meditation. 

After receiving my words today, beloved co-servers, take a few moments to close your eyes and quietly contemplate what this will be like. As you raise your consciousness, quickly find yourself high in the atmosphere that surrounds and enfolds the blessed Earth. Looking down toward the surface see limitless numbers of sacred temples, schools of greater wisdom and even entire cities of living light pulsating, sending rainbow rays of light to the farthest corners of the world. This tremendous light that is constantly sent forth not only offers its many gifts and blessings, but also serves as a beacon to show the way for all who desire or need to enter these magnificent ancient and holy places that surround this blessed planet. 

It is within these temples where many people will come to find the faith and strength to continue their spiritual quest; obtain greater wisdom and illumine their souls; experience divine love unlike anything they have ever known on this plane of existence; forgive themselves and others to dissolve the burdens they have carried for so long; heal their lower vehicles, truly becoming perhaps for the first time in their lives, peaceful and serene. In this unifying of their energies all people everywhere will then more easily be able to share their gifts with others, serving life as the teachers, healers and leaders of the New Age. This, beloved ones, is the manifestation of Saint Germain's Permanent Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom and the Activity I AM currently pouring all my energies into. Now that you have glimpsed the vision I carry deep within my heart, won't you join me on this journey? During the next thirty day period, enfolded in the Resurrection Flame, enter the silence of your heart often. Then, through your love of all life and desire to serve expand my vision, developing it into your own, to carry just as I do, as we prepare to enter the new millennium. 

I love, bless and thank you for your every effort in this endeavor, beloved chelas of light, and before closing this letter, may I be among the first to wish you a joyous and happy Feast of the Resurrection. 

Always your co-server in the light, I AM El Morya







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